Showing posts with label costs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label costs. Show all posts

Friday, February 7, 2014

Help Our Heroes Afford And Care For Shelter Pets.

Veterans at all stages of their military careers struggle with emotional and physical issues, including those that challenge their ability to fully integrate into civilian life. Some return from deployment with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) or other psychological trauma. Others are long separated from service but struggle with depression, substance abuse, or outright loneliness. For these and many other circumstances, a companion pet is often the right prescription to help heal mind, body, and soul. Pets for Patriots helps these veterans find and afford a "last-chance" pet: adult and special needs animals, and large breed dogs - those most overlooked for adoption, who face the greatest risk of euthanasia and yet make wonderful and grateful companions.
Operating nationwide, Pets for Patriots helps veterans combat the primary obstacle to pet ownership - cost of care - by providing access to ongoing discounted veterinary care, financial contributions towards the cost of pet food and essentials, and discounts for various pet products and services. Through Pets for Patriots' Veterans Pet Food Bank Program, veterans receive the help they need to be a hero once more by saving the life of a dog or cat in need. Your donation saves two lives: a shelter animal out of time and hope, and a veteran who regains a sense of purpose in life.

Click HERE to make your live-saving donation.