Showing posts with label Hillary Is A Liar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hillary Is A Liar. Show all posts

Friday, August 5, 2016

Pathological Liar Extraordinaire Hillary Clinton Lying about Lying!

Can Americans trust Hillary Clinton?  The answer on every single American's lips should be NO!  Sadly this isn't the case.

Clinton has proven time and time and time again that she cannot be trusted.   A liar cannot be trusted.  Especially and most particularly a pathological liar.    And yes, I know all politicians lie.  But Clinton takes lying to a entirely whole new level.   And when I say a whole new level...I do mean... 


Just recently...Liar Extraordinaire Hillary Clinton Attempts to Convince America She's Truthful in an interview with Chris Wallace (Click HERE)!  *ROFLMAO*  

While I realize the majority of Hillary zombies are dumber than a bucket of ice water,  even they have to know these are out right lies she told Chris Wallace!  

Has anyone bothered to check on Hillary's mental state of health? I mean...

Is she a drunkard?  
A drug addict?  Or both?  

Or is she really that possessed with her beliefs that she is above the rest of us?   

Or does she actually believe that everyone is as stupid and blind as her followers?

Or all of the above?


In the Fox appearance (Click HERE), Clinton was asked by Chris Wallace, the anchor, about previous statements she’s made when questioned on the email controversy, while he played tapes of her past remarks to the public.
“After a long investigation, F.B.I. Director James Comey said none of those things that you told the American public were true,” Wallace said.
Clinton pushed back. “Director Comey said my answers were truthful, and what I’ve said is consistent with what I have told the American people: that there were decisions discussed and made to classify retroactively certain of the emails,” she said.
[emphasis added]
Source:  The New York Times

Watch and Listen to Trey Gowdy question FBI Director Comey ....

The big major newspapers and TV & radio mediums didn't want to run with this story.  Hmmm....wonder why?   One can only assume.  Or one can only take the media's word for the reasons given.  Me personally...when it comes to the media, I agree with Trump.  Nuff said!

While freedom of speech doesn't come with a license to abuse You can rest assured that it does not come with a pass to lie off your ass!

As for me...I'll take a loud, obnoxious, priggish, boorish jerk like Donald J. Trump over an arrogant, treacherous, money grabbing, power hungry, murderous,  pathological liar extraordinaire Hillary Clinton any day of the week!

We need Hillary Clinton for president like a fish needs a bicycle!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Why I Support Donald J. Trump

​​​I support Donald J. Trump because I am tired of politics as usual.

I support Donald J. Trump because I am  tired of the corruption, the deception and the out right lawlessness of Washington.

​I support Donald J. Trump because I know he will uphold the Constitution.

​I support Donald J. Trump because I know he will strengthen our military and our police departments; and our economy.

​I support Donald J. Trump because he inspires courage and patriotism.

​ I support Donald J. Trump because he isn't afraid of the left and their agenda; and he isn't afraid of the liberal controlled media.

​I support Donald J. Trump because I know he is for all Americans--Be they Americans who were born here or those who came here LEGALLY.  I support Donald J. Trump because I know he is for every American--no matter their sex, their sexual orientation, their reassignment or their self-identification; no matter their religion, their politics, the color of their skin, their social standing or their economic level.   Donald J. Trump is for all Americans--not just a selected few!

I support Donald J. Trump because he stands against political correctness and it's destructive forces.

I support Donald J.  Trump because he believes in the wisdom of teaching a man to fish rather than just handing it over to him.   I support Donald J. Trump because I know he will put Americans back to work; take care of those who are unable to work or have reached the age of retirement.

I support Donald J. Trump because I am tired of seeing our veterans homeless and going without much needed medical care while ILLEGALS from a foreign land get everything handed over to them.

​I support Donald J. Trump because I am tired of seeing our elderly, our disabled, our children going without while our government hands everything over to ILLEGAL immigrants

​I support Donald J. Trump because I know if  Hillary Clinton gets in...America is doomed.  I know Hillary Clinton will leave all of us to be hunted down and  die just like she left  Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods  to be hunted down and to die in Benghazi.    I support Donald J. Trump because I trust he will not sit back and do nothing when American lives are in danger!  Unlike Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama!

​ I support Donald J. Trump because I know he will hold the Democrats and the Republicans' feet to the fire and force them to be accountable for their actions and/or in-actions.  

​I support Donald J. Trump because I know he will serve the American people and guide them back into the right direction and yes, Make America Great Again!

I support Donald J. Trump because I know he will always tell it like it is.  It may not be what we want to hear or how we want to hear it--but it will always be what we need to hear!  And unlike Barack Hussein Obama, Donald J. Trump  will speak to the American public without putting us down or try to shame us because we are Americans.

​I support Donald J. Trump because I know he will always put America FIRST!

For all these reasons and so many more ...