Showing posts with label Daughters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daughters. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Is This What You Want For Your Daughters? Is This What You Want For Your Sons? Part 1

Contrary to popular leftist liberal propaganda, Hillary Clinton is no role model for any woman or girl.   

Outside of sharing the same gender, Hillary Clinton offers very little else to women.  She is a proven liar;  an enabler; she is manipulative; careless, reckless, and negligent.  These are the qualities of Hillary Clinton.  Is this the type of role model we are wanting for our daughters?

Supporting Hillary Clinton, who is a proven liar, is telling our's perfectly alright to lie your way through life.    Is this what we want for our daughters?  Is this someone you want to model yourself after?  Or have your little girl model herself after?

Supporting Hillary Clinton, who has been proven time and again to be a liar, is telling our daughters that in order to get ahead in the world,  as a woman, it is necessary to lie about everything, to be deliberately deceitful; and to become a master of manipulation and cover up at any cost.  No matter how many lives you have to ruin or destroy.    Is this what we want to be teaching our daughters?  Is this the type of role model we want for our daughters?

Hillary Clinton is an enabler.  Her husband, and former President,  Bill Clinton is a well known womanizer and sexual predator.  By supporting Hillary Clinton, you are telling women everywhere, young and old, that it is perfectly acceptable to stay in an unhealthy relationship.  Isn't this contrary to what we have been telling our daughters?   Contrary to what we have been telling ourselves and other women all over the world?

Is it my imagination or has there not been endless tomes written about women being in unhealthy relationships and instructions on how to get out of them?  Have there not been television shows, movies, seminars, webinars and radio talk shows on this very subject?  And yet....yet we have many of these same people supporting Hillary Clinton?    A woman who is, and has been, in an unhealthy relationship?  Or is adultery something we, as women, just live with because that's the way it's always been?  Is this what we want for our daughters?

If you support Hillary Clinton you truly have no use for women.  Not really.  Think about all those women in Bill Clinton's life.  You remember them?  Do you also remember how they were treated?  And continue to be treated? Interestingly enough (though not surprising) Bill Cosby was eviscerated for sexually abusing women.  But not Bill Clinton. But I digress.

If you support Hillary Clinton, you are teaching your daughters that other women are the true enemy. That men who cheat on you only do so because of other women.   You are openly showing your hatred and disregard for the women he uses, misuses and abuses.  So this is what you want for your daughters?  This is the kind of role model you want for your daughters?

If you support Hillary Clinton, you are teaching your daughters that it's perfectly acceptable to be in a relationship with a married man--a man who vowed to be true to his spouse.  Is this what you want for you daughters?  To live a life as some man's paramour?  To never know true intimacy?  To never know genuine trust and devotion? To be looked upon as a common whore?  To have others sneer and jeer at the very mention of her name?   Is this what you want for your daughters?  

And what about your sons?  Is this how you want them to see women?  As someone who cannot be trusted?  Only to be used and discarded like yesterday's newspapers?   Do you want your sons to see women as treacherous creatures who will lie, cheat, steal, abuse other women who have no self respect only self entitlement and demands?  Who will literally have someone killed in order to have her way?  Is this what we want for our sons?  To have women who are no better  (or worse) than their male counterparts?

 Hillary Clinton is careless, reckless, negligent and derelict of duty.   Is this what we want for our daughters?  To have them living a life with no ethics, no moral compass, no integrity or honor?  Do we really want this for our daughters?  For our sons?  Do we want our children to believe that all you have to do is marry someone with power and you can do as you please?  Or all you have to do is have sex with someone in power and you can have anything you desire no matter the cost?  Is that what you want for your daughters? For your sons?

Hillary Clinton is being financed by leaders of countries who view women as property.  Second class citizens.  By accepting money from these people, these organizations, these leaders, she is turning a blind eye to their practices.  Proof she has no integrity whatsoever.  Proof that women are only there to serve her needs and wants.  This is the role model you want for your daughters?  

Hillary Clinton is advocating more immigrants from countries who see women as nothing more than slaves and believe that all gays should be murdered.  This is what you want for your daughters?  This is what you want for your sons?

Bottom line, those who support Hillary Clinton support the enslavement of women (and men) who are working to make real change.   They perpetuate the dysfunctional, the unhealthy, by placing their own selfish desires above the greater good--above integrity and honesty.  So this is what you want for your daughters?  This is what you want for your sons?

 I am reminded how, we as women, must demand better from our own sex; we must not turn a blind eye to the wretched behavior of another woman because she is a woman.  We as women must stand against any female who behaves so abhorrently, who sells out her own sex in favor of power and greed, who uses her own sex to call foul while she betrays and commits heinous acts against America and Americans.  We do this not just for our daughters....but our sons as well.  We do this because we, as women,  have had enough of the betrayal, enough of the lies and the deceit from our own sex!

The choice, as always is yours, but you have to ask yourselves this...Is this what I want for my daughter?  Is this what I want for my son?