Friday, December 26, 2008

2009 Challenge: Say NO to Fear!

I am challenging everyone to do something different in 2009.

Say NO to Fear!

Take Five Minutes each and every day for one month and focus all your attention, all your energies into saying NO TO FEAR!

That's it! That's the Challenge!

Think I'm kidding? Well, I'm not!

We all have seen what focusing on fear can do and has done in times past. Now, I am standing up and challenging each and every person reading this to take that focus and use it to make a positive difference!

I am not going to bore you with all the statistics and data collected on what positive thinking can do and has done. You know all that information already. And if you don't ... then my suggestion is that you GOOGLE it and see for yourself the endless testimonies of people who have used positive thinking. It's out there.

It is a well known fact that the mind is the most powerful tool we humans have at our disposal.

Group consciousness is a fact of life. If we collectively focus five minutes of time on rejecting fear no matter what that fear is ... we will collectively reap great rewards.

Taking FIVE MINUTES a day each and every day for 30 days rejecting Fear in all it's forms.

Think about the possibilities. Think of the wondrous things this small act will bring to not only YOU personally ... but to the world itself.

But don't just take my word for it ... Try it for your self!

What do you have to lose? Seriously? What do you have to lose by focusing on rejecting fear for five minutes a day?

Feel Free to pass this challenge on to your friends and family!

Go on! I Dare You!
