Showing posts with label Resolutions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Resolutions. Show all posts

Friday, January 1, 2016

Resolutions for 2016

Okay folks it's a new day in a new year and yours truly has broken her own rules in making resolutions and decided to actually make a few this year.   Blame it on lack of sleep, but I thought that maybe--just maybe--I could do it. So with that said I, the Empress of the known & unknown Universes™ (self-proclaimed!) hereby resolves the following...

I resolve not to refer, infer, state, imply or look at anyone as if they were an idiot. Unless they are being idiots, then I'm obligated to call them out on it.  Due to legalities of said resolutions I am prompted to declare a disclaimer: I got a new Thesaurus for Christmas. And no, that's not one of the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park! 

I resolve to stop asking people one particular question, and that question being how stupid can you be? After years of careful observation, I've come to the conclusion that asking such a question would prompt some into thinking it was a challenge.  This in turn would have me breaking my first resolution and we can't have that.  Now can we?  

I resolve not to get involved with any type of political discussion.    I'm honest enough to know that people (for the most part) make it way too easy to point out how truly stupid they are--and I am hellbent on keeping my resolutions.  

I resolve to ignore all videos that pop up on my news feed on Face Book showing someone being "heroic" while never explaining why the person filming the act never bothering to put away the camera and help the person in need their damn self.  I mean I get that the majority of people on this planet are dumber than a sack of hammers and believe that all that they see on the internet is genuine and legit...but come ON! You see someone freezing half to death--you give them something warm to wear, you get them a hot beverage, you take them somewhere where it's warm!!!! You see someone drowning you either call 9-1-1 or jump in there and save them; if  you see someone getting the ever living shit beat of put down the G-damn camera and call 9-1-1! Of if you can, you get in there and beat the rat bastards off that poor slob getting the snot knocked out of'em!  Seriously people!  WTF? 


I resolve to not judge people on an everyday basis.  I know me and knowing me like I do, I know I'll do it at least once a week.  But I figure not doing it every single day should suffice.  Even  even though the majority of people deserve being judged for being so unbelievably stupid and really need me to shove my foot so far up their asses they would be coughing shoe leather for the rest of the year, I have concluded that my judging them as to how unimaginably stuck on stupid they are is not for me to say but is between them and the deity of their choosing.  

I was going to resolve to take better care of myself, eating healthier, exercising more, cut back on smoking, add another day of meditating and just being.  But the fact is, all this healthy living would just lead to a longer time in this hell hole filled with the dumbest beings this side of the Milky Way.  And the way I see it...I'm going to be dead from a stroke within six months anyways holding in how I REALLY feel.  So screw the healthy life-style freeze dried bullshit and pass me the donuts and coffee!

So there you have it folks!  My resolutions for 2016!


About Julia K. Cole

What can you expect from someone who considers Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality a personal calling? Straight forward answers that lead to life-changing experiences on a soul level!

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way. 

As a writer, Julia is a virtual powerhouse of creativity.  Among Julia's literary accomplishments is  the  Children of the Luminaries  trilogy;  Book One: The Coming Storm can be purchased by clicking Here.   

Book Two  of the trilogy is due out in the Fall of 2015 and Book Three will be available in 2016.  The long anticipated ZEN of Duct Tape:  An Empress Is Born will be out in 2016.  As well as The Teddy Mitchell Chronicles.

Julia has also contributed to several other publications including Brad Steiger's  Real Zombies, The Living Dead, and Creatures of the Apocalypse  and Marie D. Jones' 
Destiny vs. Choice 

    PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

    Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited Unless otherwise specified, ALL articles on this Blogger are the property of Julia K. Cole.  The ZEN of Duct Tape™, it's name, teachings, modalities, and all excerpts; the nicknames The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape™,  The Duct Tape Diva™; Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality™, Reality back into Spirituality are the property and trade marks of Julia K. Cole and are protected under Copy Right Laws both here in the USA and Around The World. 

    Thursday, January 2, 2014

    "Something to Add To Your New Year" A Gift From Bob Proctor

    I’m so happy and grateful now that … each day is filled with inspiration, joy and new opportunities. I’ve met and exceeded my 2014 goals with calmness, purpose and commitment.

    Be sure to visit the Proctor and Gallagher Institute at

    Tuesday, December 31, 2013

    Adding To Our New Year

    Studies have proven that we rarely keep our New Year’s resolutions.   I believe the reason for this is due to feelings of being deprived.  And when we feel deprived, we tend to get a bit rebellious!  I know I do.   

    For me and many others like myself,  it’s not like we don’t have the will power, we just don’t want to do without.  

    So!  For 2014 I am going to pass on a wonderful suggestion that was graciously and generously passed to me by EFT Master and Pioneer Carol Look.   Instead of taking away anything from your life this new year, why not Add Something Good instead?

    The following is an excerpt from her latest newsletter:

    So what could you ADD to your life in this New Year?  More fun? More healthy foods? More meditation time? More nature walks? More gratitude?  How about more tapping? Or more quiet time or more reading?  

    There's so much we can add... and it will take the place of those habits we want to delete from our lives and be far more enjoyable than trying so hard to get rid of something.

    Yes, it can be a challenge to think in these new terms where you Add Something Good, but it's definitely worth it.  You'll notice the difference in your vibration and in your enthusiasm about your life.

    Even if it's an old habit to make New Year's resolutions that start with "No more....." you can start this new habit of "I get to add..." and you'll feel it right away.

    So let's get started - think of one or two areas in your life where you'd like to Add Something New.  Write those new things or activities down... and then notice if there are any "yes, buts..." such as "yes, but, I don't have the time" or "yes, but that doesn't seem possible for me."  (Below we'll do some tapping to move you along.)

    What does this have to do with attracting abundance? 

    When you Add Something Good,  you are automatically coming from a place of plenty and abundance and communicate to the universe that you are ready to move forward.  Your vibration will immediately be more joyful and more abundant.

    To Read the rest of Carol’s newsletter just click HERE


    Final Thoughts on 2013

    Everybody is feeling it.   But unlike years past, 2014 has everyone literally buzzing and filled to the brim with excitement as we anxiously prepare for the new year.  Many of us are feeling an uncharacteristic expectation of something BIG is coming.  

    Not only that.  In the  last few months of 2013 many have been experiencing intense dreams, waking up at 2 a.m. and 3 a.m.,  feeling anxious and heart racing like they just finished a marathon.

    What is it that we all collectively are feeling these last hours of 2013? 

    Could it be that we are collectively fed up with how things have been going in our lives?  Could it be that we finally are getting it?  Could it be that we are finally letting go and allowing it to happen?
    Could be!
    If you read my two previous blogs entitled Pondering 2013 (Part 1 & Part  2), you already know that I've begun my process of "letting go and allowing" a few weeks ago.
    But as I sit here and watch the news feed on my Face Book, I see I am not the only one finally releasing ALL the people, situations, and other similar freeze dried bullshit from their lives early in the game.

    And can't help but notice numerous Face Folk posting about the waking up at 2 and 3 in the morning; complaining of the odd dreams, the anxiety, the restlessness, etc.    Naturally, we all know these are all part of the Awakening process or the Ascension process as some call it.  

    I am going to take this opportunity to say to all of you who are new to the experience and those who are less familiar with the process 

    WELCOME to my End of the Universe! 
    We've Been Expecting You!

    To Help you all out, I've listed some links to articles I've written/posted here on my blogs.  Be sure you read ALL the way down to the very end!


    Honestly, I think I've said All I need to say with regards to what's on my so-called mind!  At least for now here in 2013!  

    Oh I do have two last things to add.  

    My motto going in 2014 is: 

    The Freeze Dried Bullshit that Happened in 2013 STAYS in 2013!

    To bring that message home I've adopted a theme song for 2014.  Click HERE


    I don't know about all of you, but for me 2014 is going to be ANYTHING BUT the 

    As promised!  Here are links to my articles that pertain to this process.    Feel free to print them out, share them with friends and family! 

    The Spiritual Awakening, Ascension Process, The Transition, What EVER...

    Some Tips and helpful hints on Working through the process:

    And I thought I would add this article as well.  It goes along with what I've been ranting about for the past several weeks! *LOL*   It's entiled Instead.

    Saturday, January 1, 2011


    Woo-hoo! My first blog of 2011!
    As I waded through the multitude of posts here on Face Book, I noticed something interesting.  There appeared to be a common theme with respect to resolutions -- very interesting!  To say the least!  The common thread was (and I have paraphrased here)...

    Instead of wasting all your time and energy on those who are hell-bent on tearing you down, on those who are only interested in what they can get out of you, on those who spread, and continue to to spread,  their vile negativity at every turn --  Focus only on those who care about you and you them. 

    My "New Year's Eve party" this year  was sitting here in my office, working on my blogs and articles as I listened  to Delilah on the radio.  As the show progressed, Delilah urged her listeners to resolve to  let go of those who bring us down and make every effort to keep us there.  To leave those people who refuse to help make the world a better place behind in the old year. 

    I found that message very in sync.  In fact, I took it as a sign. I had been mulling over what theme I would use to kick off my new year blogs and notes.  And my ever faithful friend and co-creator The Universe  once again came through for me! 

    Instead of rehashing the same old dramas -- let them go!  I know you get tired of being the "bigger person"  and being the one that takes the "higher road" -- but what are you really attempting to prove by engaging people who have nothing better to do than bring others down and keep them there?  What are you really trying to prove by engaging them in their stupidity?  Seriously ... what are you trying to prove in this regard? That you can be the bigger dumb ass?

    State your case, present your evidence and then just LET IT GO! 

    It is a proven fact -- people will believe what they want to believe -- NO MATTER WHAT!  No matter the amount of evidence, no matter what you say or do -- they will choose to believe what they want to believe!  

    So just let it GO! Stop wasting so much time and energy on people who choose to believe the worst about you.  They don't matter!  So do yourself a favor and STOP wasting your precious time and energy on people who  truly don't matter!
    Instead of seeing everything and everybody who disagrees with you as negative ... see from their point of view!  You may actually learn something!

    Believe it or not ... Everything and everyone that you either disagree with and/or feel uncomfortable around or just don't plain understand  is NOT "negative." 

    Sadly, seeing the negative in everything and everybody that stirs a hint of discomfort  or anything or anybody they don't agree with  seems to be a running theme within the so called "spiritual"  and paranormal communities.    My advice to each of these communities:   Get some knowledge, Get some understanding and take some classes on LISTENING!

    Instead of following behind this one or that one ... why not try walking side by side?  You'll find the view a lot better!

    Instead of asking why -- try asking ... Why Not?  Instead of asking "Why Me?"  Try asking Why not me? 

    Whether or not you choose to accept the understanding that YOU are here for many reasons ... the fact of the matter is ... You are!  And this isn't some hoity toity metaphysical mumbo jumbo speak either.  If you are a Christian, Master Teacher Jesus taught this very thing.  The lesson of the Sparrow is something I urge you to revisit.   For all others from different religious teachings ... I am willing to wager your master teachers taught the same thing in various ways.  I urge you to revisit these teachings as well.

    Instead of asking "What is my purpose here?"  Take a good look at what you are doing now.  Weigh it against what makes your heart soar!  What makes time non-existent.  Are you doing what makes your heart soar?  Is time non-existent when you are involved in this work?  If it does -- then you have found one of many purposes of your being here.  If it does not -- then why aren't you doing what makes your heart soar?  What are you waiting on?

    Instead of rushing around every day, take five minutes to do something for yourself.  Five minutes is all that is being asked.  Don't wait until your body makes that decision for you.

    Instead of trying to be the person someone else wants you to be or live the life someone else wants you to live -- Just Be Your Self!  Live your life in such a way that brings you joy.

    Oscar Wilde said it best!  "Be yourself!  Everybody else is taken!"

    Instead of asking ... "why don't I have anybody to love?"  Ask ...  "who can I love today?"  HINT:  the one that needs your love the most can be found waiting in your bathroom mirror!

    With the multitudes of elderly, children and animals-- military folks without family, people in the hospital and folks in prisons and jails, homeless people, etc. who are without someone -- you might want to consider taking time each week showing love to them!  You will be amazed how you will transform and even more amazed how your entire world transforms!

    There are endless amount of "Insteads" just waiting for you.   These are just a few to get you started in this New Year!


    About Julia

    Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape,  Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality.   Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience.  In the style  of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way.

    Thursday, December 31, 2009

    Being The Change In 2010

    Well, another year has come and gone.  And what a year it has been, eh?   Is it me or does it seem that time is just speeding by like a bullet?  Appears that way, doesn't it?

    As with every year, we said good-bye to those we knew and loved in some way, on some level,  while welcoming in new friends and family members, reuniting with lost loves, reconnecting with those we had lost touch with and so on.

    For me 2009 was a year of intense awakening.  While I have been on this path of awakening for what seems like eons, it was 2009 that brought about the spiritual caffeine that really jolted me into a more awakened state.   However, I wish to state that my personal expansion in conscious awareness during 2009 was different some how.  It was definitely unlike anything I had experienced in the past.

    To make a rather long story short, I made some rather intense changes within myself.   I faced my worst night mares ... My SELF!  And thankfully,  have lived to tell the tale!   

    Though I had always known that our thoughts become manifested ... I had not really taken into consideration the depths in which these thoughts could materialized!  And have been for eons!  oy vey!  What a predicament.  As we all know, and in truth, nothing is outside ourselves ... it all comes from within us.  This was something I always knew intellectually.  But to actually experience it?  Yea, pretty darn eye-opening ... to say the least!

    Delving deep within isn't something to be taken lightly.  I won't lie to you ... It's not easy--no one said it would be.  But I can tell you from personal experience, it has been worth the effort.   To actually face your fears, to acknowledge all the mistakes you have made (ever made), to take responsibility for all the nonsense that has been mirrored back to you, then  to forgive yourself ... to love yourself ... is very intense. 

    It takes a great deal of courage and strength to really look deep within yourself.  It takes even greater courage and strength to  literally acknowledge all that you are, have been and continue to be, then taking it a few steps further by taking responsibility, by accepting and Loving all that makes up your Self.  It's scary as hell!  But I did it!   And yes, I will continue to do it.  I am, after all, a work in progress--a labor of Love!

    To Love One's Self is the greatest Love of All.  Why?  Again, nothing truly happens outside ourselves without first taking place within ourselves.   If we do not truly love ourselves unconditionally...then how can we ever hope for anyone else to love us in this manner?

    So what do I take into 2010? Just one thing ...   Acceptance.   Accepting responsibility for every thought I think, accepting the responsibility for what these thoughts manifest, accepting the forgiveness for those thoughts and the actions it brings about, acknowledging the divine in others who come into my life, accepting gratitude by showing gratitude, and most importantly ... accepting the Love that I am.

    So how did all this acceptance come about?  It all started when I was reintroduce to this healing method the beginning of 2009.   But it wasn't until it came up again and again over the last few months  that I actually gave it a go.  And trust me when I say, I resisted it with every fiber of my being.  However, I came to the conclusion that it was something I needed.  I mean, why else would it keep popping up?  Yea,  that Self of mine is a sneaky little hussy ... ain't she?


    Ho'oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness.   Loosely translated, Ho‘oponopono means to set things right.  The basic concept behind Ho‘oponopono  is that you  realize the immutable fact that your entire existence comes from within, not from outside of yourself.

    I know from my own personal experience that once you truly grasp and get your head around the fact that you are creating, and we are talking literally creating,  every single aspect of your existence – from the smallest molecule up through the tallest building, from the most heart-felt Love to the most passionate hatred – then you realize that you can effect change over all of it! Why?  Because you know you  are responsible for them being there in the first place!

    How is all of this done via Ho‘oponopono? By simply accepting responsibility and showing gratitude.   Being the skeptic I am, I really didn't think it would work all that well.  But I figured I had nothing to lose at this point.  So I tried it.  I'm daring that way! I made a list of all the people who stood out.  I then listed all the qualities that annoyed me the most.  Wanna talk long list?  I then began seeing a pattern.  All those qualities on that list that bothered me  were the same attributes I possessed.  I only have three words to say at this point ... pot, kettle--black!

    Armed with the necessary tools, I went about to first take responsibility for those attributes that had been mirrored back to me.  I was responsible ... no getting around it.  Next, I set out to ask forgiveness.  Finally, I expressed my gratitude and my Love for each person involved.  

    My results?  Inner Peace & Contentment.  I really won't know how it affected everyone on my list until I get some kind of physical validation.    And even if I don't ever get that validation, I still feel good about what I have done.  I mean, it was all about ME anyways ... now wasn't it?

    I hope you will join me in 2010 as I set out to consciously work Ho'oponopono each and every day.  It's all part of the on-going challenge I initiated on January 1, 2008.  It's one of the best methods I have worked thus far.  And besides,  what better way to work the Say NO To Fear challenge than to face yourself and work from within, eh? 

    Be the Change You Wish To See In The World ~ Ghandi

    And so it is!

    I take responsibility for what is reflected back to me.  I'm sorry, please forgive me, I love you!  I Love You!  I Love You!

    I am sorry that I didn't accept the lesson when it was presented to me through you.  Please forgive me for not appreciating you in that moment. I'm sorry!  I Love You! I Love You! I Love You!

    I am sorry for not showing you the respect you deserved and continue to  deserve.  I'm sorry, please forgive me.  I Love You!  I Love You!  I Love You!    

    I acknowledge and I  appreciate your bravery, your wisdom and most of all  ... the Love you have and always had for me by reflecting back to me in order for Me to Learn and Grow!  I'm sorry for not accepting all of these gifts when you presented them to me.  I'm Sorry!  Please Forgive Me!  I Love You!  I Love You!  I Love You!

    I take responsibility for all the anger and hatred shown to me.  I now see how it projected out to you ... to the world we live in.   I'm sorry, please forgive me. I Love You!  I Love You!  I Love You!



    Louise L. Hay