Friday, March 28, 2014

Make Them Pay For Their Own Actions!

NO! I don't agree that parents should be the one to pay for their children's mistakes!  

That's what's wrong with these kids now.  Somebody else is always taking responsibility for THEIR mistakes and poor choices!  Somebody else is ALWAYS to blame for little deQuan or little Johnny's idiotic behavior!  Somebody else is ALWAYS the fall guy when little Shaniqua or Barbara Ann get knocked up. 

How about we STOP blaming the parents?  How about we STOP blaming everyone and their proverbial brother and sister?   How about we STOP giving these little law breaking brats every excuse to do whatever right here and right now?

 How about instead we Make these children...


How about we do all the above  as oppose to what we've been doing?  

How about we allow the children who break rules and/or laws to face the consequences of their own actions without the crippling co-dependant B.S.  And without all the drugs and meds and crapola that goes along with that?

How about we do that?

How about we stop giving free passes to  these law breaking thugs and gangsta wanna bes by forcing them to stand on their own two feet and taking it like the "man" and "woman" they all have convinced themselves to be?

Developing strategies for their cases should ease up some of that so called boredom they claim to have.  The same boredom they use as an excuse for breaking laws.  


And how about we garnishee their pay checks until they've paid everything back?  Put a lien on everything they have?   

Place them under work orders to the people they vandalized and/or stole from until the debt, court costs and any and all medical bills have been paid in full.  PLUS a hefty 25% additional costs for pain and suffering to their victims.

Unrealistic you say?  Not at all.  

Put them to work!  Continue to  feed them, house them, clothe them.  But put them to work at whatever crap job we can find and take  all their money and put it directly towards paying for whatever they vandalized, destroyed and/or stole.

Make them get out on the streets and clean them.  Make them clean the cages at the Zoo, local animal shelters.  Make them scrape road kill.   

Oh I could go on and on and on with my list of things I'd have them do until their debts were wiped clear. 

And they don't get to stop when they turn a certain age.  Oh no! No! No, they get to keep on working and paying out their money until every single penny is paid back.  They move, the debt follows them!     In fact, they should not be allowed to leave the city until 90% of the debt is paid.  

In reality it's a win/win.  The city/state don't have to put out extra money for clean up, fix up, etc.  And best of all, the little thugs won't have the time or energy to get bored.


Remember these "bored teens"?  Click HERE

Words for Teenagers ~ Editorial

Watching the news coverage of the gatherings downtown and in the city's west end, a reporter interviewed one youth who said how boring it was at home and in his neighborhood which is  the reason he gave for the recent string of violence through out Louisville.  

Below is a direct quote:

[JayJuan] Taylor says the violence stems from boredom.
"There's not enough for teenagers to do," said Taylor

Click HERE to View Video and Read Transcript 

Violence stems from boredom....HOW UNORIGINAL!

So you're Bored?  Nothing to do?    And your solution is to wreak havoc?   That's how you resolve your boredom?  By beating up people?  Robbing them?  Destroying property?

Maybe you'd be less bored if you were forced to cleaned the streets, make repairs on the buildings and homes you broke into or vandalized.  

Maybe you'd be less bored if you were made to work for the people you robbed until you've paid them back for all you've stolen and destroyed.   

Maybe you'd be a little less bored if you were taken to a farm in a remote part of the state and was made to work it from sun up to sun down until you turned 21 years old.

Maybe if you were taken to a public place, your bare buttocks exposed and publicly caned like they do thugs in Singapore, each moment televised for the whole world to see, you and your little friends would have something more  to think about other than how bored you are.   



Contrary to popular belief...

the world DOES NOT owe you a ANY THING!

But YOU...YOU owe the world something!  

Below is a newspaper clipping from the 1950's.

This applies Today more so than EVER!   

If you're bored, try making a POSITIVE IMPACT on your community!  

Trust me, you'll get further in life when you do.  

Thursday, March 27, 2014


By Brad Steiger and Sherry Hansen Steiger
[Excerpted from their book Real Aliens, Space Beings, and Creatures from Other Worlds.  Visible Ink Press, 2011]
The annals of UFOlogy have always been frighteningly filled with the deaths of UFOlogists from unusual cancers, heart attacks, questionable suicides and all manner of strange happenings.  Professor G. Cope Schellhorn has observed that mysterious and suspicious deaths among UFO investigators are almost as old as the phenomenon itself.
In 1971, the well-known author and researcher Otto Binder wrote an article for Saga magazine's Special UFO Report titled "Liquidation of the UFO Investigators.” Binder had researched the deaths of "no less than 137 flying saucer researchers, writers, scientists, and witnesses” who had died in the previous 10 years, "many under the most mysterious circumstances. " The cases Binder offered were loaded with a plethora of alleged heart attacks, suspicious cancers and what appears to be outright examples of murder.
Phil Schneider
Phil Schneider was a self-taught geologist and explosive expert. Of the 129 deep underground facilities Schneider believed that the U.S. government had constructed since World War II, he claimed to have worked in thirteen of them. Schneider maintained that Gray humanoid extraterrestrials worked side by side with American technicians at the bioengineering facility at Dulce, New Mexico.  In 1979, a misunderstanding arose between the aliens and the earthlings. In the ensuing shootout, 66 Secret Service, FBI and Black Berets were killed, along with an unspecified number of Grays. It was during the violent encounter that Schneider received a beam-weapon blast to the chest, which later caused his cancer.
Schneider died Januarv 17, 1996, reportedly strangled by a catheter found wrapped around his neck. If the circumstances of his death seem highly controversial, they are matched by the controversy over his public statements uttered recently before his death.

Read the rest of the article by clicking HERE

ATTENTION: Free Kibble Donating ALL Kibble Raised Today To Mudslide Victims in Washington!

ALL the kibble raised today, will be donated to care for dogs & cats impacted by the mudslides in Washington - spread the word!

Click HERE to play!

Long time Radio and TV Personality Speaks Out and Up On Recent Flash Mob Violence In Louisville, Kentucky

This is not a post about race

by Terry Meiners
March 26, 2014
This is not a post about race. It is a post about a community’s inherent mission, the protection of its law-abiding citizens from predators.
The Great Wall of China is not a decoration. That wall, forts, castles, and foxholes were created for protection from predators. People who live in a community do so with the understanding that they will protect each other – or pay taxes to afford efficient protection – from those who would burst the order of the community.
When a person or persons within the community breach that pact, they are sent to another sturdy construction called a prison so that they cannot continue preying upon their community.
In the 1970s, Louisville’s growth was stunted by the derisive term Strike City, a label earned from repeated union strikes at various companies. The River City Mall killed 4th Street businesses when the pedestrian mall led to more assaults. Thugs had omnidirectional escape routes without fear of surveillance from vehicular traffic.
Louisville will be known as Thug City unless it deals with today’s recurring issues created by sociopathic roving thugs.
Apologists immediately claim Saturday’s mayhem is an isolated incident. That reaction is based on ignorance of local history, or is an intentional lie to mask a colossal local problem.

Click HERE to read the entire article

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Update about 'Drop charges against transgender teen defending herself!' on

If you signed the petition, then you already have gotten this message.  For those of you who haven't, here's an update:


Thank you all for signing my petition asking for the charges against my sister, Jewlyes Gutierrez to be dropped. More than 200,000 of you took action and the outpouring of support means so much to us!

The Judge recently placed Jewlyes in a restorative justice process - this allows her and the other girls involved in the fight to work toward a resolution that doesn't involve the courts. Once she completes that program her charge will be dropped!

Jewlyes was also nominated to be San Francisco Pride’s Grand Marshal! The SF Pride Celebration and Parade is the largest LGBT gathering in the nation. She is nominated alongside some amazing LGBT activists and would really appreciate your vote!

If you'd like to vote for her, please click this link:

Thank you so much for your support!




Monday, March 17, 2014


Article by Brad Steiger

The Leprechaun, dressed in bright green clothing with a red cap and a leather apron, was originally known as the cheerful cobbler, a wee person who takes delight in repairing humans’ shoes for a reward of a bowl of porridge.
The classic folk tale of the Leprechaun is that of a loutish human catching one of the wee folk and demanding to be given the little cobbler’s pot of gold.  In these stories, the sly Leprechaun always manages to trick the greedy clod who has grabbed him by causing the human to glance away from him.  Once a human takes his eyes off the Leprechaun, the wee one has the power to vanish in a flash.

Over the centuries, the country folk of Ireland have learned not to disturb the earthen mounds or raths in which the Leprechauns dwell. Those who would wantonly violate their domicile is to invite severe supernatural consequences upon themselves.

Click HERE to Read More

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Cat Proved to Be a Meow-sive Threat to His Owners

A Portland, Ore. family called 911 after their baby was attacked and they were held hostage in their own bedroom.

The attacker was Lux: the family's 22-lb. cat.
Teresa Barker says the cat scratched her 7-month-old in the face, and when he was kicked for that, everything changed.
The family grabbed the baby, their dog and ran to the back bedroom. That's when they called 9-1-1.
"He's charging us," one of the family members said on the 911 call. "He's at our door. Our bedroom door."
A moment later, the sound of a cat screeching wildly can be heard on the recording.
"Did you hear it?" one of the family members says. "That was the cat!"
"One moment, okay?" the dispatcher replied. "Yeah, I hear him. Keep your door shut, okay?"

Police used a snare and were able to get the cat behind bars in its crate. The family is talking about getting rid of the cat.
The baby is okay.

  NY Daily News.

Being Yourself ~ A Beautiful Message from Bob Proctor

If you want to succeed you must be different from the masses. Be yourself. Do not be afraid to assert your true personality. Don't ever forget that you are a unique individual. As soon as you tow the line, you are denying your true personality and virtually denying yourself the opportunity to grow.

Although society, in general has done an excellent job of turning most of us into clones by eliminating difference and nipping our personal aspirations in the bud, a tiny inner voice nevertheless survives within each of us. Timid and worried, it whispers to us that our public images are false, that our genuine personalities are hidden and unexpressed. Frustration, sadness, and in some cases, a feeling of being dead inside, are some of the disadvantages we heap upon ourselves.

The fear of being different and the need to conform are false and destructive. It is an acquired concept, not something we were born with. Here are five powerful affirmations. Read these affirmations aloud a number of times every day for thirty days:
  • Day after day I am asserting my true personality more and more.
  • I am unique and feel completely free to express my desire to succeed.
  • It is my right and duty to be myself.
  • The success I achieve will be in keeping with the extent to which I assert myself. I am asserting myself more and more in all areas of my life.
  • Every day I am increasing my self-worth ten fold and becoming more and more successful.

Repeating these affirmations on a daily basis will develop courage. The opposite of courage is not cowardice; the opposite of courage is conformity. Be yourself. Dare to Win.

Interesting Image

Source:  The Proctor Gallagher Institute 

Friday, March 7, 2014




Call This number 1-800- 372-7181 AND SAY THIS -

" I would like to leave a message with every member of the House - All members of the House please pass House Bill 408 without any House Floor Amendments - thank you." This is the bill that would make possession of a dog for the purpose of fighting a felony ! We are the only state that does not have a law like this in place ! 

Time is Critical ! So please make your call now ! 

Out of state callers please do the same - it will show that the world is watching and Kentucky needs all the help we can get to get a law to protect animals passed . 

We rank last when it come to animal laws and we are so tired of this uphill battle - 


~The Arrow Fund ~


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Three Elderly Nuns Rescue An Unwanted Senior Pit Bull

This is a story that is a MUST SHARE!

Remy was thought to be nearly un-adoptable. At nine years old and a Pit Bull, sweet Remy was getting passed over at the Hi Tor Animal Care Center in Pomona, New York. That is until three nuns showed up looking to create a miracle!
Sisters Veronica Mendez, Virginia Johnson and Alice Goldsmith, who live together, had recently lost their dog, Kate, to cancer. To honor her memory, they wanted to save another life. In search of the most unwanted dog, they found Remy. “As soon as I saw the sign that read ‘9 years,’ I said, ‘This is the one,’” Sister Veronica said. “No one is going to want this one.”
Once introduced to Remy, they knew it was a match made in heaven. Now Remy will spend her golden years with the three Sisters, happy and loved. “We wanted to give her the best three or four years she has left.” Well done, Sisters!

Click HERE to Give the Sisters a Shout Out!

Asteroid passing Earth: 2014 DX110 will come closer than Moon

Asteroid passing Earth on Wednesday will be closer than the Moon. Known as 2014 DX110, the approach will be much closer than usual. 
According to on Mar. 4, it will pass within 217,000 miles of the planet.
That's approximately nine-tenths of the distance between the moon and Earth.
The asteroid passing Earth is known as a New Earth Object or NEO for good reason. It is not uncommon for object to pass this close to Earth, but this time it will be extremely close. It has not been deemed as threat. The NEO is between 45 and 130 feet across.
A telescope should be able to pick up the asteroid passing Earth easily. It will approach from the south and pass by Earth to the north. According to Universe Today, you will be able to watch the event live with commentary via the Virtual Telescope Project.
The discovery of NEO 2014 DX110 was only announced recently on Mar. 2. A big "Thanks for the heads up," goes out to the Minor Planet Center. And in case you are keeping track going forward, "the asteroid is currently listed on NASA’s risk page for a 1 in 10,000,000 chance of impact with Earth on March 4th, 2046."
Source:  Examiner

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

8-year-old's 'heart of gold' helps pay off student's lunch debt

ABC News --  An 8-year-old's "heart of gold" has touched people all over the world with a campaign he recently launched to help pay for lunches of students from low-income families.
Donations have increased tenfold since Cayden Taipalus –- a third-grader at Challenger Elementary School -- launched a campaign two weeks ago called "Pay It Forward: No Kid Goes Hungry." His mom, Amber Peters, said nearly $7,000 worth of donations have purchased hot lunches for more than 300 students with plans to reach another 5,000 this week.

"I am so very proud of my son," Peters told ABC News today. "He is only 8 years old and to grasp the concept around this is just amazing in my eyes. He has a heart of gold."

Cayden started the campaign after seeing another student at his elementary school in Howell, Mich., struggle to pay for their lunch.

"Cayden was in school buying his lunch and the little boy in front of him had to put down his hot lunch due to no funds on his lunch account," his mom said about the encounter on Feb. 17. "It upset the little boy, which in turn upset Cayden."

Cayden and his mom started recycling cans and bottles to raise money until friends and neighbors saw their efforts on Facebook and wanted to pitch in. The outreach skyrocketed to the point where people in Hong Kong were making donations.

"We went form just paying off his elementary school to paying off the entire Livingston County," his mom said.

Cayden personally delivers the money to each school before going to class in the morning. His first donation was $64 that paid for nearly 150 lunches, his mom said.

"Doing something little can turn into something big and go a long way. Paying it forward is a big deal," she said.


They're standing on the corner and they can't speak English. 

I can't even talk the way these people talk: 

Why you ain't,
Where you is,
What he drive,
Where he stay,
Where he work,
Who you be... 

And I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk.     
And then I heard the father talk. 

Everybody knows it's important to speak English except these knuckleheads. You can't be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth.  
In fact you will never get any kind of job making a decent living.

People marched and were hit in the face with rocks to get an Education, and now we've got these knuckleheads walking around. 

The lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal. 

These people are not parenting. They are buying things for kids.   $500 sneakers for what?
And they won't spend $200 for Hooked on Phonics?

I am talking about these people who cry when their son is standing there in an orange suit. 

Where were you when he was 2?
Where were you when he was 12?
Where were you when he was 18 and how come you didn't know that he had a pistol?
And where is the father? Or who is his father? 

People putting their clothes on backward: Isn't that a sign of something gone wrong? 

People with their hats on backward, pants down around the crack, isn't that a sign of something?

Isn't it a sign of something when she has her dress all the way up and got all type of needles [piercing] going through her body? 

What part of Africa did this come from??   
We are not Africans. Those people are not Africans; they don't know a thing about Africa.  

I say this all of the time. It would be like white people saying they are European-American. That is totally stupid. 

I was born here, and so were my parents and grand parents and, very likely my great grandparents. I don't have any connection to Africa, no more than white Americans have to Germany , Scotland , England , Ireland , or the Netherlands . The same applies to 99 percent of all the black Americans as regards to Africa . So stop, already! ! !  
With names like Shaniqua, Taliqua and Mohammed and all of that crap. And all of them are in jail.

Brown or black versus the Board of Education is no longer the white person's problem.
We have got to take the neighborhood back. 

People used to be ashamed. Today a woman has eight children with eight different 'husbands' -- or men or whatever you call them now. 

We have millionaire football players who cannot read. 

We have million-dollar basketball players who can't write two paragraphs. 

We, as black folks have to do a better job. 

Someone working at Wal-Mart with seven kids, you are hurting us. 

We have to start holding each other to a higher standard..

We cannot blame the white people any longer.

~Dr. William Henry 'Bill' Cosby, Jr., Ed.D.


I couldn't agree more Dr. Cosby!  

Monday, March 3, 2014

TAP That Thang!

Extreme Cold Weather Regions...


Cats often take shelter under the hoods of cars where it's warm.  So PLEASE...Remember to Tap the hood of your vehicle before getting in.  Or at the very least make enough noise where it will scare the cat out. 


Blowing your horns can cause damage to the cat's hearing and/or cause it to harm itself while trying to hurry out.  

Remember To  Leave Food and Water.  And to check on the water supply.  In these freezing temps the water will freeze up rather quickly.  So check often throughout the day.

Use Straw to line shelters or to put where strays and ferals take shelter like under your house or porch.  

Learn more about what you can to do by visiting The Humane Society's website.  

Just click HERE

The Downside of Inciting Envy

THE Irish singer Bono once described a difference between America and his native land. “In the United States,” he explained, “you look at the guy that lives in the mansion on the hill, and you think, you know, one day, if I work really hard, I could live in that mansion. In Ireland, people look up at the guy in the mansion on the hill and go, one day, I’m going to get that bastard.”

Alexis de Tocqueville phrased it a little differently, but his classic 19th-century text contains the same observation. Visiting from France, he marveled at Americans’ ability to keep envy at bay, and to see others’ successes as portents of good times for all.

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