Showing posts with label Red Pledge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Red Pledge. Show all posts

Sunday, August 21, 2016

An Open Letter to "Never Trumpers"

 The following is a Face Book post from Clarke Steele:  

Dear "Never Trumpers"

Please name for me how many times Donald Trump has committed perjury. 

Please name for me the times he has traded our national secrets or assets. 

Please name how many women he has destroyed after they were sexually assaulted.

Please name how much time he spent training under Saul Alinsky. 

Please name the felonies he has committed and the number of FBI investigations he has been subjected to. 

Please name for me the people he allowed to die abroad and then lied about it. 

Please name how many state secrets he has exposed. Please name how many of his associates died under mysterious circumstances.

Your actions or inaction are not benign they are tacit and even active support for a criminal, a traitor and a Leftist.


Pledge Red For Trump!

Wear RED (no logos) Just plain RED on Election Day November 8th!

Join us on Face Book!



Sunday, August 7, 2016


Don't let our election be rigged!

Let's make our presence known 
without a doubt on November 8th!


On November 8th ALL  Donald Trump supporters should pledge to wear a red shirt all day long on election day and make our presence known. Let the news media try to avoid a sea of red moving across the whole United States of America!

They may be able to rig the machines, but they can't strip countless millions of people of their shirts! There's no way they can deny our collective voices if we make ourselves physically visual! 

As for me, I'll be dressed in red from head to toe!​

[borrowed from a post by Bobbie Coker on Face Book]

LIKE  Pledge Red For Trump On Face Book!