Showing posts with label reconnection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reconnection. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Working Through the Awakening Process

The following are but a  few Suggestions on having a more fulfilling (and slightly less painful) Awakening Process.   More to follow in future blogs.

For information on The Spiritual Awakening ... please click HERE  and  HERE


As you go through this process it is imperative that you do the following:

Take Your Time and Make The Time. Remember this is not a race. Everybody is heading in the same direction … everyone is going to get “there” when they are suppose to.

You are exactly where you are suppose to be … doing exactly what you are suppose to be doing … at the time you are suppose to be doing it!

Make the time to take care of yourself.  You are the only YOU there is.    If it's only five minutes ... set aside that time for YOU!

NUNYA. Get in the practice of NUNYA ...  As in nunya bizness!

Translation: Mind your own damn business!

Don’t concern yourself with what others are doing or not doing -- saying or not saying.

It’s NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!   It really isn't!

***Now if it's a situation that you can actually do something about ... then do all you know to do ... let it go ... and leave it the hell alone!

***However!  If it is something that involves another person doing/saying something you don't agree with.  Or if it is about something someone said about you.   Simply Agree to Disagree!  You have nothing to prove!  And guess what?  Neither do they!

Keep in Mind that what others say, think or believe about YOU ... is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!

You have more than enough work to do on your Self.  And if you are truly working on your Self, then you don't have the time or energy to even notice what somebody else is doing-not doing ... saying-not saying.

The benefits of NUNYA are infinite.  Once you begin putting it into practice you will note a huge difference in your life.  You start to feel better about your Self, your Life, your Everything!

Listen to your body! (you are going to see this phrase a lot during the course of these blogs)

You are the only person who knows how you feel.

Interestingly enough, there are quite a number of people who don’t know what it is their body is saying. They will state various reasons why they don’t know how they feel. None of them are valid. Sorry folks … there is no excuse for not knowing how you feel. Trust me … I’ve heard all those seriously unoriginal “reasons”. And truth be told … I’ve invented most of them.

If you are at a loss as to what it is you are feeling … then here are some suggestions to get you re-connected to your Self.

(1) ask yourself what it is you are feeling -- then listen.

(2) talk to a trusted friend, guidance counselor, therapist, life coach or advisor; It helps having someone give you feed back.

(3) keep a journal; I am fan of journaling! Keeping a journal allows you to see your thoughts and feelings on paper. Seeing is believing! If you see them, chances are you will start to understand what is going on within your self.

Drink plenty of water (6-8 Eight Ounce glasses per day) Your body works much like your toilet. (Gross, I know!) Like your toilet, your body requires lots of water to flush out the waste matter that has accumulated.

Yes, I realize there are those who don’t like drinking water. Well TOUGH! Get over it! Start out slow and work your way up to the higher daily amounts.

Rest! Sometimes you just need a time out. Laying down, for five (5) minutes with some nice soothing music, perhaps a scented candle or your favorite incense makes all the difference in the world.

Make sure you Turn Off your telephone during your rest period. It never fails as soon as you get in a comfortable spot, all set to take a load off … the phone rings! So be sure you turn all phones OFF during your rest period!

Put a “Do Not Disturb” note on the door. It always seems just when you take the time to rest, everybody and their brother decides NOW is the time to knock on the door. A little post it note placed at eye-level deters any would be disturbers.

For parents with younger children: Get an egg timer and set it. Explain to your child(ren) that mommy (or daddy) is in time out. Set the rules! Tell them that they cannot speak to you until the timer goes off!

Get them to join in! Children are undergoing this spiritual awakening as well! It’s never too soon to start!

Exercise. Nothing extravagant! Mild exercise such as walking for 15-20 per day. I’m a huge fan of walking! It can be done anywhere at any time! And the best part about it, you only need a good pair of comfortable shoes, and something comfortable to wear!

Cut down on caffeine and nicotine intake. It has been proven that caffeine speeds up the heart rate and nicotine slows it down. And if you are like me and thousands of others, you smoke while drinking coffee. (And we wonder why we are so damn exhausted?) I have noticed that since I cut back on my intake of these two drugs (and yes, they are drugs!), my sleep is more restful.

Pamper Yourself. Hot baths with bubbles or bath salts or some naturally scented oils; massage, reiki treatment, foot rubs, etc. Go out and buy yourself something (within reason of course). Give yourself a pedicure/manicure and/or facial. Take yourself out to a nice meal, maybe take in a show or a movie. Something that makes you feel special. You will be surprise how good you feel when you do something just for YOU.

Network with like minded individuals. (there are numerous online spiritual communities where you can find people just like YOU; check your local paper for spiritual gatherings. Many communities offer weekly gatherings of like minded people.)

Face Book has millions of like minded folks from all around the world. Thousands of communities that encourage spiritual development can be found on Face Book.

Check out Blog Talk Radio. BTR offers a wide variety of live radio broadcasts with spiritual formats. They also have chat rooms where you can listen and interact with the host, their guests and other members of the listening audience.

STOP WATCHING, READING AND LISTENING TO THE NEWS!  Before you go to bed -- do you watch the nightly news? Read the newspaper? Listen to the news on the radio? Then STOP IT!

Seriously … STOP DOING THAT!

You wouldn’t eat an entire banquet filled with junk food and go to bed … would you? No, you wouldn’t. Then why would you ingest a mental meal that is nothing but junk?

Turn it ALL OFF! Turn off your cell phones, blackberries, Ipads, Computers, Televisions, Radio and whatever else … And get Quiet!

Five minutes each day is all you need. FIVE MINUTES!

Trust me … no one is going to post, text, call, state, etc. etc. etc. anything that important that it can’t wait Five freakin’ minutes!

Famville, Yo’ville, and whatever online “ville” will manage just fine without you during that five minutes!

Get Out and About! Get off your ass and go outside! Leave the damn cell phones inside! Sit on your front porch, on your balcony or patio. Go to the park. Go somewhere it is not enclosed! Go to a nice little bistro, order a tea and watch the people that come and go.

Most Importantly

Be Kind … Be Loving … Be Patient … with Your Self.

About Julia K. Cole

What can you expect from someone who considers Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality a personal calling? Straight forward answers that lead to life-changing experiences on a soul level!

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™, Julia brings enlightenment and inspiration around the globe by providing spiritual guidance to those seeking a deeper understanding.