Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Tuesday, July 21, 2020 - My Gratitudes

 Thanks to Covid 19 I won't get to see Wonder Woman 1984 on my birthday.  But for every door that closes a window is opened.  And so it was.   That window came in the guise of an unexpected treat.  So without hesitation I gave myself an early birthday present and  reserved my free ticket to watch the inspiring documentary Dreamers. #dreamermovie   Granted, I'm not the documentary watching type.  But I was intrigued; and too, one of my favorite real life Wonder Women, Lisa Nichols,  was in it.  So I stayed up past my bedtime and watched.  From the beginning all the way to the end my eyes were filled with tears.  The collection of stories of real life true blue super heroes touched my heart, my soul and my spirit all at once.   I was overwhelmed by such intense gratitude that all I could do was cry. It was truly beautiful.

Your Mess Is Your Message

Yea, that's what they said.  They said it and that is what they said when they said it!  *LOL*  Your Mess is Your Message.  Well I looked at my personal mess and thought ... seriously?!  Then something clicked.  This was a message I was given over 30 years ago.  A message that prompted me to start writing The ZEN of Duct Tape - an Empress is Born.  A book I'm still in the process of putting together by the way. 

I've always been aware that fear has played a major role in my present life.  I use it as a crutch.  Real talk!  I discovered early on -- if I have fear I have an endless supply of excuses.   Brutal honesty.  Fortunately, spirit sees through my crap and keeps pushing, shoving and pulling me along.

The other talking points of the documentary are as follows (not in the order they were presented)

Prove Them Wrong. Be Limitless.  Find Your Super power.  Never, ever, ever, EVER give up!

These were the other four talking points.  Prove them wrong.  Action is required--is a downright necessity--to prove them wrong!  Being limitless takes not only strength of will, but an incredible amount of courage. Finding your super power -- mine is a my smart mouth, quick wit and the ability to see the bright light in every situation.  Not to mention I know at least a 1000 ways to use duct tape!  I have dubbed myself the Duct Tape Diva Avenger!  Just let your imagination sit with that one for a few moments.

The messages from each of the Super Heroes in the Dreamers documentary had their setbacks, their various challenges and their own fears.  The only thing that set them apart from the rest of us--they didn't use their fears as a crutch or a vat of endless excuses.  They lived, and live,  in the Never, ever, ever, EVER give up mindset!

I am truly grateful for this documentary.  I am exceedingly grateful for all the real life Super Heroes that made this film!

I am grateful for Spirit for leading me to this documentary.  I am grateful for the reminders this documentary provided.

I am grateful for the Super Heroes all over the world that continue on in spite (and despite) their own fears

I am grateful for this venue to share with YOU!

I am Grateful for YOU!

Embrace ALL that you ... 
for YOU are ALL that there is!

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