Why aren't we hearing more about Bill - S.1867? Even the political (both conservative and liberal) talk shows that I listen to aren't reporting it.
Why? Now THAT'S the proverbial $64 question!
Did I somehow just just miss the news reports?? ummm -- NO! I don't think so! I mean -- seriously-- What the hell?!!
Why? Now THAT'S the proverbial $64 question!
Did I somehow just just miss the news reports?? ummm -- NO! I don't think so! I mean -- seriously-- What the hell?!!
Below is the letter I have been sending out to all the talk show hosts. Feel free to use it -- make it your own--add to it -- whatever you need to do ... and then SEND IT!
I have listed some of the talk show contact information down below as well as a link for letter addressed to President Obama himself.
But don't stop there! Contact the networks! Contact your local television affiliates! Newspapers!
Get the Word Out! Twitter -- Face Book -- Blogs -- and the other on line networking tools available!
I'm a bit disturbed by the fact that I haven't heard this on any of the talk shows or on the news:
Passed: Americans can be detained without due process Bill - S.1867
Maybe I missed it?
While I realize the Presidential race is important -- it is also serving as a major distraction. President Obama and his co-horts are pushing out our freedoms right under our collective noses!
Many of us are doing our part by passing the information around on Face Book, Twitter, and our individual blogs. But we are ALL wondering -- what is going on with you guys that you aren't reporting this?
Hugh Hewitt
Sean Hannity
Michael Medved
Mike Gallagher
Dr. Bill Bennett
The Dennis Miller Show
The Diane Rehm Show
Smiley and West
Sign the Letter!
Let President Obama know how you feel about this Bill!
Sign it and Pass it on!