Showing posts with label New Age. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Age. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

People Who Are Religious or Spiritual Have "Thicker" Brains

People who are religious or spiritual have ‘thicker’ brains, new research suggests.

Parts of the brain’s outer layer, the cortex, were found to be thicker in people who were religious, than in those who were not.

U.S. researchers studied people with a family history of depression and found the thickening related to religion could offer protection against the condition.

To Read Whole Story Click HERE

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

My Rebirth-day

QUICK SIDE NOTE:  I began this blog exactly one year ago!  *LOL*

On July 25th I will be celebrating  the 32nd anniversary of my 21st birthday!  

For those of you who are mathematically challenged -- I will be 53 years old!

While I have much to be grateful for, I am in no mood to celebrate.   In fact, after some deep soul and heart-felt considerations, I decided to rant about a few things.  Of course, my close friends and family will see this and smile.  They know that ranting is one of my favorite past-times.  So I guess in ranting, I am in truth -- and in my own special and unique way -- celebrating!


As a courtesy -- I am offering this one time warning.  A disclaimer if you will.  And it is as follows:

For those of you who can't appreciate a good rant,  especially, and in particularly, those of you who are easily offended...

NOW would be a great time to go read the latest news on Yahoo or Google or wherever you go to read such trash!

If you continue reading -- you do so at your own risk!   

Now for those of you who insist on reading and then INSIST on bitching about how you've been offended--I have hired a personal manager.  Her name is Helen Waite.   

So if  any of  you have a beef  with me personally, with  what is said here or just wish to whine, piss and moan about something you found offensive...please feel free to take it all to Helen Waite!  

~ Thank You~


I'm not really sure where to start.  There is so much I want to bitch about.  The one thing I really have stuck in my craw is airy fairy nit wits.  People I endearingly refer to as ... The "New Age" Sheeple!

A long-time thorn in my ass, airy fairy nit wits are those who go around half cock shouting at the top of their lungs ... We are one! or All you need is Love! or similar sugary sweet platitudes.    They are the  mindless zombies who gave up their religious dogma for a  "spiritual" program that is not much different  than the freeze dried bullshit they digested on a regular basis from whatever religion of their choosing.

In all seriousness -- it's really difficult to tell the players without a program these days.

At any rate, never having grown an actual working brain cell, these "New Age" Sheeple go around spouting off  catch phrases as though it's all you need to make the world a better place.  They actually have convinced themselves that by parroting and mimicking their new "spiritual" leader ... it makes them look smart.  Funny thing about that is ... if you ever try to ask them to explain what they mean-- they all get this "deer caught in headlights" look.  And they are always -- always --  the first to scream VICTIM and claim you are attacking them for asking a simple question about their beliefs.

Of course, the reason  they react in this manner is because they have absolutely no idea what those little catch phrases mean.  They only know they heard it on Oprah or some other program or read it in some book or on-line.   They only know that their new spiritual leader/teacher said it -- and that's good enough for them.

The  "New Age" Sheeple are the very ones who, like their religious zombie counter-parts,  never, ever bother digging deeper! They very rarely go beyond what is told to them or do any research  into the substance they've glanced over or listened to.

"New Age" Sheeple   are no different than  the religious zombies you'll find around the globe.  In fact, they all share similar patterns.

They all  have no inkling to what they are being "taught."  They all collectively believe that as long as they believe in the one (their leader) and follow behind him/her and believe what their leader tells them; or  think only  "happy thoughts" and get rid of all the alleged negative people and situations in their  life --all is well.   They all believe that great rewards await them in some far away "heaven" or Vahalla or whatever just so long as they blindly and mindlessly follow the leader!

Sickening really.  And I for one am tired of it!  I really am!  So to all you little airy fairy "New Age" Sheeple (and you religious zombies too!) here's some free advice:  Grow a set!  Seriously!  Just grow a pair and use whatever brain cell you have to do some actual thinking For your Self! oy!

Another thing that really irks me about these "New Age" Sheeple is how they are always saying -- "don't say you're sick!"   That's calling the sickness to you!  Or that's being negative! Just think happy positive  thoughts!  And you'll be just fine!


I am not one to be easily offended.  However, I  find it highly offensive for anyone to say all that horse shit (or something similar) to another person.  It's beyond ludicrous! And extremely  judgmental!

Were any of you  little platitude proclaimers-- you  "New Age" sheeple -- remotely aware that by spouting off this crock of shit ... you only serve to perpetuate the victim mode overall?  Or haven't you bother to notice that?  Obviously not!   So let me clarify a few things.

(keep reading!)

First of all -- you don't just tell someone to stop thinking any  thoughts!  We  all have been conditioned to think without control.    It's become a ridiculous habit for each and every one of us.  And a habit cannot be stopped by mere force.  All thoughts derive from the same source.  That source, for lack of a better term, is what we human experiencers refer to as Love.  By admission of the spiritual communities world-wide, there is no separation and that we are all one.  So that means that all thoughts labeled as "negative" came from Love.  (oh how the plot thickens now!!!!!)

But that goes against all your sheeple thought patterns -- doesn't it?  To accept or even acknowledge any thing you deem and label "negative" came from Love would mean you were wrong.  And you are!  Because Love has endless expressions -- there is no negative or positive thoughts in the Universal scheme of things.  It's all how you use the energy that propels it from one to the other.  So that means each and every one of us are responsible for how we use, misuse and or abuse energies.   It  even means that you would have to take responsibility and do some actual thinking  for your Selves!  *gasps*     Deity of your choice Forbid!

To make my point clearer-- I have to ask ... do you have any idea how it feels when someone fails at healing themselves based on your sugary sweet catch phrases?   Do you have any inclination the guilt and the feelings of failure they are left with when they are not able to live up to your ooey gooey,  half-assed, half thought through  standards?

No, you don't.  Do you?  You don't bother with such things do you?   You just see them as not having enough faith!  Not capable of living in your world of make believe.

So answer me this oh great sheeple of the pseudo spiritual realms ... how is it that even the most profound teachers and thinkers of our time have gotten ill and died?  Explain that!  Are you airy fairy  "New Age" sheeple going to say it was because of their "negative thinking"?  

Oh I'm sure you have a platitude to cover your sugary airy fairy asses on that one!

Secondly, surely you do have some level of comprehension that we all came in with certain experiences and lessons to undergo while on the earthly plane.  Right?  Okay, maybe I'm assuming too much here.  But for the sake of argument ... let's say you do.    With that said, I will point out that ... because none of us really know what that individual came here to learn and experience -- none of us have the right to tell another person they are being this way or that way.    No one has the right to say and/or imply they are thinking the wrong thoughts or not following the right path.    Now do they?

So my little "New Age" Sheeple -- where does your teeth rotting platitudes fit in?  In the overall scheme of things ... where does your idiotic mindless, inconsiderate, crock of bat shit you call "positive thinking" fit in?

Here's a piece of free advice:  If  you are not  willing to sit down and work with that person -- teach them, help them learn and help them to better understand their particular situation --  if all you have to offer is your little sugary idiotic platitudes ... you need to keep your trap shut!

While  I am a firm believer that thoughts play a huge part in the overall wellness of our mind, spirit and body-- it can only be accomplished  when  properly taught.  Not through some mindless repetitive rhetoric--but through  well-thought out, tried and tested teachings. Keeping in mind that we all came in with certain experiences to go through.    Meaning, even if we are properly taught to heal ourselves -- we are still going to go through some traumatic events.  Being properly taught to handle these events will allow us a smoother transition.  In fact, being properly taught -- takes the victimization out of the equation altogether!  And that's what we're all working towards -- right?  Yea, well some of us are!

To bring emphasis to my points -- I will state out right (once again) that Airy Fairy New Age Zombie Sheeple with their little sugary sweet platitudes only serve to perpetuate the victim mode.  Whether consciously or unconsciously -- this is what they are doing.   And if you don't believe that -- step back and take note for yourself.  They are no different than the religious "faith healers" who hold revivals out in some corn field!   And just as dangerous!

 So knock it off already!

And again, I am offering this free advice.  Commit it to memory -- practice it daily!  And it is as follows:

Instead of telling someone to think only "happy thoughts" and/or   eradicate all negativity ...  sit down and take the time to teach  them  to take responsibility.  Teach them to embrace all that they are!  To genuinely love and appreciate everything they are going through and have gone through.  Help them to learn, to understand and comprehend that none of us are victims!  Teach them the truth that We ALL are  experiencers of the human condition!  And that while we are here on this dense 3 dimensional earth plane, there are going to be times we meet with adversity of some kind.  And that it's okay!  It's perfectly fine!  Because that's all part of the experience!

Of course -- my momma didn't raise a fool!  I know that most of what I just said will fall on deaf ears.  But that's okay!  I got my shit out in the open!  For all the world to see!  Might'eve taken me a year to get it all written down and posted, but at least I got it!  hoooo HA!


Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience.

In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way. 


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