Friday, December 30, 2011

The Empress on 2011: Final Thoughts

In my final thoughts on 2011, I am reminded of those I said good bye this past year.  Interestingly enough, there weren’t that many.  And I say that because -- in years past, the number of people I said good bye to were in the triple digits.  But 2011, the numbers dwindled down to the single numbers. 

On February 7, 2011, my mother passed away .  After almost a year, I still can’t  figure out how I feel about that.   Having been estranged from her for so long, coupled with the fact that I am a medium,  it’s really difficult to decipher my feelings on her physical death.   A huge part of me, however,  is relieved that she is no longer suffering.  I don’t like seeing anyone in any kind of pain.

My mother left behind a legacy of confusion.  It’s how she lived her life -- so it’s only fitting that her death would reflect the same.    The world around me actually mirrors my mother in so many ways -- too many to even begin to count.  Which may be one of many reasons why I don’t miss her as much as I feel  I should.

In 2011, I managed to kick out -- and keep out --  certain people who were always finding ways to inject their brand of doom and gloom about everything!  They were always telling me:  I can't do this -- I can’t say that!  That’s not how you do it!  You’re wrong!  I’m the only one who knows better than you!  Blah! Blah! Blah!

Anything and everything I did and/or said was always put down by these people.   Couldn't do anything right where they were concerned.   So I kicked their asses OUT and slammed that door shut!  

These were the people who were constantly trying to control every aspect of my being.   You know the type.  Everyone has at least one of those people around.    For whatever reason/reasons -- I seem to have had more than my fair share of those types.  Oy!  But …  2011 proved to be the year where I managed to keep that door to those types of relationships closed.    Now, as I watch the clock ticking away towards 2012 -- I can’t help but feel really proud of myself for standing my ground in this particular regard. 

2011 was also the year where I renewed some old friendships that had fell to the wayside.   We had parted in late 2009 -- and found our paths crossing in 2011.    The time during our separation brought us into some really groovy wisdom -- our friendship is better and stronger for it. 

 Oh!  And I am very proud to announce … (drum roll please)  I finally managed to actually complete my  first book (the first in a trilogy)  in 2011!  Woo! Hoo!    Sufficient to say … I can honestly  relate to Tolkien!  Lord of the Rings’ fans know what I’m talking about here.   

I feel that the last two books in this series won’t take as long as the first!  I know it won’t -- cause I’m already half finished with Book 2.  And Book 3 -- got one-third of it on paper!  Yea! For me!!!! 

I have several other  literary projects in the works in 2012.  And unlike in times past … I am actually feeling good about them all.  I don’t feel that twinge of drudgery as I use to.   Actually feel excited about it all.     This excitement -- this feeling of freedom -- is actually new for me.  I never felt it before -- not like this! 


Regardless of the insanity taking place around me -- I am really feeling good about 2012! 

While I know there will continue to be challenges along the way during the new year, I feel these incredible energies building and gaining strength.    An incredibly wonderful feeling that something fantastical is just over the horizon!  Something brought about by all the hard work I and so many others have been doing over the decades.  

And no … I am not expecting any Utopia to suddenly appear through some extraterrestrial or divine intervention.  I am, however, seeing something more tangible in its finishing stages taking place in 2012.   And yes, I take pride in the knowingness that I played a small part in it!

As we face the final count-down to 2012 ... I shall leave you with an excerpt from the Children of the Luminaries© series …

All that no longer serves your growth -- leave it. 
All those who no longer serve your higher purposes -- Bid farewell!

Bring with you only the wisdom that you earned during the challenges you faced -- all those you overcome -- even the ones that you didn't.  Take  only the Love and compassion these events inspired and instilled in you.

Lift your head up and take heart that this is by no means the end of who you are -- but the return to your true self!

Remember this … and remember it well … that after all that has been said and done -- only Love matters!  It is all that ever truly mattered!  It is the only thing that ever matters!  

Grandmother Willow to The Oracle
Children of the Luminaries ~ Book III: The Day of Reckoning

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape,  Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™.   Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience.  In the style  of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way.


All articles posted on this Blog are protected by International Copy Right Laws. Any portion of these articles copied, whether in part or in whole, are to include full acknowledgements of the author, (Name, website, blog site, as well as any and all contact information) Followed by the copyright symbol © .

All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited

The Empress on 2011: Part Four

The days leading up to the new year is always a time of reflection.   While this year is no different, 2011 seems to have  prompted many to really dig down deeper than ever before.   The years leading up to this present year no doubt had a great deal to do with this.   To say the very least -- it’s been a rough couple of years!

While each year brings with it a renewed since of hope,  there is something about 2012 that brings an added boost to that feeling.  In truth -- 2012 carries an excitement that causes all other years to pale in comparison.    

Maybe it’s all the “hoopla” surrounding this year that has us all collectively in a tizzy.    I mean, we all have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of this particular year for some time now.   Waiting with baited breath to see if the so called “prophecies” are true.  

Speaking of prophecies -- the Mayan calendar-- in no way, shape, form or fashion states that 2012 is the end of the world!  That propaganda  came from the religious fanatics, and passed on by followers of this ill conceived thought!  Propaganda that has been further perpetuated by a certain well known, world wide radio talk show -- whose name shall not be mentioned!

But even still -- there is a certain air surrounding 2012 that is utterly electrifying!

There is no mistaking it -- a  new era of humankind is upon us!  And it is exciting!

In preparation of this exciting new year -- many of us are shedding the dregs of all the years past.  We are consciously leaving behind all that no longer serves us.  In other words --  All that nonsense that happened in 2011 -- stays in 2011! 

This preparation also includes expansion of the education of the masses who are now in the process of waking up!  The few who experienced their awakening many years prior to this time --  who have spent these years leading up to 2012 consciously training -- are now heeding the call to aid those now coming out of their long soul slumber!   

As many of us are aware -- the majority of the earth’s population has been dumbed down to the point of absolute emotional and mental retardation.    Creating a society of needy greedy self entitled drama queens!   Selfishness and self entitlement -- people who actually believe “someone else” should be doing all the work -- and then hand over all their hard earned money and belongings to these lazy, selfish people.    These little nits want what others have -- but don’t want to work for it.  They want it all handed over to them -- because they believe -- actually believe-- they are entitled to it. 

 All this has been made self evident through the media and personal experiences -- both off and on line! 

As an example of this on-going and growing self-entitlement attitude on-line … is Face Book.   There are people who actually believe they have the right to be on your personal page,  a part of your personal network --  whether you want them there or not.  These self entitled needy greedy little drama queens actually are convinced  -- that they have the right say whatever they want; do whatever they want -- and you’re suppose to just sit back and allow it.    In fact, they have this attitude that YOU should be grateful that they are there. 

People who go along with this mind set try to make others feel bad for removing these assholes.  They use passive manipulation; or in some instances out right admonition for doing so.    

Been seeing this run rampant throughout this social network.  No doubt it is happening in other networks of this ilk -- wouldn’t know -- don’t visit those.  Don’t care to either.

This entire dumbing down of the masses has been deliberately orchestrated by those who wish to keep the populace in control!  Why?  Because those in so called control know their time is limited -- and it is running out!

Those of us who have managed to stay alert, awake and do not succumb to the idiot factor -- we have a huge task ahead of us!   To quote Master Teacher Jesus -- “the need is great -- but the workers are few!”

Hopefully -- 2012 will bring about a stronger conscious awareness and people, for the most part, will not only WAKE UP … but GROW UP!

I got Hopes … HIGH Hopes!

Counting down to 2012 -- and to a Great Era of MASS AWAKENING!

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape,  Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™.   Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience.  In the style  of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way.


All articles posted on this Blog are protected by International Copy Right Laws. Any portion of these articles copied, whether in part or in whole, are to include full acknowledgements of the author, (Name, website, blog site, as well as any and all contact information) Followed by the copyright symbol © .

All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited

Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Empress on 2011: Part Three

I am sorry to report that in 2011 we saw an increase of “reality” TV shows.    Which is proof positive of how utterly dumbed down the majority has gotten!  As if there weren’t enough distractions  -- we are now bombarded by trashy television shows that have the audacity to call themselves “reality” TV.    And don’t even get me started on those ridiculous, badly slammed together  paranormal shows.  

It has gotten so bad, I don’t even own a television any more!  Why bother?  All the good decent shows are all but disappeared.  And what shows were good and entertaining can now be found on the internet.  Or if you still have a television you can purchase them on DVD. 

2011 has also seen the rise of what I like to call ...  the "Stuck on Stupid Syndrome" or S.O.S.S. for short!    

Where else but on a planet taken over by the utterly stupid can you find a law that clearly prohibits TEXTING ON A CELL PHONE WHILE DRIVING???!!! 

If you weren’t stupid to begin with -- you wouldn’t have to be told that texting and/or talking on the telephone is  a really stupid idea!  And there wouldn't have been a need to pass a  law to  prohibited it!   But Stupid people have to be told it’s not a good idea --- that it‘s really stupid To TEXT and/or TALK on the telephone  while driving … because they are STUPID!

Same thing with drinking booze and driving.  People too stupid to know if you are drinking,  it slows down and messes up your reactions.  What really amazes me is the drunks who are so drunk they can't stand but still believe they can drive a car!  STUPID!  Tellin' ya! 

Then there are the stupid people who like to pretend they are clever.  They're the ones that will explain to you that talking to someone in the car  next to you is distracting and that having children in the car is distracting.     My reply to that line of logic?  If you are THAT easily distracted -- then you don't need to be driving in the first damn place because you are apparently too damn stupid to focus on what is important!

Wit respect to that very "clever statement" ... I do have a few suggestions though (of course I do!).

If the kids are the cause of said distraction -- you know they are ill behaved -- you know they are going to act up while you are driving you can either (1) do what our parents did and pull over; (2)  threaten them with bodily harm or knock them upside their heads or BOTH; or (3) duct tape them together and toss them in the back seat;  or (4) just  leave them at home!

If you have a friend and/or family member who is a virtual chatty cat -- and you know they are a chatty cat -- and you know they will distract you with all their chatting --- you can (1) threaten to throw them out; (2) throw them out; (3) duct tape up and toss'em in the back seat; or (4) just leave them at home!

Actually if you are among the truly stuck on stupid -- it's just best you stay at home and watch your stupid "reality tv shows!  It's best for all involved really!

Of course, stupid people are not going to do any of that.  Rather than  taking any steps that remotely resemble intelligent and responsible actions-- they prefer risking life and limb of not only themselves -- but that of innocent by standers!  Which of course results in life altering injuries, unnecessary deaths and MORE DAMN LAWS!

Now ... If you still believe there are no stuck on stupid people on this planet -- I will refer to all those  labels that had to be placed on certain products to keep the stupid people from harming themselves--and each other.    It's been an on-going problem for years!   And now -- they have slowly taken over the entire planet -- and gaining in numbers!

Proof positive that stupid people have taken over the planet, and continue to breed like rabbits, is based on this one all important fact -- and it as follows ....  long ago,  you were hard pressed to find more than two village idiots at any given time!   Now ... its the other way around!  NOW you are hard pressed to find more than two NON-STUCK ON STUPID people in the same village.  In some instances -- the entire village  is nothing BUT idiots! 

Those of us who have any measure of good sense, any level of comprehension skills pass the kindergarten level,  and any type of logical and analytical abilities,  can now consider themselves  on the Endangered Species list!

Unfortunately, the American government has seen fit to close down the space program.  So we're stuck on this rock until one of us comes up with a serum that cures stupidity or builds an outer space Noah's Ark so we non stuck on stupid types can haul ass!


Hopefully, 2012 will be the year  our old friends Good Sense (formerly known as "common" sense), Common Courtesy and Logic will return.   After all, 2012 is being hailed as the year of enlightenment!  So there is hope!  

Yea ... I know!  I'm a dreamer!

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape,  Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™.   Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience.  In the style  of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way.


All articles posted on this Blog are protected by International Copy Right Laws. Any portion of these articles copied, whether in part or in whole, are to include full acknowledgements of the author, (Name, website, blog site, as well as any and all contact information) Followed by the copyright symbol © .

All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Empress on 2011 -- Part Two

In 2011, while the general public continued on with their various distractions -- Congress sneaked several bills under the wire.    One was Bill S 1867.    This is the bill that gives the military  the right to arrest and detain anyone they believe to be a threat against America.   

Now I know that our politicians are sworn to uphold the Constitution and protect this nation against threats both foreign and domestic.   I get that.    But history has shown the down side of giving the military that much control.     Germany.  Russia.  China.  Korea.  Are only a few examples, both past and present, of that downside.

Many are stating that folks just got all worked up over this bill.  That it doesn’t apply to “good Americans.”   And good Americans have nothing to fear.  Yea?  Interesting.    Many Austrians and Germans were told they had nothing to fear so long as they were “good patriots.”     Yea, and we all know how that panned out.  Don’t we?

So who determines who is a good American and who  is a terrorist?    The government?   Yea?  Well here’s a sampling of the government’s definition of what a suspected terrorist is.

According to Sen.  Rand Paul (R-KY):

“We’re talking about American citizens who can be taken from the United States and sent to a camp at Guantanamo Bay and held indefinitely.  There are laws on the books right now that characterize who might be a terrorist: someone missing fingers on their hands is a suspect, according to the Department of Justice.

Someone who has guns, someone who has ammunition that is weatherproofed, someone who has more than seven days of food in their house can be considered a potential terrorist.  {emphasis added}

If you are suspected because of these activities, do you want the government to have the ability to send you to Guantanamo Bay for indefinite detention?”

And before any of you go crying about how I am passing on fear -- shut your pie hole!   Pointing out the truth and potential hazards is not fear mongering.    If you get all tingly with fear by someone speaking and/or pointing out the  truth -- that’s your challenge to overcome!  

I will remind each of you that Y2K was a potential threat.  However it was thwarted due to people becoming consciously aware

The more consciously aware you are of the things going on around you -- the better your position to buffer it, improve upon it and/or thwart it.  

If it resonates with a dark dense energy -- Shed light on it and it will shrink!

Speaking of shedding a little light on the subject …  there was the light bulb bill … which was thankfully overturned!  And you know why don’t you?  Because lots of folks became … what?  Anyone?  Anyone?  Yea!  That’s right!  Now you’re getting it!

There was a great deal more passed that falls under suspicion -- I urge each person reading this blog to do the research, become consciously aware and SPEAK OUT in the coming new year! 


The more I think back on the last four years -- and the more I see what is going on in our country ... I keep hearing the words from one of my favorite Star Wars movies ... 

"So this is how liberty dies...with thunderous applause."  Padmé Amidala ~ Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith


2012 is the year we will be voting for President of the U.S.A.   And again, as it was in 2008,  it appears the pickings are slim -- very slim!

Granted -- I am not what you would call ... fond ... of any politician!  I find the majority of them to be lacking of any real logic, good sense and backbone!

If it were left up to me -- I would fire every last one of them (without severance pay) and invoke one term tenures for their replacements!

Thankfully, many more people have waken up and learned from their stupid mistakes of 2008.      The good news -- you don't find as many ass kissing supporters  as in 2008.  Sure -- they're still out there -- still hoping to find favor with the current leader and administration.  But their numbers -- thankfully -- are dwindling!

Knowledge is a power tool.  The information is out there -- and is making it's way throughout the nation via the internet.  Which is probably one of many reasons the current administration is wanting to shut down the internet through stiff "regulation."

They don't want people learning the truth!  Which is one of their biggest mistakes. 

The American people found a way back in the day long before Google -- and they will find a way should their virtual voice  be declared a threat to the fadder-land ... I mean to America!

As I have stated in previous blogs -- and will continue to state -- I  hold out hope!  Call me a dreamer if you want! But  believe that Good always wins out!  How high the cost of that win -- is all dependent upon how quickly the rest of the world's population is willing to let go of their stupidity, their fears of loss and the unknown!

May 2012 be that year!

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape,  Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™.   Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience.  In the style  of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way.


All articles posted on this Blog are protected by International Copy Right Laws. Any portion of these articles copied, whether in part or in whole, are to include full acknowledgements of the author, (Name, website, blog site, as well as any and all contact information) Followed by the copyright symbol © .

All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited

Monday, December 26, 2011

The Empress on 2011-- Part One

2011 has been an interesting year of intense challenges.   Perhaps more so than in previous years.

Depending on who you talk to -- it has been a year of pure hell on every level for a great number of people world wide.   Some claim 2011 as being the year to shed off the remaining residual energies of all that no longer serve.    While others see it as the beginning of the end of the world.   Speaking of the end of the world -- 2011 was allegedly the year for that.   According to evangelist Harold Camp anyways.   Yea ... well ... so much for that ... eh?

Fanatics ... the world is full of fanatics!  All kinds of fanatics!  Sports and celebrities; religious and political.   While it has always been around --fanaticism (political and religious most particular) appears to be gaining steam these days.  I'm guessing it has alot to do with the whole myth surrounding 2012 that's making people more fanatical.   And with  the internet literally creating a smaller universe -- insanity is more readily available.  No doubt adding to the intensity of wonkiness these days as well. 

In 2011 we saw the formation of the Occupy Movement.  Personally, I (as well as many others)  would have taken the participants of this "movement" a little more seriously had we not seen signs of greed, selfishness and ignorance filtering throughout each grouping throughout each occupied event.

I'm still waiting on someone who can explain to me what the movement was really about.  It appeared the only thing the occupiers  seemed to know was ... the banks were at fault and they (the occupiers)  were all paying for the establishment's greed.

While that may be true -- for the most part -- there were questions left unanswered by this movement and its participants.  The  number one question being ... What about  personal responsibility?     

The answer to that question  came by  way of a sign one participant was carrying.  A sign that pretty much summed up the entire movement for the rest of the population who watched with a mixture of fascination and disdain.  And that infamous sign of course was ...    

"Throw me a bone!  Pay my student Loan!"   

Really?  Utterly Fascinating ... to say the least!  Of course, the hard core occupiers would deny (vehemently) that was not what they were truly about!  *yawn*  Yea, okay!  Sure!

Like it or not ...  this  one sign --  is what the occupy movement will be remembered by!  And it will forever overshadow any good the participants had intended. Well that and  the utter filth the occupiers had left in their wake during their stint on Wall Street--as well as other places they laid siege.

Good Job People!  You managed to single handedly screw yourselves over while trying to make your point!  FYI:  No one with any real logic or good sense will take your actions seriously as long as you mimic the same greed, the same self-entitlement and the same no taking of responsibility for your self!

Now -- if  all  that weren't outrageous enough -- there are  many within the occupy movement who are using Jesus as an excuse to justify their own worldly motives.  This for me, in unto itself,  has  provided yet another reason why  I cannot take them seriously.

It isn't enough that many use Jesus as a reason to kill thousands upon thousands; use his good name to torment and persecute others  -- but now some of these occupiers have the audacity to twist his work to justify their own agendas!??   PLEASE!

As an example of not only of the occupier’s continued audacity -- and their ignorance as well -- was a status stating that 'Jesus was a liberal!' 

Excuse me?  Jesus had no political affiliations!  He taught and encouraged his followers to take care of one another!  He encouraged them to be generous in providing for those who could not provide for themselves. To care for the widows and orphans, the fatherless child,  to assist them to stand on their own two feet.  There was no mention in getting the government involved in this process.

Jesus and his followers, unlike the liberals, did not hang off the teats of the government!  He and his followers were self reliant!   There was nothing Jesus taught that  created a "nanny state" -- he did not teach the people to become dependent upon any government.   

Jesus taught To give  a hand UP -- not a hand OUT!   

Jesus taught Self Responsibility and Self Reliance;  He was an example of charity and generosity.  Nothing he said or did was politically motivated!   

And then there was a status I found floating around on Face Book during Christmas:

'Today, many celebrate an underprivileged mom giving birth in a stable, to a baby who grew up to be a prominent activist for peace, love and compassion; who preferred the company of prostitutes, the poor and the disabled than that of the religious or financial elite; who at one time took radical direct action against the banking system and who, at the conclusion of his life, was executed publicly as an enemy of state. Jesus was an Activist! Merry Christmas!'

First of all, Mary was not underprivileged!  She came from a prominent family!  As did Joseph -- Jesus' "foster" father.     Both Mary and Joseph were of the Davidic line.    Or didn't anyone know that?  Apparently not.

During the time Mary was about to give birth it was also the time of  census taking.  By law, each man, woman and child were to return to their ancestral home for accounting.   Because it was a busy time --   It was a first come -- first serve situation.   There were no phones, no internet to call or email ahead for reservations. No Orbitz.  No Travellocity.   You arrive late -- you were s.o.o.l.!

Mary and Joseph arrived to Bethlehem during a time when the city was overflowing with people who came to be counted for the census.  They arrived late apparently -- no doubt due to her condition.   Travel back then was harsh even under the best of circumstances.  But being very pregnant as Mary was made it even more difficult.

Despite their reasons why they arrived when they did doesn't really matter.  The prophecies had stated that Jesus would be born in the City of David -- namely Bethlehem!   And so it was. What room -- or in this instance lack of -- was not because Mary  was underprivileged  -- but because they had arrived during an extraordinarily busy time and the rooms were all taken!   

And FYI:  Jesus was NOT born on December 25th!   That date was chosen by "the church"  at a much later date!    Christmas is actually the Roman Pagan holiday called Saturnalia!

Secondly -- Jesus took action against those merchants and money changers because they were desecrating the Temple to do their business.    The Temple was not a place for such things.   It was a sacred place for worship, contemplation and meditation.   

Third ... The government -- the state -- at that given time of Jesus' trial and subsequent execution was Rome.  Jesus was NOT the enemy of Rome!   This was publicly announced by the governor himself.  The Governor of that region during this time, was  a man by the name of Pilate.  Remember him?  Pilate found no evidence that Jesus had committed  any crimes against Rome.  In fact, Pilate washed his hands of the entire situation and wanted nothing more to do with the Jews and their petty disagreements.  So he sent Jesus back to the Jewish religious leaders

Jesus was convicted by greedy religious bastards who feared him because he was waking people up to their lies.  Jesus was sent to his death by Jewish radicals who wanted a leader to overthrow Rome.

Because it was the year of Jubilee -- the people  were given the opportunity to set free a prisoner of their choosing.   They chose a convicted murderer by the name of Barabus.  Why?  Because they wanted someone to lead them to overthrow the current government!   Namely ... ROME!

And how did that pan out for them?  Anyone?  Anyone?

Oh and by the way ... you folks may want to make special note  of what Jesus told  these Jewish radicals when they had come to implore him to lead the way to their victory ... to join them and overthrow the Romans.  You do know what Jesus said to them don't you?  Obviously, by that damnable face book status ... you don't!

Each one of you who chooses to twist Jesus' work might want to do a bit more research into what he really stood for.   And too,  rethink your strategies in this regard -- or face the same fate as those radicals in Jesus' day.  And all those charlatans that came after  who adulterated his works to suit their own selfishness.

In truth, it takes a great deal to offend me.   I take offense with anyone who uses Jesus as an excuse to do whatever they want.  Be they politically motivated or religiously motivated.      I love Jesus dearly -- and these lies, half-truths and twisting the truth of who he was and what he stood for -- really annoys me to no end.     


Yea, went off on a rant there!  I know!

I make no apologies for it!

I am really sick and tired of people taking Jesus'  work and twisting to suit their particular greedy needy dramas.   And what really burns my beans are people who accept these twisted half-truths ... out right lies ...  ill conceived notions ... as truth!  Just blindly following along accepting and passing along the ignorance without so much as picking up a book, getting online to Google it ... NOTHING.  Just blind acceptance.

And before any one of you deny this ... I want you to think back a few weeks ago on another man.  A famous person.  A man who is respected, loved and admired for his particular works here on earth.  His name?  Jon Bon Jovi.   

To paraphrase a quote from Mark Twain ~ The reports of his death was greatly exaggerated!  And yet so many took it as truth!  Face Book was flooded with condolences ... and yet -- very few even bothered to check if his death was true before posting! 

Yea, I think I made my points in this regard ... don't you? 

My hopes for the coming new year is simple.  I hope that many of you walking around with your heads stuck up your ass will manage to pull it out -- and keep it out!

I Can Dream ... Can't I?

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape,  Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™.   Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience.  In the style  of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way.


All articles posted on this Blog are protected by International Copy Right Laws. Any portion of these articles copied, whether in part or in whole, are to include full acknowledgements of the author, (Name, website, blog site, as well as any and all contact information) Followed by the copyright symbol © .

All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Why Isn't This Being Reported?!

Why aren't we hearing more about Bill - S.1867?  Even the political (both conservative and liberal) talk shows that I listen to aren't reporting it.  

Why?  Now THAT'S the proverbial $64 question! 

Did I somehow just just miss the news reports?? ummm -- NO!  I don't think so!  I mean -- seriously-- What the hell?!!

Below is the letter I have been sending out to all the talk show hosts.  Feel free to use it -- make it your own--add to it -- whatever you need to do ... and then SEND IT! 

I have listed some of the talk show  contact information down below as well as a link for letter addressed to President Obama himself.  

But don't stop there!  Contact the networks!  Contact your local television affiliates!  Newspapers!  

Get the Word Out!  Twitter -- Face Book  -- Blogs -- and the other on line networking tools available!



I'm a bit disturbed by the fact that I haven't heard this on any of the talk shows or on the news:

Passed: Americans can be detained without due process Bill - S.1867

Maybe I missed it? 

While I realize the Presidential race is important -- it is also serving as a major distraction.  President Obama and his co-horts are pushing out our freedoms right under our collective noses!

Many of us are doing our part by passing the information around on Face Book, Twitter, and our individual blogs.  But we are ALL wondering -- what is going on with you guys that you aren't reporting this?

Hugh Hewitt

Sean Hannity

Michael Medved

Mike Gallagher

Dr. Bill Bennett

The Dennis Miller Show

The Diane Rehm Show

Rush Limbaugh

Smiley and West

Sign the Letter!  
Let President Obama know how you feel about this Bill!  
Sign it and Pass it on!

Contact President Obama NOW and ask him to veto any bill that contains indefinite detention without charge or trial.


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Bill - S.1867 -- WELCOME TO NAZI AMERICA!??!!

Excuse ME!  This IS NOT the America I know and Love!  The Country of my heart and Soul!

THIS is NOT what our founding fathers had in mind!


Send out your Message -- Let your Voice Be Heard!  
Let those in Washington Know how we feel!

Don't sit on your ass and let this Nazi-like bull shit continue on!


They claim they have no money for basic necessities for the American People

They claim they need to cut back on Military spending

They claim they can't allow Medicaid/Medicare and Social Security to continue on

They Claim there is no money for anything that is necessary for the BASIC NEEDS of the poor, the elderly, the children, and so forth

BUT ... they have the funds to back this Freeze Dried Bull shit?


1984 IS HERE!

Monday, December 5, 2011

It's for Our Own Good -- Right?

OMG!  I wrote and posted this back on December 5, 2011!

I'm Reposting it today!  Because here we are!  Facing the same shit All Over AGAIN!


As many of you are already aware,  On January 1, 2012, our good ole' 100 Watt bulbs will be outlawed!  They will be considered contraband folks!  ILLEGAL! 

The good old Nanny State has come through for us once again by deeming these 100 Watt  bulbs as not being good for Mother Earth!     And as one politically correct fashioneesta stated ... "they're not very pretty!"   Of Course,  everyone knows ... the government is only looking after "our welfare" by doing this!

  They -- the Nanny Gov't , along with their politically correct watch dogs-- will be ordering us to use the more "fashionable"  Earth friendlier spiral version.  Real nice of them don't you think? 

So what if the newer version is filled with mercury!  And so what if it is going to cost millions more to "properly" dispose of them!  It's for our own good!

I mean, after all, the United States government only has our best interest at heart.  Right?

Why is it that every single time I turn around -- yet ANOTHER one of our rights is being taken away?  Doesn't that bother any of you?  That your rights are slowly being taken -- one by one by one?

Have any of you used these newer "bulbs"?  They're god-awful!  And now I have to worry about hazard waste in my home should they break?  And what kind of poison is being released while using them?  They are filled with Mercury you know! 

But the Government is only looking after the future of Mother Earth!   They only want us to have what they deem is best for us.   Right?

I mean that's why they tried their best (and are still trying by the way) to make it illegal for any of us to grow our own food!  The Government is only looking after us!  Trying their best to take care us!  Cause Heaven knows -- we're too stupid to do it for ourselves!

I mean ... buying food from the super market that has been laced with all kinds of pesticides that the FDA has approved is better than anything we could grow organically.  Consuming all those poisons serves to strengthen our immune systems.  Right?   And all those other people getting sick and dying from all that crap ... well they were going to die anyways -- of something ... eventually!  Right?    It's the survival of the fittest.  Am I right?

Remember those bottles of cough syrup you use to be able to go out and buy freely--at any time you needed them?  The government chose to enforce "Rules"  so that now we are limited in what we can get --  and only with proper I.D.!!!  All this was done in order to keep us all safe from those nasty drug labs that just keep popping up in all our neighborhoods! 

Then there are the Airport Security folks.  Bless'em!  Of course, this was only to protect us as well.  What's a little inconvenience -- just so long as we are kept safe!  Right?  I mean ... sure our elderly and children get all  felt up while that nice Muslim reading their Koran -- wearing their head to toe gear-- is allowed to get through with a smile! And that suspicious looking person carrying no luggage and looking about nervously gets a free pass.

It's all for the best!  Really!  It is!   Our government only wants what is best ... for the American people!  We wouldn't want to upset those nice Muslim folks by asking them to step aside to get groped!  Now would we?  And we would not want to upset that person sweating profusely, who paid for his ticket in cash and has no luggage!  Wouldn't want those folks to get the wrong idea about the USA.     Wouldn't want to offend anyone!

Living within the Nanny state calls for major adjustments.   We have to remember that our Government is only doing what's best for us.  Saddam Hussien tried his best to get that point across to his own people you know.   And surely all of you remember how  Adolf Hitler was only doing what was for the betterment of the Fatherland! I mean seriously!  All   those big governments of history-- both  past and present -- each of their leaders were only doing what they felt was best for the people overall!  Right?

I guess we should all be more thankful that our Government is trying to do the same for us here.  To better this country by taking away our rights, our civil liberties, etc.  Especially if those rights, civil liberties,etc. are harming us in some way.   Right?

Besides!  It's only a light bulb for crissakes!  What's one little light bulb being taken away from us gonna do?

 I mean ... after all ... it's for our own good!  Right? 


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Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Empress on Being Thankful

So What are you thankful for?

Whenever I am asked this question, the first answer that pops into my head is ... I'm  thankful for not being one of these people who walk around with their head stuck up their ass!

While that answer, for some, may come across as crass -- it is my sincerest  heartfelt feelings.  And I don't make any apologies for it.

It is my hope  that one day,  I can say with conviction ... I am thankful there are no more people walking around with their heads up their asses!

I can dream -- can't I?

I could go on and on about what I am thankful for ... but I won't.  The list is enormous and  there isn't enough room on this note to list every single thing I am thankful for.   Sufficient to say ... I am one very  thankful person. 

I'll be spending the last Thursday in November helping those in need.  Paying it forward by continuing my work in doing all I can to relieve the Earth of the gruesome  burden  of this ever increasing epidemic known as  cranial uppitus gluteus maximus malfuctionus more commonly known as ... head up the ass disorder.

And yes, before you say anything ... I realize I have my work cut out for me. 

At any rate ... I wish to express my utmost thanks to ALL of You for being a part of my journey!  Granted, Some of you, I really think I  could have done without.   Irregardless, know that I am thankful for the time we shared -- even more  thankful that it was a short length of time!  Not to mention,  I am extremely thankful knowing our paths will never cross outside this virtual world.  

For those of you who have been with me the longest, and continue walking with me on this path ... you are some really twisted and  sick so and so's!  Something I truly appreciate in a person!    I am so very thankful that you are MY  twisted and sick so and so's!

 With sincerest gratitude ... I am compelled to say in closing,  that no matter how far your head may be up your ass ... no matter how sick and twisted you are ... no matter  how long you may be in my life or how short that time may be ... I am Thankful for each and every one of you! 


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Extreme and Unncessary Punishment: Changes Need to Be Made Within Our School System

My daughter attends High School here in Jefferson County, Kentucky. She was placed in ISAP (Detention) for the full day due to a “dress code” violation.   She wasn’t wearing a belt.

While I appreciate the importance of rules and the need to enforce them, I am appalled by the extreme disciplinary tactics in dealing with dress code infractions.  Denying a child access to her/his classes and then placing them in the same room with children with distinct and continuous  behavioral problems?  All due to not having a belt to wear?

Is it me or does anyone else find this extreme?   

And not only is it extreme -- but is cheating a child out of their class time and their education. 

This, in my opinion, is not only a form of neglect, but an abuse of power by the faculty and staff. And I assure you, I am not alone in my opinion in this regard.

My child (and a few other children as well)  missed out on her classes, denied her education, and will be counted as an UNEXCUSED ABSENTEE due to this infraction.   Again, for emphasis, I will point out that She was placed in the same detention room with children that exhibit behavioral problems -- all due to the simple fact she was not wearing a belt.

Now again ...  ask yourselves -- isn't this a bit extreme? 

I do understand the "No Sagging Pants" rule!  And trust me, I am ALL for it!  Nothing irritates me more than seeing boys and men alike with their backsides hanging out.  Disgusting!

But my daughter's pants were NOT sagging.   In fact, her not wearing a belt was barely even noticeable.     I am by no means saying she should not have incurred discipline for the infraction.    Rules are rules.  But to be forced to miss an entire day of school?   Does anyone else see the problem here?  


Now please understand.  Had my daughter been given detention after school, neither she nor I would have taken issue. She would have gotten her day of education, paid for her infraction and everyone would have gone about their merry way. 

Instead, the individual "in charge" of handing out punishment chose to take it a few steps further. Instead of taking into consideration my child's educational needs; instead of choosing a more appropriate venue to discipline her for the infraction ... this individual chose instead to abuse her authority, violate my child's legal rights to a proper education,  all in order to prove who was in charge.

So I ask you ... What message is this sending out to not only my daughter, but all the other children who were “written up”, punished and denied their education, due to the same type of infractions?

It is telling them, in short, that abuse of power is perfectly acceptable.    

That wearing a belt is far more important than your education!   


Now what bothers me and my daughter the most about this little incident is how the staff and faculty alike ... will pick and choose who is to be punished for these dress code infractions!

I have been at this high school on more than one occasion.  And each time I have seen young girls wearing skirts so short that you could see their underwear each time they moved.  I have seen both boys and girls wearing pants so tight, you would swear they had been spray painted on.     I have sat in the office of this very high school  and seen first hand some rather offensive and inappropriate outfits on young teenage girls --- outfits that the staff and faculty of this particular high school who seem to not even notice.  Or just choose to ignore altogether. 

I have actually mentioned these infractions to a few of the teachers online ... each of them denying seeing anything like that in their class room.     Not that I am saying they are lying.  I wasn't in their class room.  Perhaps the students I saw dressed inappropriately didn't attend their classes.  Apparently by the responses I have gotten ... those particular students didn't.  :-)

And then there is the information I got from not only by my daughter, but by other students as well, regarding incidents involving  a few male students who had dress code infractions but were giving after school detention.    Furthermore, I was informed that these particular students had on cargo pants -- a few who had on regular pants were not wearing belts!


Some of you may be asking why I didn't just bring her the belt.   When she called me, I was literally on my way out to two job interviews on the opposite side of town.  I don't have a car, I have no friends or family close by who could have helped get her the belt.  And I don't have money for cab fare. 

To get to the school, I have to take two buses.  The second bus I have to take that brings me to the school does not run as often as the bus I take to get to the transfer point.   In fact, when I finally was able to get to the school that day, I actually had  to wait 35 minutes for that  second bus.  And once you are on that second bus, it's a little over 45 minutes ride, by the way.   In short, it takes almost 2 hours by bus to get to the school.  

Now why would I choose going on job interviews over bringing my child a belt?  

Our finances are rapidly depleting, and I need a job to keep a roof over our heads, utilities to pay and have to put food on the table.  

Not to mention I couldn't reschedule the interviews -- So I made an executive decision. 

In short -- I am a single parent with no other resources available.  And whose money is running out.   And in all seriousness ... I really found it hard to believe that they would actually force her to stay in detention all day for not wearing a belt!   

Other parents are in similar situations.  Some in worse predicaments.   Please understand, I'm not implying that special treatment be given to any of us who find themselves in these situations.  I am only asking that if you, the educator,  find yourself in a position to discipline my child, then do so -- but don't cheat him/her out of an education because of he/ she has either forgot or was unable to obtain suitable attire.     There are other means of discipline available that doesn't include deliberately withholding their education! 


Of course, many would say that I, as the parent, should have made sure my daughter had the belt.    And this is what I have to say to that.  My daughter is a very responsible young woman.  She doesn't make a habit of non-compliance.     She is 16 yrs old and old enough to know the difference from right and wrong.     She works very hard to follow the rules.  And she doesn't require me doing a spot check before she leaves for school.    She always dresses appropriately.  

This particular day was an exception.   And I will state once again, I am not saying nor am I implying that she should not have been disciplined for the infraction.    

What I am stating -- out right-- is the  punishment for this infraction was way over the top -- no matter how you look at it.

Again, for emphasis ... my daughter  was willing to take the punishment ... but she had no idea it would mean she would not be allowed to attend class all day.  Her first period teacher was also under the impression that she would be given detention AFTER school.  


Please know and understand ... 

  • I am not placing blame on the school for my child's failure to remember to wear a belt.    On the contrary! If and when my child breaks the rules, I stand behind the school.  My children know this about me.

  • I am not saying she should not have been disciplined for the infraction.    She broke the rules -- intentional or not.  And we both agree that she did break the rules. Not intentionally.  But she was ready to accept the consequences. 

  • I am saying (again for emphasis) there is no clear way that this school nor the school board itself can honestly nor in good conscience justify this kind of disciplinary action for this type of infraction! On any scale of the imagination!

THESE are my points!   


Now instead of an all day detention for dress code violations, why not instead ... 

  • do an after school detention;  or
  • a Saturday detention; or
  • have them pay a fine

And if they can't pay the fine, have the child who has been found in non-compliance of the dress code, work in the school lunch room or office during free periods ... or after school ... until that fine has been paid off.


I am not going to let this matter go.  Even though I have been "advised" by actual members of the school system to do so.   I was actually told out right, and I quote ... you can't win ... not with "them."  Unquote.

And yes, I know exactly what they mean when they say that.    
But the internet is a powerful tool.    In short, I will let my voice be heard.  And I will not let this matter go.