Showing posts with label society. Show all posts
Showing posts with label society. Show all posts

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Bullying Prevention and Intervention Tips for Families


1. Increase Communication
Initiate discussion about your children’s social and online lives on a regular basis. Ask specific questions that generate meaningful dialogue (e.g., instead of “How was school?,” try “What is lunchtime like at your school—who do you sit with, what do you do and what do you talk about?”). Make sure that your demeanor communicates genuine interest and openness as opposed to the desire to control or invade privacy. 

2. Monitor Behavior
Observe your children in different settings by volunteering at school, participating in extracurricular activities and being watchful during social gatherings. If you notice that your children are overly aggressive, vulnerable to peer pressure or exhibit other behavior that troubles you, talk to them about your concerns and redirect the behavior. Be vigilant about the warning signs associated with bullying behavior (e.g., social withdrawal, fear of attending school, avoidance of or preoccupation with technology) and trust your instinct to intervene if your children don’t seem to be their usual selves. 

3. Facilitate Positive Social Experiences
Help your children to choose friends and hobbies that make them feel good about themselves. If you notice that certain relationships or activities cause unhealthy conflict or bad feelings, talk about ways to improve things move away from the negative situation. Guide your children in finding friends and interests in varied settings so that they do not rely on only one place as their social outlet. Help your children to stay bonded to at least one close friend—feeling socially connected can help to mitigate the effects of bullying.

4. Promote Responsible Online Behavior
Talk with your children about ethical online behavior, including respect for privacy and the impact of denigrating others. Make sure that they understand how to protect their own privacy online (e.g., keep personal information, passwords and PINs confidential) and how to respond when targeted by negative online behavior (see Prevention Tip #6). Help your children to set healthy limits on the amount of time spent online and actively supervise online activities. If you use filtering and monitoring software, be open about it and don’t rely on these tools as a substitute for direct participation in their online lives

5. Talk about Bullying
Make a point of explicitly bringing up bullying. Specifically define bullying, what it looks like and what to do when it occurs. Communicate your values and expectations regarding their social behavior on and offline, and help them to clarify their own values and ways to act on them in the face of peer pressure and aggression. Discuss and rehearse ways to respond to social cruelty, and make it is clear that your children can and should come to you for help when they witness or are involved in bullying situations.

6. Be a Role Model
Think about the messages your children receive when you make judgmental comments, gossip or behave aggressively toward friends, family members, drivers on the road or help staff in stores. Use technology responsibly and avoid forwarding mean or biased jokes and posts. Model what it means to be an ally and to stand up against prejudice and cruelty on and offline.

7. Be Involved at School
Advocate for policies, programs and practices that encourage positive social behavior and be vocal when adults/institutions fall short of their responsibility to protect children and maintain safe environments. Don’t wait until your child is the target to get involved and speak up.  [emphasis added]

Source:  Anti-Defamation League

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Being Yourself ~ A Beautiful Message from Bob Proctor

If you want to succeed you must be different from the masses. Be yourself. Do not be afraid to assert your true personality. Don't ever forget that you are a unique individual. As soon as you tow the line, you are denying your true personality and virtually denying yourself the opportunity to grow.

Although society, in general has done an excellent job of turning most of us into clones by eliminating difference and nipping our personal aspirations in the bud, a tiny inner voice nevertheless survives within each of us. Timid and worried, it whispers to us that our public images are false, that our genuine personalities are hidden and unexpressed. Frustration, sadness, and in some cases, a feeling of being dead inside, are some of the disadvantages we heap upon ourselves.

The fear of being different and the need to conform are false and destructive. It is an acquired concept, not something we were born with. Here are five powerful affirmations. Read these affirmations aloud a number of times every day for thirty days:
  • Day after day I am asserting my true personality more and more.
  • I am unique and feel completely free to express my desire to succeed.
  • It is my right and duty to be myself.
  • The success I achieve will be in keeping with the extent to which I assert myself. I am asserting myself more and more in all areas of my life.
  • Every day I am increasing my self-worth ten fold and becoming more and more successful.

Repeating these affirmations on a daily basis will develop courage. The opposite of courage is not cowardice; the opposite of courage is conformity. Be yourself. Dare to Win.

Interesting Image

Source:  The Proctor Gallagher Institute