Showing posts with label wolf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wolf. Show all posts

Friday, February 21, 2014

Stop The Extermination Of Wolves

Last October it became legal to shoot, trap and gas Wyoming's 328 wolves throughout most of the state. Already more than 40 wolves have been killed.
Tell Wyoming Governor Matt Mead to put a stop to the slaughter of gray wolves, and end this brutal extermination policy taking place in nearly 85 percent of the state.
Wyoming's new law threatens the gray wolf recovery that is under way in the Northern Rockies—and even includes a dangerous loophole that would make it legal to kill wolves no matter how few remain.

Help us keep the pressure up!  CLICK HERE to Ask Governor Mead to stop the slaughter, and put policies in place to ensure the survival of wolves now and for future generations.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Watch & Share The Video

With the death toll in the Northern Rockies exceeding 1,400 wolves, it's more important than ever for people to stand up and be heard.

As part of our efforts to bring attention to this reckless killing, Defenders of Wildlife has created a powerful two-minute video that emphasizes why continued protection for wolves is crucial. It also illustrates what our nation's wolves could face if the Administration goes forward with their misguided plan to strip nearly all gray wolves in the lower 48 of Endangered Species Act Protections.

Please take a few moments to watch our video. Then help us continue to bring this issue into the national spotlight by sharing with everyone you know and by supporting our work to protect wolves and other imperiled wildlife!

With your help we will continue
  • Fighting in Washington to stop the proposed delisting of nearly all wolves in the lower 48;
  • Being on the ground in local communities to dispel ignorance and counter anti-wolf propaganda; and
  • Working with ranchers, private landowners and others to pioneer non-lethal strategies so that wolves and livestock can peacefully coexist.
Defenders of Wildlife is America's leading wildlife conservation advocacy organization thanks to our scientists, advocacy work, legal team and supporters like you.

To Watch the Video, Please Click HERE

Monday, September 23, 2013

Help Save The Maned Wolf From Extinction

The maned wolf is a unique canid species. Despite its appearance, it is not closely related to foxes, wolves, jackals, or to domestic dogs; instead it may be the only modern survivor of a group of South American canids that went extinct about six million years ago. At one point, its one-of-a-kind "roar-bark" could be heard throughout much of eastern Bolivia.
Now the maned wolf is classified as a threatened species. In Bolivia, where less than a thousand of these fascinating creatures remain, its habitat is rapidly being cleared for agricultural production. This includes the Beni savanna, a biologically rich area that is home not only to the elusive maned wolf, but also to the critically endangered blue-throated Macaw and other rare animals.
You can help. Rainforest Trust is matching your donation, so your gift of just $15 dollars will purchase and protect an entire acre of the best remaining habitat for the maned wolf in the Beni savannah. Buying and protecting land in neighboring countries at similar prices is nearly impossible, and as the international demand for cheap land push values up, this opportunity too will pass. By working together now, we can ensure that the unique "roar-bark" continues to be heard across a wild Bolivian savanna.

Click HERE to Make Your Donation

And while You're Visiting the Animal Rescue Site, please don't forget to CLICK!
The Animal Rescue Site

Friday, September 20, 2013

Help Stop The Unlimited Shoot-on-Sight Killing Of Wolves In Wyoming

Last October it became legal to shoot, trap and gas Wyoming's 328 wolves throughout most of the state. 

Already more than 40 wolves have been killed.
Tell Wyoming Governor Matt Mead to put a stop to the slaughter of gray wolves, and end this brutal extermination policy taking place in nearly 85 percent of the state.
Wyoming's new law threatens the gray wolf recovery that is under way in the Northern Rockies—and even includes a dangerous loophole that would make it legal to kill wolves no matter how few remain.
Help us keep the pressure up! Ask Governor Mead to stop the slaughter, and put policies in place to ensure the survival of wolves now and for future generations.

Click HERE to Send the Message!
Copy & Paste the URL below:

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Take Part: Helping protect our Animals World Wide!

Be part of a growing community of individuals advocating for the protection of animals by joining Take Part Wildlife.

Stay up to date about  about wildlife issues and ways you can make a difference by getting on their email list.. 

Click HERE to be transported to the TakePart WILDLIFE website.  

Or copy and paste URL below



Tuesday, July 23, 2013

TAKE ACTION: Protect Wolves From State-Led Hunts ***PLEASE SHARE****

The call of the wild is being silenced nationwide by federal bureaucrats. We have less than 50 days left to change their minds.

Wolves are one of the most iconic symbols of America’s wild places. Yet, for centuries they were ruthlessly hunted, trapped, and poisoned, bringing them to the brink of extinction in the lower-48 states.
Wolves have made gains since being reintroduced in Yellowstone, but their position is tenuous to nonexistent in the vast majority of their former range, including California, the Pacific Northwest, the southern Rocky Mountains, and the Northeast. Despite this, last month the Obama Administration announced plans to strip wolves across nearly the entire continental U.S. of their federal protections.
I have witnessed—and defeated in court—a number of flawed attempts to delist and hunt gray wolves, but this is the most far-reaching plan yet. We have seen more than a thousand wolves killed in the past two years, in states where wolves have already lost federal protections. If we don’t stop this proposal from going forward, the assault on wolves will spread to more states.

Save gray wolves from
 state-sanctioned hunts:
Send Your Comment In Today!


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