Showing posts with label Democrats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Democrats. Show all posts

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Silent No More!


Consider yourself on notice.  We have your names and we will work towards removing YOU from the office you hold so dearly.

Honor your pledge to stand with Trump or face the consequences of your actions.  Donald Trump is the Republican presidential nominee. Abide by the will of the people or face loss of employment!


You have been put on notice.  Any more bashing Trump and America and you too will find yourselves on the fast track of unemployment!

Don’t think it can happen?  Keep voicing your ill-informed rhetoric and spewing your hatred against both Trump and America…and you will quickly find out.  We have been keeping names and the list is growing!

Your fifteen minutes of fame for bashing Trump is up.  You have been weighed, measured and found to be an absolute fraud!   Yes YOU!  You who have warned and railed against a third Obama term in office, and have for the better part of two decades, have hated on the Clintons.  And yet by not standing with Donald Trump you help elect Hillary Clinton--and by doing so usher in Obama's third term!  You are frauds!   
Trump is the nominee!  

Don't like what Trump says or how he says it?   It's called Freedom of Speech!  Ever hear of it?

I believe Donald Trump is showing the United States, what happens when someone who is not controlled by politics, cannot be bought, and frankly, is "Just An American" just what happens.  Democrats hate him, Republicans can't control him, and the government wants to destroy him.  Seeing how no party backs him, it is a sign he is a threat to their agendas.  Which in turn, means he is a threat to their lies and deceptions.  And this means Trump is exactly what America needs right now!  

People are always saying we need to get every career politician out of politics.  Might as well start at the top!

Pledge Red  For Trump!  

Trump Supporters Are Urged To Wear  Red on November 8th!

This wearing of the Red shows not only your support, but puts all those who would rig the election on notice!  

Imagine a sea of Red spreading across this great nation of ours!

Join The Revolution!

The Silent Majority is Silent NO MORE! 

Sunday, July 31, 2016

The Elephant In The Room

Okay, I want to talk about the elephant in the room here.

Can somebody please explain to me how the Khans can mourn for the loss of their son (an American hero) while supporting a woman who left four Americans to die in Benghazi?  I honestly want to know!  I want to know  how they, Mr. and Mrs. Khan, can publicly show their allegiance to a woman who not only turned a deaf ear and a blind eye to what was going on in Benghazi, but lied about what happened, continues to lie about what happened; and then lied that nobody died in Libya during her stint as Secretary of State?  Not to mention, how  she flipped out during the Benghazi hearings and yelled that now famous line..."What difference does it make?"

Additionally, Clinton has treated the families, Mrs. Smith (mother of Sean Smith) in particular, like pariahs.  

So again, I ask, how can the Khans even begin to justify their support of this woman?  Quite frankly, they come across as being hypocrites. 

The best response to the hypocrisy of the Khans can be found HERE

I mean, do either of them watch or read the news?  Maybe someone should share those videos of Hillary speaking about Benghazi.  Maybe someone should send them copies of the transcripts and the links to all the newspapers reporting it.  

And now he is saying that Islam has nothing to do with terror?  Really?  So I guess all those Jihad and all those radicalized were lying about their allegiance to Islam?  To Allah?

Nidal Hasan, a United States Army Medical Corps psychiatrist at Ft. Hood who admitted to 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted murder;

Tashfeen Malik and Syed Rizwan Farook who shot and killed 14 people and injured 21 others at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California on Dec. 2, 2015, before being shot to death by police;

In a 9-1-1 call shortly after the attack began in the Orlando Florida nightclub Pulse, Omar Mateen (a Muslim and a Democrat) swore allegiance to the leader of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi;

Philadelphia Police Officer Jesse Harnett; The suspect of the  assault on Officer Harnett told investigators, "I follow Allah. I pledge my allegiance to the Islamic State and that's why I did what I did."

The attacks on Paris and Brussels.  The beheading of American Journalist and many others.  The slaughter of Christians; setting on fire Jordanian pilot  Mu’ath Al Kassasbeh;

And the list goes on and on and on.

But I understand why Mr. Kahn would say that about Islam.  I know the Khans cannot speak out against Islam.  No.  They cannot.  It is not permitted.  In fact, speaking out against Islam is punishable by death.   Yea, that's your peaceful religion.   

Shariah: Non-Muslims are not to harbor any hostility toward the Islamic state or give comfort to those who disagree with Islamic government.   
[emphasis added]

Following is one of many examples how non-Muslims are being told, dictated, forced and commanded not to harbor any hostility toward the Islamic state.  Also too, this goes along with  Any speech defaming Islam or Muhammad--which is  considered “blasphemy” and is punishable by death or imprisonment.

See Can A Muslim Be A Good American?   Read  HERE

You see, what the Democrats are attempting to do is get everybody to forget about Benghazi; to forget how Obama is turning his back on America and letting the Islamic terrorists do whatever; to forget (if only for a day) all the lies Hillary has told and continues to tell.  And they want you to start believing it's all Trump's fault.  But remember dear readers...all this terrorism by the Islamic State known as ISIL/Jihad started long before Trump started running for President.    Of course,  to hear the Khans and the Democrats tell it...Trump is behind the whole thing!  No, they didn't say it out right.  But it is implied.  But lies is what the Democrats do best.  Nothing less can be expected of them.

Monday, March 21, 2016

On Being Un-Presidential...

 So you think/believe Donald Trump is unpresidential?  

Really?  Well now...let's take a walk down memory lane...shall we?

Barack Obama:

Refers to ISIL/Jihad as a JV team

Outraged the Chinese by chomping on gum during a meeting with world leaders in Beijing

Took a "selfie" at the funeral of Nelson Mandela.

Sent the Queen of England an ipod with a playlist full of his own speeches.  

Thinks it's important to publicly reveal his March Madness bracket every year on ESPN while things such as Russians invading Ukraine happen.

Butchers a military salute by indifferently raising his latte.

Has racked up more late night talk show appearances than any other president before him. That's his natural domain. 

Decided to call his opponent a "bullshitter" in an interview with Rolling Stone. Classy. 

On September 11, 2012 decided to do a radio interview with a Miami DJ named "The Pimp with the Limp" to talk about the Dolphins and pop music. 

Went to a Las Vegas fundraiser the day after an American ambassador and three others were killed in a terrorist attack.

Apparently had more time to sit down and be "interviewed" by a Youtube comedian named Glozell, but no time to attend the historic anti terror rally in Paris.  (I'm guessing someone who dangles condoms from her nose and bathes in milk & fruit loops was more important)

Had no time to meet with the leader of our supposed greatest ally in the Middle East. 

Was absent from the massive anti terror rally in Paris.  (it was worth mentioning again.) [added by JKC]

Sends John Kerry to make things all better with James Taylor to do a heartwarming rendition of "You've Got a Friend." (I'm sure the terrorists were shaking in their boots.)

Went to party with Beyonce and Jay-Z in New York while the Middle East burned. 

What a wonderful perception of presidential authority.  [emphasis added]
Source:  Hack Wilson

And let's not forget what Obama once said of Repubicans: “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.”

For some of you with convenient memory loss...Obama made those remarks at a fundraiser in Philadelphia during the 2008 presidential campaign. He was paraphrasing a quote from the 1987 mob movie "The Untouchables." 

 Source:  Fact Check

And let's touch on how Obama has never addressed the violence in our country.  No Leadership!  Not very presidential.    Never bothers to take care of the those who help put him office.   He has, on more than one occasion, showed that he cares more for foreigners than he does those he was elected to serve.  Not very presidential at all is it?

I could go on and on...but I think you've gotten my point!

Now what was that you were saying again about Trump being "Unpresidential?"

UPDATE: 2 more Barack showy displays of being unpresidential and an insult to not only the American People, but the world!  Click HERE

About Julia K. Cole

What can you expect from someone who considers Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality a personal calling? Straight forward answers that lead to life-changing experiences on a soul level!

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way. 

As a writer, Julia is a virtual powerhouse of creativity.  Among Julia's literary accomplishments is  the  Children of the Luminaries  trilogy;  Book One: The Coming Storm can be purchased by clicking Here.   

Book Two  of the trilogy is due out in the Fall of 2015 and Book Three will be available in 2016.  The long anticipated ZEN of Duct Tape:  An Empress Is Born will be out in 2016.  As well as The Teddy Mitchell Chronicles.

Julia has also contributed to several other publications including Brad Steiger's  Real Zombies, The Living Dead, and Creatures of the Apocalypse  and Marie D. Jones' 
Destiny vs. Choice 

PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited Unless otherwise specified, ALL articles on this Blogger are the property of Julia K. Cole.  The ZEN of Duct Tape™, it's name, teachings, modalities, and all excerpts; the nicknames The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape™,  The Duct Tape Diva™; Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality™, Reality back into Spirituality are the property and trade marks of Julia K. Cole and are protected under Copy Right Laws both here in the USA and Around The World. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Narcissists to the Right of Me! Hypocrites to the Left of Me! And Here I am ... Stuck In The Middle With You! Part III

Can anybody guess the Number of Trump supporters who have disrupted Democratic events?  

I'll give you hint...  ZERO

Can anybody guess the Number of Rubio Supporters who have disrupted Democratic events?

I'll give you hint... ZERO

Can anybody guess the Number of Cruz Supporters who have disrupted Democratic events?

I'll give you hint...ZERO

Now!  Can you guess the number of Democratic Supporters who have disrupted Republican events?

Here's a hint:  THOUSANDS (and still COUNTING!)

Bottom line...


 Once again ...

 Narcissists to the Right of Me!  Hypocrites to the Left of Me!  

And Here I am ... Stuck In The Middle With You! 


About Julia K. Cole

What can you expect from someone who considers Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality a personal calling? Straight forward answers that lead to life-changing experiences on a soul level!

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way. 

As a writer, Julia is a virtual powerhouse of creativity.  Among Julia's literary accomplishments is  the  Children of the Luminaries  trilogy;  Book One: The Coming Storm can be purchased by clicking Here.   

Book Two  of the trilogy is due out in the Fall of 2015 and Book Three will be available in 2016.  The long anticipated ZEN of Duct Tape:  An Empress Is Born will be out in 2016.  As well as The Teddy Mitchell Chronicles.

Julia has also contributed to several other publications including Brad Steiger's  Real Zombies, The Living Dead, and Creatures of the Apocalypse  and Marie D. Jones' 
Destiny vs. Choice 

    PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

    Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited Unless otherwise specified, ALL articles on this Blogger are the property of Julia K. Cole.  The ZEN of Duct Tape™, it's name, teachings, modalities, and all excerpts; the nicknames The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape™,  The Duct Tape Diva™; Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality™, Reality back into Spirituality are the property and trade marks of Julia K. Cole and are protected under Copy Right Laws both here in the USA and Around The World. 

    Monday, March 14, 2016

    No matter how you say it...the answer is NO! (A Run Down What Has Transpired Over the Last 7 Years)

    I tell you what...anybody who believes that Trump is the reason this country is  divided clearly hasn't been paying attention to the last 7 years.

    Good thing I'm here to guide your attention back to the events that have transpired B.T.  (Before Trump)

     Ferguson!  Trump didn't cause that disruption,  Baltimore?  Nope.  Trump didn't do that either.  70 some odd murders in one weekend in the city of Chicago?  ummm...nope!  

    Let's see...put us Trillion of dollars in debt?  Cripple our economy? Ruin our credit..TWICE?  hmmmm...nope.   

    Allowed the murder of Four Americans in Benghazi?   No, wasn't Trump.


    And did Trump...

    Raise taxes?    Quadruple the price of food?  Send US Navy to fight for Syrian Al-Qaeda?   Arm ISIL?   Turned a blind to the extermination of Christians throughout the Middle East? 
    Betray Israel?   Provide financing and technology to Iran's nuclear weapons program?  

    Give our military secrets to China? Remove our nuclear missile shield in Poland at the behest of Russia?  

    Double African American unemployment?  

    Increase welfare to a record level for eight years?   

    Sign a law making it legal to execute, and imprison Americans aka the NDAA? 

    Set free all of the  terrorists in Guantanamo bay? 

    Steal your rights, violate US Constitutional law, or commit treason on more than ONE occasion?

    Give a half billion of American Tax Money to the King of Jordan to build a wall?

     Everything stated above  all took place during the last 7 years!   Some of it is still taking place all at the hands of the Democratic Party, the GOP and...Barack Obama. 
    Furthermore, the riots that took place at the Trump rallies?  All orchestrated by   A huge Liberal site run and owned by billionaire George Soros.

    And The Black Lives Matter group?   Trump didn't create that!  That all came into being B.T.    

    And since Obama has been in office, that race card has gotten a real work out!  In fact, racial tension has increased during his presidency. 

    So did Trump cause any of this?  Most importantly, did he--as the bias establishment bought media implies--cause division in this country?

    No. Ne. Jo. Non.Nein. Nej. Nay. Naw.  Uh-uh!  Nope! 

    No matter how you say it...the answer is NO! Trump didn't do any of it 


    Aren't ya glad I'm around to help you remember things?  

    About Julia K. Cole

    What can you expect from someone who considers Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality a personal calling? Straight forward answers that lead to life-changing experiences on a soul level!

    Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

    In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way. 

    As a writer, Julia is a virtual powerhouse of creativity.  Among Julia's literary accomplishments is  the  Children of the Luminaries  trilogy;  Book One: The Coming Storm can be purchased by clicking Here.   

    Book Two  of the trilogy is due out in the Fall of 2015 and Book Three will be available in 2016.  The long anticipated ZEN of Duct Tape:  An Empress Is Born will be out in 2016.  As well as The Teddy Mitchell Chronicles.

    Julia has also contributed to several other publications including Brad Steiger's  Real Zombies, The Living Dead, and Creatures of the Apocalypse  and Marie D. Jones' 
    Destiny vs. Choice 

      PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

      Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited Unless otherwise specified, ALL articles on this Blogger are the property of Julia K. Cole.  The ZEN of Duct Tape™, it's name, teachings, modalities, and all excerpts; the nicknames The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape™,  The Duct Tape Diva™; Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality™, Reality back into Spirituality are the property and trade marks of Julia K. Cole and are protected under Copy Right Laws both here in the USA and Around The World. 

      Sunday, March 6, 2016

      Hypocrites to the Left of Me, Narcissists to the Right and Here I am Stuck In the Middle with You!


       I wish to thank all, in particularly some of those liberals,  who with their horrible & inhumane and anything but compassionate tweets, Face Book comments, etc. regarding the death of Mrs. Reagan.  You have proven my points that I lay out here in this article!  And you have shown, once again, that when it comes to being nasty and narcissistic... Congratulations!  You're still the reigning champions! 

      Now tell me again how you're better  and  different than Trump?  

      ADDENDUM:  President Enrique Peña Nieto of Mexico  obviously believes he has any merit.  His people are leaving in DROVES to come to America.  But the Libs don't see that.  


      I was reading over some of the stuff on Face Book regarding Donald Trump and I came across one post about how "prominent psychiatrists" are claiming that Trump is a classic narcissist and has narcissistic personality disorder.


      I have been studying this particular disorder for a number of years and I know that one of the many signs of this narcissism/narcissistic personality disorder  is if you don't go along with what the person with this disorder is saying he/she becomes vulgar, vindictive and begins to lash out.  Some of the other warning signs...they make empty threats to leave and never return.  They are emotional and mental abusers.  And they have a very strong sense of entitlement.

      Granted, Trump is a loud mouth arrogant S.O.B.  There's no doubt about that.   And yea he's a bit much.  You won't get any arguments out of me in this regard.  But how is it that these so-called experts only pin Trump with this particular personality disorder?  Are they living in some kind of bubble?  Have they spent their entire existence under some rock?  Anyone with any level of awareness would presume so.  But I shall leave that pondering for another article.  For real  question is...does this disorder--this narcissism/narcissistic personality disorder--come with short and long term memory loss as well?   Cause it appears to me a great many of people, be they in politics, in the media, entertainment industry, what have you,  has more than a touch of this  narcissistic personality disorder.  And at the same time appear to have some kind of memory malfunction.

      And the reason I bring it up here is...I remember how staunch  Liberals react whenever someone opposes their views. Oh they can attack you from every angle.  But if you take up for yourself...they start crying victim!  And/or call you vulgar names.  And I will point out that since Obama showed up...that whole race card thing has really gotten a good work out.  Boy!  Has it EVER!  Sense of entitlement and mental & emotional abuse at it's peak here folks!

      And then these  very same people are accusing Donald Trump of hating women.  Haters of women you say? Anyone recall how they--the Liberals-- treated Sarah Palin?   What Obama said about her?   Yea.  Thought so!   And let's not forget that little disrespectful dig Obama made about Mrs. Reagan years ago either.  **ADDENDUM* 03/8/16:  Obama chose not to attend Mrs. Reagan's funeral.  Clearly a snub and Highly disrespectful.  But this is what we all collectively come to expect from Obama.  l

      And Republicans...You didn't defend Mrs. Palin.  You should have.  But you didn't.

      What about Carly Fiorina?  Talk about vicious.   Wow!  Those gals on The View are something else aren't they? 

      And now just recently...the attacks on Mrs. Reagan (God Rest Her dear soul).   Seriously Libs?  Attacking a dead woman?  And her family?   Can we say gross lack of empathy?  Gross lack of respect?  Absence of humanity and compassion???!  Now what was that you were saying about Trump again?!

      Then there's political correctness.  Let us not forget that it is the Liberals who push for political correctness in the first place.   Wouldn't want to offend anyone.  And yet it's perfectly OKAY for them to offend those who dare to disagree with them.   Mental and emotional abuse at it's best folks!      It's also very much like what Adolph Hitler did.  Controlling free speech--very Hitler-esqe.  

      Over the years, both Democrats and GOP members alike have shown a severe lack of empathy for the people they are sworn to serve and protect.  The Democrats and many of the GOP have wagged their fingers in our collective faces and admonished anyone who opposes them; those who oppose them are accused of being racists and haters and having no compassion for anyone else.  But yet these same politicians ignore the needs of the very ones who help them get into office.   They ignore and refuse to help those born here in America. (That's lack of empathy right there my friends!)   Ahhh yes!  The politicians claim there is no money to help our homeless, our vets, our children and elderly; but yet they managed to come up with funding for illegals and refugees. 

      Then there is Donald Trump is so much like Hitler tripe.  Really?  Hmmm...Democrats/Liberals and many (if not all) of the GOP have been pushing really hard to disarm the American people; they've cut our military down to the bare minimum; they took control of the media; made it impossible for anyone other than the race baiting, openly racist, politically correct, narrow minded, excessively bias, godless,  Cop & Military hating free loaders to speak their mind freely and openly.  (why do I feel like I should be goose stepping and yelling zeke heil here?)  *LOL*

      And I feel it worthy to mention the NDAA  (National Defense Authorization Act).  Anyone remember that bill that was signed into law?  Anyone remember what is in it?   And were you aware that it was  46 Democrats who voted yea and the other 38 votes were  Republicans?   And it was a Democratic President who signed it into law?  You probably don't remember any of it because most of you were too busy watching Ms. Cyrus twerking and sticking out her tongue.   

      Oh and just a little hint of one of the things the NDAA is--it gives the government the right to take you into custody and hold you without even giving you a reason for doing so.    

      Didn't Hitler do something like that when he was doing his thing back in the day?  Yea.  I believe he did!

      While the Democrats are putting into power people who are against America and American values, ignoring the slaughter of Christians while hailing the Islamic state as being the very fabric this nation was built on...the do nothing GOP just stands there gawking in silence. Or they out right side with their counterparts. As the 38 Republicans who voted in favor of the NDAA has proven!

      They harp on Trump not disavowing the KKK/White Supremacists fast enough.  And yet...and yet...Democrats and Republican leaders alike have not publicly called out and denounce known racists and race baiters such as Louis Farrakhan & Al Sharpton;  they have not publicly admonish the perpetuation of hatred of our police & military.    Don't recall Miss Beyonce being called out by the political machine for her "performance" at the Super Bowl.  

       Yep STILL waiting on Obama, his administration and the entire Liberal populace AND the GOP to denounce the Islamic state known as Jihad.  Still waiting for these politicians to denounce the tradition of child brides, women being made sex slaves, women being stoned,  etc., etc. etc.   Now what was that again about Trump hating women?  Yea.  uh-huh. 

       And let's not forget to mention how both Democrats and the GOP are doing less than nothing about the crimes committed by  Hillary Clinton.   Email Gate anyone?    And let us never forget Benghazi.  Though I'm sure Mrs. Clinton, her supporters and the entire political establishment wishes we would!  And speaking of her supporters...I couldn't help but notice all of you keep forgetting all the lies this woman tells.  Oh yes, yes.  We don't like her because she's a woman!  Yea, sure.  Okay.  So what makes her better than Trump?  She lies!  She's arrogant!  She's certainly flippant whenever it comes to serious matters.   She claims to have been broke.   But that doesn't matter...does it? 

      And last but never least...the ever present talking heads of the entertainment industry.    So some of you are threatening to leave if Trump wins the Oval Office?    Wow!  Really?  You truly believe you're that important that you could sway people by your empty threats?   Wow!  Think a little too much of ourselves don't we?   And you call Trump  narcissisticReally?  Interesting!

      Oh just so we're all clear here's a newsflash for all you in the entertainment industry...nobody with any sense gives two craps on a cracker if  and when you leave.   Just STFU and do it already!  

      And you the so called have proven yourselves to be nothing more than Jerry Springer wanna be's.   

      Anybody remember how Hitler controlled the media back in the day?   A little thing called propaganda through controlled media really has a way into the hearts and mind of so many people.  Don't it?  

      But you know you're losing your power to hold their attention when people start calling you out on your half truths, out right lying, race baiting and pseudo reporting.  Nice try though! 


      Let's face the facts here folks... the GOP,  the Democratic party and their lap dogs aka the fear mongering biased media and the entertainment industry all  fear Trump for a good reason.  And it is  not for any of the reasons they give.  Nay!  They fear Trump because they know he is a reflection of those who are beyond fed up with the freeze dried BULL shit aka politics as usual!

      I find it highly amusing these talking heads are calling Trump a racist, narcissistic  and accusing him of being Hitler.  I find it amusing because of the things the Democrats, the GOP, the media and the entertainment industry have done, are doing and/or trying to do is incredibly and openly narcissistic, racist and very  Hitler-like.  So I guess what it really boils down to is three little words:  POT...KETTLE...BLACK!


      So what have we learned children if anything else?  

      He/She who lives in  narcissistic glass castles shouldn't throw bricks!  


      He/She who lives in sheet covered houses shouldn't burn crosses in their neighbor's yard 'cause they don't know where those embers might land!


      About Julia K. Cole

      What can you expect from someone who considers Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality a personal calling? Straight forward answers that lead to life-changing experiences on a soul level!

      Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

      In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way. 

      As a writer, Julia is a virtual powerhouse of creativity.  Among Julia's literary accomplishments is  the  Children of the Luminaries  trilogy;  Book One: The Coming Storm can be purchased by clicking Here.   

      Book Two  of the trilogy is due out in the Fall of 2017 and Book Three will be available in 2018.  The long anticipated ZEN of Duct Tape:  An Empress Is Born will be out in As well as The Teddy Mitchell Chronicles  will be available in 2019.

      Julia has also contributed to several other publications including Brad Steiger's  Real Zombies, The Living Dead, and Creatures of the Apocalypse  and Marie D. Jones' 
      Destiny vs. Choice 

      PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

      Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited Unless otherwise specified, ALL articles on this Blogger are the property of Julia K. Cole.  The ZEN of Duct Tape™, it's name, teachings, modalities, and all excerpts; the nicknames The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape™,  The Duct Tape Diva™; Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality™, Reality back into Spirituality are the property and trade marks of Julia K. Cole and are protected under Copy Right Laws both here in the USA and Around The World.