Showing posts with label Maned Wolf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maned Wolf. Show all posts

Monday, September 23, 2013

Help Save The Maned Wolf From Extinction

The maned wolf is a unique canid species. Despite its appearance, it is not closely related to foxes, wolves, jackals, or to domestic dogs; instead it may be the only modern survivor of a group of South American canids that went extinct about six million years ago. At one point, its one-of-a-kind "roar-bark" could be heard throughout much of eastern Bolivia.
Now the maned wolf is classified as a threatened species. In Bolivia, where less than a thousand of these fascinating creatures remain, its habitat is rapidly being cleared for agricultural production. This includes the Beni savanna, a biologically rich area that is home not only to the elusive maned wolf, but also to the critically endangered blue-throated Macaw and other rare animals.
You can help. Rainforest Trust is matching your donation, so your gift of just $15 dollars will purchase and protect an entire acre of the best remaining habitat for the maned wolf in the Beni savannah. Buying and protecting land in neighboring countries at similar prices is nearly impossible, and as the international demand for cheap land push values up, this opportunity too will pass. By working together now, we can ensure that the unique "roar-bark" continues to be heard across a wild Bolivian savanna.

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