Showing posts with label dumbingdown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dumbingdown. Show all posts

Friday, December 30, 2011

The Empress on 2011: Part Four

The days leading up to the new year is always a time of reflection.   While this year is no different, 2011 seems to have  prompted many to really dig down deeper than ever before.   The years leading up to this present year no doubt had a great deal to do with this.   To say the very least -- it’s been a rough couple of years!

While each year brings with it a renewed since of hope,  there is something about 2012 that brings an added boost to that feeling.  In truth -- 2012 carries an excitement that causes all other years to pale in comparison.    

Maybe it’s all the “hoopla” surrounding this year that has us all collectively in a tizzy.    I mean, we all have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of this particular year for some time now.   Waiting with baited breath to see if the so called “prophecies” are true.  

Speaking of prophecies -- the Mayan calendar-- in no way, shape, form or fashion states that 2012 is the end of the world!  That propaganda  came from the religious fanatics, and passed on by followers of this ill conceived thought!  Propaganda that has been further perpetuated by a certain well known, world wide radio talk show -- whose name shall not be mentioned!

But even still -- there is a certain air surrounding 2012 that is utterly electrifying!

There is no mistaking it -- a  new era of humankind is upon us!  And it is exciting!

In preparation of this exciting new year -- many of us are shedding the dregs of all the years past.  We are consciously leaving behind all that no longer serves us.  In other words --  All that nonsense that happened in 2011 -- stays in 2011! 

This preparation also includes expansion of the education of the masses who are now in the process of waking up!  The few who experienced their awakening many years prior to this time --  who have spent these years leading up to 2012 consciously training -- are now heeding the call to aid those now coming out of their long soul slumber!   

As many of us are aware -- the majority of the earth’s population has been dumbed down to the point of absolute emotional and mental retardation.    Creating a society of needy greedy self entitled drama queens!   Selfishness and self entitlement -- people who actually believe “someone else” should be doing all the work -- and then hand over all their hard earned money and belongings to these lazy, selfish people.    These little nits want what others have -- but don’t want to work for it.  They want it all handed over to them -- because they believe -- actually believe-- they are entitled to it. 

 All this has been made self evident through the media and personal experiences -- both off and on line! 

As an example of this on-going and growing self-entitlement attitude on-line … is Face Book.   There are people who actually believe they have the right to be on your personal page,  a part of your personal network --  whether you want them there or not.  These self entitled needy greedy little drama queens actually are convinced  -- that they have the right say whatever they want; do whatever they want -- and you’re suppose to just sit back and allow it.    In fact, they have this attitude that YOU should be grateful that they are there. 

People who go along with this mind set try to make others feel bad for removing these assholes.  They use passive manipulation; or in some instances out right admonition for doing so.    

Been seeing this run rampant throughout this social network.  No doubt it is happening in other networks of this ilk -- wouldn’t know -- don’t visit those.  Don’t care to either.

This entire dumbing down of the masses has been deliberately orchestrated by those who wish to keep the populace in control!  Why?  Because those in so called control know their time is limited -- and it is running out!

Those of us who have managed to stay alert, awake and do not succumb to the idiot factor -- we have a huge task ahead of us!   To quote Master Teacher Jesus -- “the need is great -- but the workers are few!”

Hopefully -- 2012 will bring about a stronger conscious awareness and people, for the most part, will not only WAKE UP … but GROW UP!

I got Hopes … HIGH Hopes!

Counting down to 2012 -- and to a Great Era of MASS AWAKENING!

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape,  Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™.   Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience.  In the style  of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way.


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