At any rate, that catch phrase really struck a chord with me. In fact, it is the inspiration and motivation behind this blog and all those other blogs and posts on various social network I've done over the years. And too, I always make a new sig tag for the occasion. Like the one you'll see at the end of this blog.
Now the reason for me doing this is partly for my own benefit. But it is a hope of mine that it will inspire others to get off their collective butts and take action and communicate a little appreciation for all those in their lives as well. And ...Validating not only their existence, but more importantly, their contribution to your current journey through this life.
Now this doesn't just include all those happy, loving, wonderful people we all know and enjoy. Sorry to have to be the one to tell you this...but you know those ass hats that make your life a living hell? The ones you hope to the deity of your choosing they fall in a dark bottomless pit and never been seen or heard from again. You know the ones. Don't even try to pretend you don't. Well believe it or not...they had a hand in molding you and assisting you along the way.
And before any of you start whining, pissing and moaning. I KNOW! It's not easy showing appreciation for those yutzes. Trust me. I KNOW! You see, like you, I have some real pieces of work that have come and gone in my life. In fact, I still have a few stranglers. But you know what? Because of them (and truth be told in spite of them) I am the person that stands/sits before you now.
And I'll be honest with you...I have been quite the Goddess of all Bitches from time to time myself. I'm pretty sure there are a few people out there still struggling with the issues I laid at their feet. Not proud of the crap I slug. Just putting it out there for the world to see that I too have been a real piece of work.
This exercise is for those who are ready to take that step forward to self empowerment. When you can think of those that hurt you and say THANK YOU, then you have acknowledged the wonderful contributions those assholes have made in your life.
Now I'm not saying you go to them in person and say it. Unless you want to and can. Some of those jerks can't accept sincere appreciation. Which is why I always use the old write'em a letter and then burn it technique. The energies will find their way to those people (eventually). But the best part is, YOU will feel better for it right then and there. Don't believe me? Well try it out for yourself! What do you have to lose? Am I right???!
Okay. Now that I got all that there said and is my personal Communicate, Appreciate and Validate!
To All those who have stood by me through the best of times and most importantly, through the worst of times. I appreciate you! I appreciate your contributions in my life. I appreciate you just being YOU! I stand before Heaven and Earth and All those here on the internet and Validate your existence, your strengths, your friendship, kinship and Love.
To All those who have brought me pain and tears. THANK YOU! Because of your efforts I am stronger and better. Your greatest lessons have been showing me what NOT to do and how NOT to be! These are your gifts and I shall forever cherish them. Having you in my life has made me a better person. And I am truly and eternally grateful for you. I validate your contributions.
By communicating, appreciating and validating those in your life, you will never have to live with any regrets. Do it today, each and every day...never pass up a moment to express your gratitude to those in your life.