Sunday, May 20, 2018

The Newly Awakened

There are many aspects to your spiritual awakening.  Each step is design to expand your awareness and improve upon your memories of who and what you truly are.  

You are not a human striving to have a spiritual experience.  Quite the contrary!  You are a spirit being having a physical experience. 

You can always tell the newly awakened.  They are stumbling around, confused and very unsure of themselves.   During this stage they latch on to whatever makes them feel more secure.  This is a natural process.  After all, you've only just begun and you have to hold on to something until you get your bearings.  Nothing to be ashamed of.   It is all part of your growth.

The first stages is very much like  a baby who is just learning to walk.  So grab hold of something and keep going!  

Many of the newly awakened latch on to the notion they are not from this planet.  Some believe they are E.Ts or Angels.  It is true we have off-world friends that visit this earth; some of whom actually reside here on earth, those beings we have come to know as Angels visit regularly, as well as many from other planets.  All have taken a keen interest in this spectacle we call life here on Earth.  Many of these actually serve to protect and guide us.   But the bottom line is this, if you are living here on Earth, you are a human, an earthling, a Terran.  The feelings and/or memories of being not of this world is only a memory of your time spent on other worlds,  time spent on the Other Side.  Granted, you may have come in contact with entities of those worlds while here on Earth.  This no doubt has confirmed your belief you are one of them.  And you were ... once upon a time.  But now, you are here on Earth.  You came through the same way all Earthlings did.  And that makes you what again?  Anyone?  Anyone?

So what is the reasoning behind this belief of being an E.T or an Angel? The reason so many latch on to this notion is they need to feel they have purpose.  In order to feel that sense of purpose, many believe in this idea of being an extraterrestrial that has come here to save the planet and the human race.   That is a very noble purpose!   But here's the thing.  This planet nor the human race requires saving.    Yea!  That's right!    Contrary to popular belief, this world nor its inhabitants needs saving!

As a newly awakened individual, you won't be able to understand or comprehend that right now.  And that's okay!  You're just starting out and you're too focused on not being human at the moment.  That's all part of getting your bearings.   As I mentioned above, you have to have something to hold on to until you get strong enough to move on to the next phase of your awakening.  So take your time.  Enjoy the adventure of remembering!

Believing you are an extraterrestrial or a hybrid doesn't make you wrong.  It doesn't make you crazy!  What it does make you is ... newly awakened!   Your consciousness is still cloudy, but you are starting to remember all those wonderful things from your past.  And yes, those memories are a bit jumbled!  But in time, the pieces will all start to pull together eventually.   The wonderful aspect of this step is that you do remember on some level you are not from this physical world.  What you haven't processed yet is that you are not from any other physical worlds either.    It will take time and a great deal of work to get it all sorted out.  And you will!   

When you wake up from a good night's sleep (or a nap), you find that your mind is a bit cloudy and your body isn't quite ready to move.  There may even be residuals from a dream you were having that causes you to be confused as to where you are, when you are, etc.   We've all been there!  And we all eventually make it on to the next step!  This is how it is for those who are just now "waking up" on a conscious level.

What you are feeling right now is natural.  So take your time, be kind to yourself.  And don't forget to give yourself a big pat on the back!  You understand deep down you are not from this world.  That part of your true self has revealed itself to you and you accepted it!  That is something to be very proud of!  Soon, you will come into the full understanding that you are not a human (or any other physical life form) striving for a spiritual experience.  In time you will know (not just believe, but know) that you are a wondrous eternal spirit striving (and in some instances struggling) to have a physical experience.  Be it on Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Lyria or any multitude of planets out there in the vast Universes. 


Welcome weary traveler!  We who have awakened before you bid you welcome!  We urge you to be kind and patient with your self as you continue your journey here on planet Earth!  Know that you are never alone.  You have myriads of helpers both here on the physical plane and the spirit plane! We all collectively rejoice in your first steps towards a wondrous adventure!

Embrace all that you are!  
For You are All that there is!

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Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way. 

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Unless otherwise specified, ALL articles on this Blogger are the property of Julia K. Cole.  The ZEN of Duct Tape™, it's name, teachings, modalities, and all excerpts; the nicknames The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape™,  The Duct Tape Diva™; Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality™, Reality back into Spirituality™ are the property and trade marks of Julia K. Cole and are protected under Copy Right Laws both here in the USA and Around The World.  

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