Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Ponderings on 2012

My thoughts on the passing of 2012 is going to be short and sweet.  And if you believe it's possible for me to do anything in the style of short and sweet -- I have a few Mayan calendars I'd like to sell you!  *LOL*

Like all the years past, 2012 has brought me a few growth spurts.  I think what sets 2012 apart from years gone by is ... the spurts actually took hold and stayed put!  

While I still have a very, very long way to go ... I can say with some measure of confidence... I did pretty damn well in 2012.   Yea, I had some major fuck ups along the way.  But if it weren't for those fuck ups, I wouldn't have learned much...now would I?

Along with many others, I have born witness to a great multitude awakening from their soul comas.  Though at the risk of sounding cynical ... I believe that most of these alleged "awakened" beings will fall back to "sleep" come the stroke of midnight 12/22/12.     In fact, I'm willing to wager that upon witnessing the absence of a Celestial brew ha-ha, they will go back doing whatever the hell they were doing before they ... "awakened."   Leaving behind anything that remotely resembles an awakened state.  There will be many more who will say... See? I told you so! Nothing happened.  Nothing ever will.  blah blah blah.   And then there will be many more who will forever swear off anything that is spiritual and/or religous ...at least until there is another threat of some world ending calamity;  or an  actual eye opening Celestial occurence or space ships landing on the White House front lawn or they catch somebody literally walking on water!

 As for the rest of us who have been trudging along endlessly for years and years and years and years... we will, of course, continue plodding through the shifts and shafts of the energetic upheavals yet to come.  Because we know--we just know--that the awakened state comes in various stages.  Like a game of Pac Man, we know that we have to complete each level before being taken to the next.  *sigh*  And we also know that we don't always complete it the first few times around. 

Sadly, not many get that metaphor.  Nor do they fully understand the "awakening process" and all that it truly entails.    No one can do it for you!  Which is something a lot of folks just don't get.  Would you believe that there are people who pay other  people to clear and cleanse them  in order to reach that awakened state???  Really!  Yea.  oy vey!   Oh and by the way--I still got a few of those Mayan calendars left if anyone is interested.  *LOLOL*

I don't know.  Maybe I've gotten too old for this shit. Maybe I've just gotten tired of repeating myself over and over and over and OVER again to the Nth dimension and back.  Maybe it's both!  It's as if I've been trapped in a really bad summer rerun that never ends.  Which very well may explain all the deja vu going around.  Could be!  

All I know is ... I'm ready for it!  Whatever "it" may or may not be ... I'm ready.  

They say as you moved to the next levels, you start to remember all that you've forgotten -- and forget all that you thought  you knew.   And yes, I realize there will be some of you who will be scratching heads and asses and going WTF?  When you get "there" -- you'll get what I just said.   Trust me. You will!  

In short -- I know there are  a great deal I know for certain.  Things I may never share with this dimensional earth plane.   Things that are difficult to put into words --- things that can only be experienced to fully understand.  And I am truly grateful that  I have finally remembered those ... "things".     And no, my gratitude doesn't stop there.  Because I know there will be thousands upon thousands who will know things for certain as well.  Things they can't put into words -- things they will say to others ... "it's just one of those things you have to experience."  :-)

As 2012 comes to a close ... I look around me and see so much I am truly grateful for.  I can look back and see how very far I have come.  And I can look ahead with a joy I don't remember having before.  It's a great feeling.

I've seen the future and while it may be glorious ... it doesn't compare to the Present!  The Here & Now.

May your Holidays be filled with great Joy!  May you wake up on December 22 and over flowing with gratitude.  May your New Year bring you rememberances of your Truths.  And May You always Stay focused on the Present!

May You Never Forget That YOU are ALL that there Is!  And to Embrace It ALL -- every nuance!

With Great Love, Appreciation and Devotion ...


Unless otherwise specified, ALL articles on this Blogger are the property of Julia K. Cole.  The ZEN of Duct Tape™, it's name, teachings, modalities, and all excerpts; the nicknames The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape™,  The Duct Tape Diva™; Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality™, Reality back into Spirituality are the property and trade marks of Julia K. Cole and are protected under Copy Right Laws both here in the USA and Around The World.  

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