Showing posts with label Believer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Believer. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I Believe! (An Open Letter to Santa)

Dearest Santa,

When I was a child, I wasn’t allowed to openly acknowledge you.  I grew up in a home that didn’t believe in you, in Christmas or anything magical.  But I want you to know (though I feel you always did) that I believed.

I believed despite what my mother told me.  And I believed in spite of what my older brothers and sisters said.  I believed.  No matter what the other children said with respect to your existence.  I believed.

Though I was never allowed to say it out loud ... I Believed!

After I became an adult and left home, I was finally free to express my beliefs out in the open.   I still meet with all sorts of nay sayers who shout “There is no Santa!“  

But Santa … I have to tell you … no matter the opposition … there is no greater feeling than being able to say those two little words … I Believe!  And despite, and in spite of, the nay sayers -- I said it!  And I continue to say it!  I BELIEVE!

Santa, I know Jesus wasn’t born on December 25th   … but what does it matter?  I fail to understand why it is such a bad thing to honor the Christ -- if only once a year.    I, and many others like myself,  honor Him each and every day of the year.    But what difference does it make what day Jesus was born if … if …it brings many more to honor him.  If only just for that day?   And Santa, whose to say that one day doesn’t motivate someone to do it more than just on Christmas? I believe it does! 

Santa, I know the Christmas Tree isn’t a Christian thing.  But what does that matter?  It’s beautiful!  And it is a wonderful reminder of so many things.   

For me personally … The lights represent each and every person  who shares their love to others.  These are the People who live by the words Jesus exclaimed “Let your light shine bright among men!” 

The tinsel, are the folks who are not yet ready to let their light shine so bright, but still show love in some way on some level.   And their love is reflected off their shiny faces -- just like the lights reflect off the silvery and gold strips on the tree.

Each ornament reminds us of those we love, have loved,  those we yet to love, and most importantly … those we don’t even know, but love just the same.

The Angel I put at the top of my tree reminds me that our Beloved and most Divine Creators are watching over us--that They have never forgotten us (nor will They Ever!).  It is also a reminder that They have put in position myriads of helpers for us while we are here on Earth.

And Santa … I know you are the icon  of Giving!   But you are so much more … aren’t you?  Yes, you my dear, are the symbol of courage, love, happiness, joy and generosity.    Attributes each of us have -- but rarely express to others … and rarer still … to our selves.    Many have forgotten that it's not you the person, but what you represent that makes you so grand, and why it is so important to never forget!

Santa, I know ... and I believe ... The Magic of Christmas is the one time of year when people get the chance to collectively remember that Love --That generosity --That courage--That Happiness & Joy.    Some do, but then forget the next day.  Some scoff Christmas, saying it is nothing but a scam … so they miss out on the messages yet again.  But Santa, there are those of us who do Believe in the Magic of Christmas!   And we carry it with us through out the year.

I know Santa,  that Christmas is really an ancient custom called Saturnalia.  But I also know that in these modern times, just like in times of old,  we are given on this one day,  the opportunity to see from the "other's point of view."  Christians, Pagans, Buddhists, Jews, Muslims, all the other religions ... and even atheists too.  If only we believe ... we can take that one day and see from another's point of view!  And through this ... learn and grow ... and remember the Love we are.

For these reasons, and so many more,  is why I believe Santa!  This is why I have always believed!  And I promise you, will continue to believe no matter what! 

Santa, I remember Jesus saying to"be like the little children".  I know he was trying to tell us all to see the wonderments and splendors of all creation.   To see through the eyes of a child is to see the world for the very first time.  How truly splendid it is!  How magical it all is!  To be free to  love and be In Joy without inhibitions!   

And I do that myself Santa!   And I know others do as well.   Sadly, the majority of this world have gone from being child-like to childish.  Constantly fighting and quarreling amongst one another.   Santa,  they lost their magic.    They don’t believe -- and now they are miserable. 

Santa, these folks have convinced themselves into thinking that now we're all grown up, we don’t have time to believe or we shouldn't believe because it's just for kids or it's stupid!    They don’t believe in you Santa.  They don’t believe in Jesus. Why some even go as far as saying there are no Divine Creators!  No wonder they're so miserable!  They have nothing to remind them of the Love and the Joy.  So it isn't any mystery why they're so angry all the time!

I know Santa that if they could get back their magic -- become a child again ... they would remember!  They too would believe!  And they would be so much happier!  I Believe this Santa!  I really and truly do!

Santa, I just wanted you to know that me and others are doing our best to help these people remember.   We are doing all we can to remind them of the Love and the Joy that is theirs, every day of the week.   And not just at Christmas time.   Me and all the others out there, we are doing all we know to help these souls to remember that Love takes on all sorts of shapes and forms.  That it comes in many ways, through many people and in different venues. Each and every single day of the year!

That the Spirit of Christmas is 24 hours a day -- 7 Days a Week!  If only They Believe!

But some times, I just get really fed up! They are a stubborn lot -- these unbelievers!

But I promise!  I will not give up!  I will continue my mission to help others remember!  To help them regain their sense of child-like wonder! 

I just wanted you to know Santa -- you, Jesus and our Divine Creators are  not alone nor are you ever forgotten!  And that no matter what …

I Believe!  Yes! I Do!

With much Love …