Showing posts with label Presidential Race. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Presidential Race. Show all posts

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Only Hillary Clinton

​What I'm about to tell you is only the facts - historical facts, not rumors, not hearsay just plan undeniable facts.

(This is just a small percentage of a much longer list )

Of the two candidates running for president...

Only Hillary Clinton was caught lying to congress.

Only Hillary Clinton was fired from a job for being unethical.

Only Hillary Clinton deleted 45 thousand emails after she was ordered to hand them over to the Fed.

Only Hillary Clinton had that same computer wiped clean by professionals.

Only Hillary Clinton got the rapist of a teenage girl off on rape charges then laughed about it.

Only Hillary Clinton lied to the American people about Benghazi.

Only Hillary Clinton lied to the American people about her emails.

Only Hillary Clinton lied about being under sniper fire.

Only Hillary Clinton lied about lying to the American people.

Only Hillary Clinton was involved in "Cash Cow"

Only Hillary Clinton has a long list of scandals.

Only Hillary Clinton nationally belittled her husband's sexual harassment (and rape) accusers.

Only Hillary Clinton is a career politician.

Only Hillary Clinton will not release her speeches to Goldman Sachs and other banks.

Only Hillary Clinton is tied to Monsanto.

Only Hillary Clinton was labeled "Extremely careless" about national security by the FBI !

Only Hillary Clinton said she will raise taxes on the middle class.

Only Hillary Clinton benefited from the DNC rigging an election!

Only Hillary Clinton had to return stolen items from the White House.

Only Hillary Clinton said the Benghazi victims parents where lying.

Only Hillary Clinton wants you to vote for her based on her gender.

Only Hillary Clinton has no real accomplishments after a lifetime in politics.

Only Hillary Clinton has never created any jobs.

Only Hillary Clinton has been investigated by the FBI and found to have put national security at risk.

Only Hillary Clinton has had two or more movies and several documentaries made about her questionable ethics.

Only Hillary Clinton called then President Bill Clinton "cock sucker" in front of the (SS) Secret service.

Only Hillary Clinton was called "Broomstick one" by the SS.

Only Hillary Clinton made congress and others spend millions and millions of tax dollars having hearings and investigating her to find that she lied, that would not have been spent if she would of simply told the truth in the first place! Fact - all facts!

Only Hillary Clinton regularly cussed out and belittled her SS detail.

Only Hillary Clinton Only Hillary Clinton Only Hillary Clinton over and over again.

But you are going to vote for her because.... you don't like Donald Trump ? That is insane!

I will never understand how any moral person in good conscience could vote for this woman.

Share, repost and copy and paste in comments over and over again until eventually this is read by …

The one and only Hillary Clinton!  

(taken from a post by Richard Meadows) ·



Sunday, August 7, 2016


Don't let our election be rigged!

Let's make our presence known 
without a doubt on November 8th!


On November 8th ALL  Donald Trump supporters should pledge to wear a red shirt all day long on election day and make our presence known. Let the news media try to avoid a sea of red moving across the whole United States of America!

They may be able to rig the machines, but they can't strip countless millions of people of their shirts! There's no way they can deny our collective voices if we make ourselves physically visual! 

As for me, I'll be dressed in red from head to toe!​

[borrowed from a post by Bobbie Coker on Face Book]

LIKE  Pledge Red For Trump On Face Book!

Sunday, July 31, 2016


If you happen to see the Bill Clinton five minute TV ad for Hillary in which he introduces the commercial by saying he wants to share some things we may not know about Hillary's background, beware as I was there for most of their presidency and know them better than just about anyone. I offer a few corrections:

Bill says: "In law school Hillary worked on legal services for the poor."

Facts are: Hillary's main extra-curricular activity in 'Law School' was helping the Black Panthers, on trial in Connecticut for torturing and killing a 'Federal Agent.' She went to Court every day as part of a Law student monitoring committee trying to spot civil rights violations and develop grounds for appeal.

Bill says: "Hillary spent a year after graduation working on a Children's rights project for poor kids."

Facts are: Hillary interned with Bob Truehaft, the head of the California Communist Party. She met Bob when he represented the Panthers and traveled all the way to San Francisco to take an internship with him.

Bill says: "Hillary could have written her own job ticket, but she turned down all the lucrative job offers."

Facts are: She flunked the D.C. bar exam, 'Yes', flunked it, it is a matter of record, and only passed the Arkansas bar. She had no job offers in Arkansas, 'None', and only got hired by the University of Arkansas Law School at Fayetteville because Bill was already teaching there. She did not join the prestigious Rose Law Firm until Bill became Arkansas Attorney General and was made a partner only after he was elected Arkansas Governor.

Bill says: "President Carter appointed Hillary to the Legal Services Board of Directors and she became its Chairman."

Facts are: The appointment was in exchange for Bill's support for Carter in his 1980 primary against Ted Kennedy. Hillary then became chairman in a coup in which she won a majority away from Carter's choice to be chairman.

Bill says: "She served on the board of the Arkansas Children's Hospital."
Facts are: Yes she did. But her main board activity, not mentioned by Bill, was to sit on the Wal-Mart Board of Directors, for a substantial fee. She was silent about their labor and health care practices.

Bill says: "Hillary didn't succeed at getting health care for all Americans in 1994 but she kept working at it and helped to create the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) that provides five million children with health insurance."

Facts are: Hillary had nothing to do with creating CHIP. It was included in the budget deal between Clinton and Republican Majority Leader Senator Trent Lott. I know; I helped to negotiate the deal. The money came half from the budget deal and half from the Attorney Generals' tobacco settlement. Hillary had nothing to do with either source of funds.

Bill says: "Hillary was the face of America all over the World." (LOL)

Facts are: Her visits were part of a program to get her out of town so that Bill would not appear weak by feeding stories that Hillary was running the White House. Her visits abroad were entirely touristic and symbolic and there was no substantive diplomacy on any of them.

Bill says: "Hillary was an excellent Senator who kept fighting for Children's and Women's issues."

Facts are: Other than totally meaningless legislation like changing the names on courthouses and post offices, she has passed only four substantive pieces of legislation. One set up a national park in Puerto Rico. A second provided respite care for family members helping their relatives through Alzheimer's or other conditions. And two were routine bills to aid 911 victims and responders which were sponsored by the entire N.Y. delegation. Presently she is trying to have the US memorialize Woodstock.

Here is what bothers me more than anything else about Hillary Clinton. She has done everything possible to weaken the President and our Country (that's you and me) when it comes to the 'War on Terror'.

1. She wants to close GITMO and move the combatants to the USA where they would have access to our legal system.

2. She wants to eliminate the monitoring of suspected Al Qaeda phone calls to/from the USA.

3. She wants to grant constitutional rights to enemy combatants captured on the battlefield.

4. She wants to eliminate the monitoring of money transfers between suspected Al Qaeda cells and supporters in the USA.

5. She wants to eliminate the type of interrogation tactics used by the Military & CIA where coercion might be used when questioning known terrorists even though such tactics might save American lives.

One cannot think of a single 'Bill', Hillary has introduced or a single comment she has made that would tend to strengthen our Country in the 'War on Terror'. But, one can think of a lot of comments she has made that weaken our Country and makes it a more dangerous situation for all of us. Bottom line: She goes hand in hand with the ACLU on far too many issues where common sense is abandoned.

Share this with everyone you know, ask them to prove Dick Morris wrong. Think about it - he's (Dick Morris) said all of this openly, thus if he were not truthful he'd be liable for 'Defamation of Character' !

And you better believe Hillary would sue him.

Her winning in 2016 means the final death knell for America! Her whole public life has been a LIE.

By Dick Morris, former political advisor to President Bill Clinton


[all emphasis added]

Friday, July 29, 2016

Makers of Dreams and Possibilities vs. Masters Of Illusion and Deceit

"At Hillary Clinton’s convention this week, Democrats have been speaking about a world that doesn’t exist. A world where America has full employment, where there’s no such thing as radical Islamic terrorism, where the border is totally secured, and where thousands of innocent Americans have not suffered from rising crime in cities like Baltimore and Chicago.

In the Democrats’ fantasy world, there is no problem with Hillary Clinton maintaining an illegal, exposed server full of classified information that could have been hacked by any foreign enemy, and in which Hillary Clinton risked prison time to delete 33,000 emails that were simply about yoga and wedding planning. In this world, there is no Hillary Clinton disaster in Syria, Libya and Egypt, ISIS doesn’t merit a mention, Iran isn’t on the path to nukes, convention stages don’t need American flags, and our great men and women of law enforcement, our police, do not need to be honored. " ~ Donald J. Trump


Let's take a look see at the Master of Illusion and Deceit aka The Democratic Party's little world they insist is taking place in the here and now....

The Democrats have been harping about the wall; pushing for $15 minimum wage; pushing for no photo ID to vote...and yet the Democrat National Convention Kickoff features a 4 mile/8 foot tall wall surrounding the Convention area in Philadelphia.  Erected, by the way, by workers making $10.10 an hour.  Not $15 ... $10.10.  At this same convention each person is required to show a photo ID to enter.  Not to mention it is protected by people with guns.  The locals have dubbed it The Hypocrisy Zone.
For those leftist liberals mocking the proposed Wall....

Obama made claims that America is better than it has ever been (paraphrased).....

Obama Claim #1: “After a century of trying, we declared that health care in America is not a privilege for a few, but a right for everybody.”

Fact Check: Obama’s health care reform does indeed guarantee people with pre-existing medical conditions can no longer be denied health insurance. However, coverage is made an obligation for everybody, making the mandate highly unpopular. People must have coverage or face fines from the IRS.

Obama Claim #2: “By so many measures, our country is stronger and more prosperous than it was when we started.”

Fact Check: His statement must exclude the increase in household income, the factor people generally consider their most important measure of prosperity. The typical household now earns $57,206 a year, according to Sentier Research. That’s 2 percent higher than in June 2009, when the recession ended and six months into Obama’s term. (All figures are adjusted for inflation). But it has barely budged since it was $57,147 in December 2007, when the recession began.

Read More


And all you women out there supporting Hillary Clinton, let me ask you (again) this the role model you want for your daughters?  A pathological liar?  A woman who has built her entire life on lying?  This is what you want for your daughters?  Teaching them that in order to succeed, you must lie your way through life?  No matter the costs?  No matter who's life must end or how many lives must suffer?

Hillary Clinton stated "Trump invited foreign power to invade our national security."     Interesting!   Seeing how Hillary claimed she never sent classified material.  

Hillary Clinton is proud that she 'put a lid' on Iran's nuclear program without firing a shot. But since the Iran Deal was made, Iran has:

- attempted to obtain nuclear technology from German companies

- test launched intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads

 - and chanted "Death to America" and "Death to Israel" countless times.


I, and many other Americans, are more than sick and tired of the leftist liberals, their biased media, their pathological lying, their race baiting, their collective effort to bring down law enforcement, their constant meandering and pandering to special interest groups, their attacks on our police officers, their arrogance.  

I and my fellow patriots are beyond fed up with the leftist liberals' endless denial of the Islamic terrorists known as Jihad and their collective refusal to even acknowledge the danger this group poses to not only America...but to the entire world!   And yes Mr. Obama, calling them out publicly lets Jihad know that America is very aware of their hideous presence and that we will stand against them!  So you can take your condescending taqiyya abiding rhetoric and shove it up your bony ass!  

And with respect to Hillary Clinton's "a man you can bait with a tweet is not a man you can trust with nuclear weapons" remark...

 A woman who lies about Benghazi is not a woman anyone can trust with American lives!  

A woman who lies to the FBI about her emails, is not a woman you can trust with National Security!  

I could go on.  But I think you get the gist!


The leftist liberal democrats and the GOP turncoats have thrown down the gauntlet!  Through their continued lies, manipulations, scare tactics and race baiting they have awakened the American Patriots.    

No longer will be bullied!  No longer will be stand back and allow these lovers of lawlessness hold us hostage and lay seige to our cities, our townes and our neighborhoods.  No longer will we give in to political correctness!   And we will be silent No MORE!  

"I propose a different vision for America, one where we can break up Washington’s rigged system, and empower all Americans to achieve their dreams. In our vision, we will put America First.

If we deliver this change, the future is limitless and we will Make America Great Again for everyone." ~ Donald J. Trump

Live The Dream! 
Think of the Possibilities!