Showing posts with label negative. Show all posts
Showing posts with label negative. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

7 Senseless Habits to Drop in 2014

Motivational speaker and author Shawn Anderson takes the idea of "living a life you love" seriously. With a mission of empowering one million people to lead a more positive and purposeful life, Anderson shares seven senseless habits to let go of in 2014.

"Why would we ever want to live a life that makes us unhappy?" Anderson says. "We read everywhere about what we need to do to be successful. But I believe if we just change a few of our habits, we'd be much closer to leading a life we love." Anderson continues, "Sure, some of the seven items on the list may sound harsh, but if we don't stop doing them, the lousy results we will produce later will feel a lot harsher."

7 Senseless Habits to Drop in 2014

HABIT #1: Quit hanging out on Facebook. "Facebook is a fun way to kill time," Anderson says. "But that's what it does: it kills time. Time that could be used to create, inspire and build."

HABIT #2: Quit Keeping Up With the Kardashians. "Filling our heads with unedifying TV doesn't do a lot to help us achieve a better life," Anderson comments. "Instead, exchange an hour of TV time to build your own dream rather than a celebrity's dream."

HABIT #3: Quit staying up late. "The surest way to be unmotivated on a Monday is to stay up late on a Sunday. Want to feel energized? Watch a few more sunrises."

HABIT #4: Quit spending money you don't have. "Having the freedom to do what you want in life starts with not being chained down by financial obligations. Give your credit card a rest."

HABIT #5: Quit working at a job you hate. "Nothing saps the life out of you more than working at a job you hate. Find something else."

HABIT #6: Quit hanging out with negative people. "If you have people in your life who drain you of all that is positive, ask yourself 'Why in the world are they even in my life?'"

HABIT #7: Quit pointing fingers. "Take a massive leap forward and take responsibility for where you are in your life. It's not your boss's fault...or your spouse's...or the government's that you're not where you want to be. It's your own cause-and-effect decisions that have you sitting where you are."


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Negative vs. Positive

Every day you and I are being bombarded with negatives. Politics, prices, the economy, interest rates - you name it, we're hearing about it ... bad news. Supreme mental strength is required to keep your mind on a track that will lead to a positive end result. 

Now is an excellent time to put your nose into a few history books. You will find the stories of men and women who have continued to win, in spite of what was happening all around them. There have always been personalities who took the economic environment as it existed in their day, and instead of letting it guide their every move, they continued with life as if it had little or no effect on their results. Successful business people have always done that and probably always will.

Regardless of what the economic environment was like, some people have figured out how to overcome it. There is, as it turns out, always a way. This optimistic statement seems worth expanding on.

In every era, including our own, people have a tendency to believe that the day of great wealth gathering opportunities are over. For whatever reason, the era that just passed always looks better! People are always blaming circumstances for their results ... that high taxes, high prices, high labor costs and numerous other problems are preventing them from making it.

Do as winners have always done and accentuate the positive. Get on the "I can" mental frequency! I love what George Bernard Shaw shared with us on this very subject. 

Shaw said,

"People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances that they want, and if they can't find them, make them."


Bob Proctor, Chairman & Co-Founder

Get out there And CREATE Your Circumstance!!