Consider yourself on notice. We have your names and we will work towards removing YOU from the office you hold so dearly.
Honor your pledge to stand with Trump or face the consequences of your actions. Donald Trump is the Republican presidential nominee. Abide by the will of the people or face loss of employment!
You have been put on notice. Any more bashing Trump and America and you too will find yourselves on the fast track of unemployment!
Don’t think it can happen? Keep voicing your ill-informed rhetoric and spewing your hatred against both Trump and America…and you will quickly find out. We have been keeping names and the list is growing!
Your fifteen minutes of fame for bashing Trump is up. You have been weighed, measured and found to be an absolute fraud! Yes YOU! You who have warned and railed against a third Obama term in office, and have for the better part of two decades, have hated on the Clintons. And yet by not standing with Donald Trump you help elect Hillary Clinton--and by doing so usher in Obama's third term! You are frauds!
Trump is the nominee!
Don't like what Trump says or how he says it? It's called Freedom of Speech! Ever hear of it?
I believe Donald Trump is showing the United States, what happens when someone who is not controlled by politics, cannot be bought, and frankly, is "Just An American" just what happens. Democrats hate him, Republicans can't control him, and the government wants to destroy him. Seeing how no party backs him, it is a sign he is a threat to their agendas. Which in turn, means he is a threat to their lies and deceptions. And this means Trump is exactly what America needs right now!
People are always saying we need to get every career politician out of politics. Might as well start at the top!
I believe Donald Trump is showing the United States, what happens when someone who is not controlled by politics, cannot be bought, and frankly, is "Just An American" just what happens. Democrats hate him, Republicans can't control him, and the government wants to destroy him. Seeing how no party backs him, it is a sign he is a threat to their agendas. Which in turn, means he is a threat to their lies and deceptions. And this means Trump is exactly what America needs right now!
People are always saying we need to get every career politician out of politics. Might as well start at the top!
Pledge Red For Trump!
Trump Supporters Are Urged To Wear Red on November 8th!
This wearing of the Red shows not only your support, but puts all those who would rig the election on notice!
Imagine a sea of Red spreading across this great nation of ours!
Join The Revolution!
The Silent Majority is Silent NO MORE!