Showing posts with label Leftist Liberals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leftist Liberals. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Vagina Wars Part 3: The Hillary Standard "OR" I Have A Vagina, I Am Equal To A Man, But PLEASE Stop Treating Me Like A Man!

If I have said it once, I have said it a thousand and one times....leftist liberal females are the biggest hypocrites EVER!  They parade around chanting:  We are equal to men!  blah! blah! blah!  And so on and so on!  And the moment you start treating them like a man, bashing them like you would a man...BAM!  They start screaming foul!  Every single time!  Never fails. 

So Hillary goes on television and starts moaning, groaning, bitching and preaching about how everyone treats her differently.  Saying, there are two standards.  The "Hillary Standard" and then the standard for everyone else.    For starters, the only Hillary Standard that exists is the one all leftist liberals live by.  Politically correct, hypocritical, do as I say not as I do, I'm right, you're wrong, and everyone who isn't a leftist lib is a racist sexist POS.      

Secondly, no one is treating Hillary any differently than they do any of the men running for office.  Okay?  So she, and all her followers, can knock off that poor, poor pitiful, oh look at me I have a vagina and they only treat me this bad because of my hoo ha leftist freeze dried bull shit already.

In all seriousness,  there is nothing more pathetic than some lying off her ass, devious, manipulating, two-faced, back stabbing, hypocritical female playing the sexist card.  Nothing!

Contrary to what some fact checkers claim, Hillary Clinton is not honest.  In fact, she is not even in the same ZIP code of honesty.  She is a pathological liar.   

And if she were a man....I would be saying the same thing!  She is a Liar!  And just because she is a woman doesn't make her lies the truth!  She is a LIAR! So all you leftist libs out there...take your sexist card and shove it up your bum sideways!

On behalf of those with a working brain cell aka members of the non-leftist liberal persuasion, when we treat you like you ask us to treat you.... please don't be such a whiny little cry baby bitch about it! Put on your big boy/big girl pants (whichever applies) and deal with it!