Showing posts with label transition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label transition. Show all posts

Monday, January 27, 2014

The Awakening Process

 Your awakening process isn’t just about becoming consciously aware -- it's about growing up and maturing as well.    For many, this doesn’t always  go hand in hand.  

  • There are those who believe that just being aware is enough.  It isn’t.    
  • There are those who believe that if they repeat certain “catch phrases” this will magically and automatically turn them into a full grown and matured awaken individual.  It doesn’t.  
  • There are those who believe that if they hold on to the ways and teachings of those that came before them … this too will make them more awake, more aware and make them  mature, complete and whole.   It won't.

These are only a small part of your spiritual maturity -- the first steps towards your spiritual growth, if you will.    

Your spiritual awakening is much like your physical growing process.  You have that moment of conception, followed by a  gestation period (for the most part nine months) followed by the birthing process.  From there you go from infant to toddler to young child to adolescent -- and as time passes you become an adult human experiencer.      

    No part of this process can be skipped.

While a toddler  may immolate an adult … this still doesn’t make him/her an adult … does it?  No, it does not.  Adolescents may think they are adults … and may very well behave and act in a more mature way than most adults … but the truth still remains … they are still adolescents! 

 The stages of the Awakening parallels your human life during it's growing process in the exact same manner.   And like your human physical process … no steps can or will be skipped.

 Again, for emphasis -- keep in mind that your awakening process parallels your physical stages of life and all that goes along with it. 
  • Conception
  • Gestation
  • Birth
  • Infant - Toddler
  • Young Child - Early Adolescence
  • Late Adolescence - Early Adult
  • Mid-Late Adulthood
In the following posts, we will be sharing information on the various stages of spiritually maturing.

Special Note

Please keep in mind that each stage of development is very important.  Though it may be frustrating for yourself and others, each stage must be worked through in order to gain the necessary foundation of your maturity.

You will find yourself annoyed by many whom you have out grown, and as a result will find it necessary to cut out of your life at some point of your awakening.

This is all part of the process.

For those of you who find yourself on the receiving end of being let go, don't take it personally.   Those who let you go have matured faster. This doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you.   It simply means you are going at your own individual pace.   There is nothing wrong with that.  There is nothing wrong with you.  Everyone goes at their own pace.

Keep In Mind ...

This is not a race of any kind!  You will reach maturity in your own divine timing!

Every single person is where they are suppose to be ... when they are suppose to be ... at the exact moment they are suppose to be -- Doing and acting as they are suppose to be!

For the list of "symptoms" of the Awakening Process, and suggestions on how to work through the process,  please click HERE


About Julia K. Cole

What can you expect from someone who considers Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality a personal calling? Straight forward answers that lead to life-changing experiences on a soul level!

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™, Julia brings enlightenment and inspiration around the globe by providing spiritual guidance to those seeking a deeper understanding.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Final Thoughts on 2013

Everybody is feeling it.   But unlike years past, 2014 has everyone literally buzzing and filled to the brim with excitement as we anxiously prepare for the new year.  Many of us are feeling an uncharacteristic expectation of something BIG is coming.  

Not only that.  In the  last few months of 2013 many have been experiencing intense dreams, waking up at 2 a.m. and 3 a.m.,  feeling anxious and heart racing like they just finished a marathon.

What is it that we all collectively are feeling these last hours of 2013? 

Could it be that we are collectively fed up with how things have been going in our lives?  Could it be that we finally are getting it?  Could it be that we are finally letting go and allowing it to happen?
Could be!
If you read my two previous blogs entitled Pondering 2013 (Part 1 & Part  2), you already know that I've begun my process of "letting go and allowing" a few weeks ago.
But as I sit here and watch the news feed on my Face Book, I see I am not the only one finally releasing ALL the people, situations, and other similar freeze dried bullshit from their lives early in the game.

And can't help but notice numerous Face Folk posting about the waking up at 2 and 3 in the morning; complaining of the odd dreams, the anxiety, the restlessness, etc.    Naturally, we all know these are all part of the Awakening process or the Ascension process as some call it.  

I am going to take this opportunity to say to all of you who are new to the experience and those who are less familiar with the process 

WELCOME to my End of the Universe! 
We've Been Expecting You!

To Help you all out, I've listed some links to articles I've written/posted here on my blogs.  Be sure you read ALL the way down to the very end!


Honestly, I think I've said All I need to say with regards to what's on my so-called mind!  At least for now here in 2013!  

Oh I do have two last things to add.  

My motto going in 2014 is: 

The Freeze Dried Bullshit that Happened in 2013 STAYS in 2013!

To bring that message home I've adopted a theme song for 2014.  Click HERE


I don't know about all of you, but for me 2014 is going to be ANYTHING BUT the 

As promised!  Here are links to my articles that pertain to this process.    Feel free to print them out, share them with friends and family! 

The Spiritual Awakening, Ascension Process, The Transition, What EVER...

Some Tips and helpful hints on Working through the process:

And I thought I would add this article as well.  It goes along with what I've been ranting about for the past several weeks! *LOL*   It's entiled Instead.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Selling Out or Just Marketing? Epilogue

While I am all for generating a nice income that maintains a nice comfortable financially secured life-style, I draw the line when it comes to just putting crap  out there all to make a fast buck.   

Let's face it. Some people are just out right sell outs.  Greedy little sell outs.

But there are some people who are sell outs and don't even know it.  

And then again,  there are those  people who are sellouts, but they just don't give a rat's ass.  And they're always ready to defend their slimy sell out ways with artful and skillful spin doctoring.

Me and Tracci (Shy Owl) were talking about this very topic  the other night. She remarked that the difference between well meaning people and actual sell outs is their intention.  And she's absolutely right!  Your genuine and sincere Intention, and I will add here--your goals, makes all the difference between being an asset and being an ass!

So which one are you?  How the hell can you tell if you are?  Well that all depends.  What is your reason for reaching the masses?  Be honest with your self.   Trust me.  The true reason will show itself sooner or later.  It always does!

Is your intention to help others?  Is it really?  Or is your intention is to sell as many books,  obtain as many "warm bodies" on your Social Networks and/or get as many listeners/viewers as you can?  Be honest with YOUR self!      Remember... sooner or later, the truth of your intentions will come out to play!  It always does!


Because there is so much information I wish to impart, I will be breaking this topic up in several parts.    

I hope you'll join me over the next several weeks as we journey into the subject of Selling Out or Just Marketing.  Oh and feel free to Chime in!  I really enjoy feedback.  Just keep it honest...and clean!  

Until Then...

Smile!  It makes people wonder what you're up to!


Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. 

Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience.    In the style comparable to Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way.  

    PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

    Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited

    This blog is the property of Julia K. Cole and is protected by U.S.  and International Copy right Laws.

    Unless otherwise specified, ALL articles on this Blogger are the property of Julia K. Cole.  The ZEN of Duct Tape™, it's name, teachings, modalities, and all excerpts; the nicknames The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape™,  The Duct Tape Diva™; Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality™, Reality back into Spirituality are the property and trade marks of Julia K. Cole and are protected under Copy Right Laws both here in the USA and Around The World.  

    All Rights Reserved©™

    Thursday, August 1, 2013

    Your Spiritual Awakening/Ascension/Transition: PERSONAL NOTE FROM JULIA

    RULE OF THUMB:   You don't call an electrician when you need your busted pipes fixed!  And you don't go to a psychic reader when you have a medical and/or mental, emotional health issue.  You also don't go to a psychic reader for legal advice either.  Major no-no's!


    First of all, I am not a medical professional nor do I claim to be.    I do not nor have I nor will I ever provide a medical diagnosis.  The only thing medical I will ever say to you is ... 



    you Might wanna CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR!

    Along with the above-mentioned advice, I will always add...TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR-SELF!  Or something along that line.  


    Unless they are a trained and licensed medical professional, Any psychic reader,  spiritual healer and/or practitioner who gives you medical advice should be reported to the proper authorities IMMEDIATELY!


    I cannot stress enough the importance of taking responsibility for YOUR Self!  Nor can I urge you enough or strongly enough to seek FIRST trusted medical and/or mental health professional before seeking and/or putting into practice any type of holistic ritual.

    If you have actual medical maladies, go to an ACTUAL DOCTOR!  And yes, I realize it is costly, as well as time consuming,  but get several different opinions if necessary; and as needed!  

    Do all you know to do by conventional means before heading out to psychic reader-medium, channeler,  sooth sayer, holistic practitioner, Reiki healer, etc.

    Any legitimate healer, psychic or otherwise, will tell you exactly what I am telling you here and now.  If they aren't advising you to seek conventional methods first...then RUN, not walk, but RUN to the nearest exit!    If anyone is claiming you don't need a doctor, that they can heal you through some spirit or such.  RUN to the nearest exit, call the authorities!  Stay clear of these frauds!

    If they claim you have a curse and that is why you're sick, suffering from this, that or the other thing.   And for a nice amount of money, they can get rid of the curse and heal you of whatever illness that said curse caused.

    RUN to the nearest exit! 
     Call the authorities!  


    While I am a firm believer that we can heal ourselves, I am also under the belief  that once it is manifested physically, it takes more than "thinking positively" to remove that energy.   

    Keep in mind too,  Energy Healers only assist your natural abilities to heal.  They DO NOT Heal YOU!    And the assistance they provide is only providing a temporary relief.     

    While there are those who might actually assist you in removing it altogether...the odds of you being 100% cured of any physical manifestation while still holding on to the same beliefs are extraordinarily high.   We're talking nil to none!

    The only way you can remove the energies that has created and manifested physical ailments is TAKING RESPONSIBILITY for YOUR Self!  And you this by learning to work through the beliefs that got you into the physical manifestations of dis-ease  in the first damn place!   And too,  it may actually entail going to a conventional doctor and using conventional methods in addition and/or in connection with your spiritual healing.   

    Whatever methods you use, taking Responsibility for YOUR Self is  priority  ONE for   EVERYONE!  Including any healer.   And anyone desiring to be healed!


     It has taken generations, many life times, to get where we are now.  Both in mind and spirit.  So it goes without saying that it may take a good long while--even a  few life times--before we finally give up the bullshit of hurting ourselves and each other.


    I've been consciously going through the Ascension process for too many years to even count, and the one all encompassing truth I have gleaned from those years is our Awakening  ALL boils down to...

    Taking Responsibility for Your SELF

    THIS is the Number 1 part of Your Spiritual Awakening/Ascension/Transitional process.

    The sooner you accept, acknowledge and embrace this fact--the easier your transition will be!

    Take it from someone who's been there (many times)!  Did that (many, many times)!  And has actually moved on a bit!  (a wee bit! *LOL*)

    Embrace ALL That You Are!
    For YOU are ALL That There Is!

    Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

    In the style comparable to Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way!

    Unless otherwise specified, ALL articles within this Blogger are the property of Julia K. Cole.   The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape™ and The Duct Tape Diva™ are all Trademarks of Julia K. Cole 

    The ZEN Of Duct Tape and The Duct Tape Diva Productions belong to Julia K. Cole and all  herein are protected by U.S. and International Copy Right Laws.


    Wednesday, July 10, 2013

    Universal PMS ~ More Commonly Known As Your Spiritual Awakening & The Ascension


    More commonly known as the Ascension, your Spiritual Awakening, The Transition, and so on, Universal PMS includes (but is in no way limited to) Confusion, Mood Swings, Paranoia, Impatience -Emotional and mental confusion -Sudden waves of emotion -A sense of impending-ness -Impatience.

    With all that is going on with us and around us, it isn't any wonder that so many people are walking around dazed, confused, tempers flaring, emotional outbursts of every kind for any reason and/or season. And have you noticed that patience is sorely lacking these days? More so than ever before?!! 
    Then there is this overwhelming sense of something is about to happen ... an impending-ness ... if you will.    Though you're never quite sure what it is exactly, you can feel that IT coming!  You just know it is! So much so ... that at times ... it borders on paranoia! 

    Of course, that's when you take it upon yourself to anticipate "it" ... whatever "it" is ... and it's every move. You go around snapping at people, all the while they are staring at you with this deer caught in headlights look.  We're yelling at them for something usually  insignificant like having "that look" on their face or in their eyes. Which probably was just them going into shock by all the screeching, slamming doors and throwing things! 

    You throw a temper tantrum over someone not closing the door or picking up a gallon of ice cream that you failed to ask them to pick up on their way home or something else really minor; and then you get cranky when someone hasn't read your mind or anticipated YOUR every move and cater to your needs at that given time! All of which (and more) has you coming across like you are some escapee from the local mental hospital. 

    Okay, perhaps they did look like they were thinking things they shouldn't! And yes, maybe, just maybe they could have closed that door. And no doubt they could have at least called before leaving work or on their way home to ask if you needed anything! At least that is YOUR reasoning and justification of the events! 

    Then there is having to wait when we aren't really in the mood!

    Long lines, traffic lights, traffic jams, being put on hold, having to listen to your significant other, neighbor, kids, co-worker, yammer on and on and on about something that really has no bearing on anything important to you at that given moment ... and no doubt in your present state of mind ... never will.

    You probably find yourself thinking all sorts of horrid things you could do to them as they continue with their endless chattering ... all the while mustering the strength not to actually carry your fantasies through!

    It’s like having PMS 24/7 isn't it?

    Well Ladies, the GOOD NEWS is ... Men are experiencing this as well! 

    Yes Gentlemen! You now have some measure of understanding of what we women go through most of our adult lives. 

    But why are these emotional ups and downs occurring?  That question will be answered in Part 2 of this series!

    Embrace ALL That You Are!  
    For YOU Are ALL That There Is!

    Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

    In the style comparable to Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way.

    PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

    Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited

    Thursday, June 21, 2012

    Embracing All That You Are: Part 3

    So how is suppressing all your negative thinking  coming along?  How is all your attempts at eliminating,  your "shadow side" working out for you?  

    What's that you say?  You're Finding yourself having to repeatedly face them time and time and time again?  Feeling like you are caught in a never ending loop do you?

    There's a reason for that!   Keep reading ....

    As we all know (or should know by now) ... energy cannot be destroyed or eliminated! 

    Energies, whether you label them good or bad,  can only be directed, guided and shifted.     Okay, that's worth repeating!

    No Energy can be destroyed or eliminated!  

    Energies, whether you label them good or bad,  
    can only be directed, guided and shifted. 

    We are all experiencing Everything!  Every emotion known is felt by each of us!  To deny even one aspect of your Self ... label it as bad ... to stuff it all down and ignore any of it .... Is not accepting All that you are.

    And when you are not accepting ALL of who and what you are ... You are NOT Whole!

    Everything you experience is a part of you.  Everything!  No exceptions!

    Energies will not leave if you suppress them.  They'll just sit there waiting for the opportunity to POP OUT.    To EXPLODE out of control!   While you may feel relieved at that given time ... sooner or later you're going to feel just awful for it.  You'll find yourself with feelings of inadequacies and disappointments and more rage and more freeze dried bullshit than you can shake a stick at!

    Seriously ... is that the way you want to continue living your human life?

    Then there are those who are under the misguided belief that you can actually eliminate, eradicate and/or destroy energies like anger, hatred, fears.    I know -- I use to be one of them!

    Folks -- you CANNOT under any shape, form or fashion .... eliminate, eradicate and/or destroy any energies!  You can only Guide -- Direct ... and SHIFT ... Any and ALL Energies!  Good, bad, indifferent or down right fugly!

    As long as we are in human form  ... we must unlearn all that we were taught about emotions/energies and begin to embrace all that we are!

    By embracing all these energies we have labeled bad or negative ... we begin to learn how to Guide--Direct--Shift them into a higher frequency!

    And guess what happens to all those little nagging so called negative energies when we embrace them, love them and accept them?  They integrate within our energetic bodies!  On their own! Without any force whatsoever.    And when they pop up now and then ... they don't bother us like they once did.  Why?  Because now ... you have learned to guide, direct and shift those energies.  And too, those so called "negative" energies are now vibrating at  higher frequencies were they can no longer do any harm.

    Pretty Groovy .... ain't it?

    There is nothing to lose and absolutely everything to gain when embracing all that we are!  The infinite freedoms you enjoy is ... well ... Infinite!!!

    It's a wondrous moment when the realization finally sets in that you truly are ALL that there is!

    Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

    In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way. 


      PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

      Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited

      Sunday, August 28, 2011

      The ASS-cension: A "Heads Up" on Your Ever Expanding Awareness!

      Cranial Uppitus Gluteus Maximus Dysfunction.  More commonly  known as, Head Stuck Up Your Ass Syndrome.  This is one of the most common dis-eases known to humankind.  There are no pills or serum to cure this malady.  Nor are there any modern conventional medical means in which to have it surgically repaired.   At least not yet!

      But do not fall into despair my fellow earth travelers!  There is hope!  In fact, many are taking the opportunity to self-heal themselves by moving with the energies of a shifting process.   This shifting process is none other than …  The ASS-cension.

      The ASS-cension is the process of pulling one’s head out of one’s ass.  And thankfully it is a process that all human experiencers will go through ---eventually.  No exceptions!

      Right now, the entire population of human experiencers are currently  in the state of ASS-cending on various levels.  Sadly, those who have succeeded in  completely yanking their heads out of that tight fitting hole are in the minority.   So few are their numbers,  we can’t even begin to give you an estimate of how many there are.

      Those who accomplished in pulling their heads out, only to shove it back in --rank among one-third of the world’s population.  Leaving the largest numbers  of  those who still have that noggin of theirs stuffed up their bung hole slightly under two-thirds.

      Thoughts are energy.  And where thoughts go -- energy flows. ~Louise L. Hay

      Everything here in the physical plane is affected by all things in what we loosely refer to as the “spiritual plane.”  And vice-versa.   For you non-spiritual types -- please note that it has been scientifically proven that all things on the physical plane are made up of  various types energies.   As such, everything and everyone is connected energetically.    To what degree this connection is felt  is dependant upon the individual’s conscious awareness.  And too, and perhaps most importantly, how far individuals are willing to both acknowledge and subsequently accept this common fact.

      Resistance is futile! ~ The Borg, Star Trek the Next Generation.

      Resistance is the primary  cause for Cranial Uppitus Gluteus Maximus Dysfunction.   The more you resist, the worse the symptoms of  the dysfunction persists.

      The signs of  Cranial Uppitus Gluteus Maximus Dysfunction are easily recognizable and are as follows:

      • Chronic Head, neck and back pain. 
      • Blurry vision, hearing loss, difficulties  focusing on anything.  Unable to literally see or comprehend anything with clarity.    
      • Talking nonsense, speech sometimes slurred.
      • Unreasonable, illogical, argumentative and irrational. Prone to bouts of hysteria.
      • Close-minded and narrow-minded.  Extreme cynicism.   Intolerant of others.  Arrogant and aloof.
      • Bumping into things, experiencing all types of non-fatal accidents (inside and outside the home) such as running into furniture, walls, telephone poles, other people, tripping up a flight of stairs, missing that last step, etc.
      • Excessive lying, nit-picking, gossiping, slandering,  and back stabbing.   Commonly known as “talking shit.”
      • Unable to stay in healthy relationships.
      • Constant state of anger.
      • Cut off from all things spiritual.  No perception of energies.

      The ASS-cension Symptoms

      You may note a few of the symptoms are somewhat similar to Cranial Uppitus Gluteus Maximus Dysfunction.  However, the difference in symptoms of  The ASS-cension  process  are temporary.  So long as you keep your head out of your ass.


      Chronic Head, neck and back pain.   Don’t worry.  This is temporary.  Keep in mind you have had your head rammed up your bung hole for most of your physical earth life.   Stiffness and soreness is to be expected.

      Advice:  Chiropractic and/or Reiki treatment, some low impact Yoga or Tai Chi, conscious breathing techniques,  a good massage will help these particular symptoms dissipate over time.

      Blurry vision, hearing loss, ringing in the ears, difficulties focusing on anything.   Talking nonsense, speech sometimes slurred.     Unable to see anything with clarity.  Bumping into things, experiencing all types of non-fatal accidents (inside and outside the home) such as running into furniture, walls, telephone poles, other people, tripping up a flight of stairs, missing that last step, etc.

      All of these are  temporary side effects.   In the beginning, there will be a great deal of fecal ridden energies to clear away from our energetic bodies.   During this particular part of the process, both our physical and energetic bodies, are covered from head to toe in energetic feces (again if you literally imagine being covered in shit, you’ll get the idea how it is).   It may take numerous cleansings before any of these symptoms completely clear up.    You may find that various methods are in order to clear away all the built up fecal residue.   Find what works for you and stick with it!   Again, being persistent and consistent is the key to clearing away the residual fecal energies.   Patience is required. Advice:  Practice focusing on and becoming more aware of  your surroundings.   This will limit the number of times you hurt yourself.   You don't need any special techniques for this -- just SLOW DOWN!

      Unable to stay in any type of unhealthy relationships.   No matter who it is with.  Perhaps one of the most challenging of the “symptoms” is this one.  It is in our nature to  yearn for acceptance and intimacy with others.  During the process of clearing away the fecal matter from our energetic bodies, we begin to accept ourselves as being worthy.

      You know you have reached a measure of clean when that “A-HA!” moment hits you.

      That “A-Ha!” moment is when  you finally feel the Love enveloping you, taking you over, replenishing you, filling you up to the brim and pouring out.  The “A-Ha!” moment is when you finally stand up, acknowledge and accept your worth.   It is in that moment you can … and do… believe you have much more value and worth than what others have placed on you.  It is in that moment you shout  --  I Love My Self!  I Respect My Self!  I Accept My Self!   I Am Worthy!  I love my Self too much to allow any one to treat me less than my worth!

      Your acceptance of Your Self -- allows you to step away from unhealthy relationships.  Yes, it will be painful.  You will find yourself at a loss.  This is a normal reaction to pulling your head free from your ass!  It is perfectly normal to feel lost and alone before the “A-Ha!” moment sets in.   After all, you have spent a very long time digesting shit, seeing shit, listening to shit and speaking shit.  It’s only natural that you are a little discombobulated in the beginning!

      Talking without making much sense, speech sometimes slurred, inability  to speak.   This is temporary.  As you clear your energetic ears and mouth of all that energetic feces, you will notice you have very little to say.  And what you do say may feel like gibberish to you.  This will pass as you continue to  clear away the muck.

      Once again, it is very important that you keep in mind that  you have spent a very long time speaking shit and listening to others speak shit.  It’s only natural that you can’t understand what is going on most of the time in the non-fecal matter realms!

      Advice:  Practice speaking with your spirit family.  This helps you grow accustomed to your new “manure free” language.  Once you are ready, seek out others who are consciously processing The ASS-cension and see what it’s like to hold intelligent, shit free, conversations!

      Forgetfulness.  Easily distracted at times.    This is temporary.  Up to this point, your head was filled with nothing but dung.  Now that you have dumped it all -- the physical brain is forced to recalibrate, reprogram and reboot.   As the physical body  reboots and makes itself ready for full integration with the energetic body, you will  experience forgetfulness on a regular basis.   In the meantime, the spirit body has much of the control.   It is very important to keep in mind that The energetic (spirit) body has no interest in such mundane earthly practices such as going to the bathroom, paying bills, eating and drinking, etc.   So forgetting what you went to the kitchen  for or not remembering why you are at the store, etc.  is perfectly natural during this particular time.

      Once the rebooting process is complete, and  both bodies have integrated, your memories will be clearer than ever!  And what you don’t remember isn’t important.   So don’t sweat it!  The collective bodies have deemed it necessary to “flush out” what no longer serves you during your human experience.

      Advice:  It is very important during this time to search out methods that enhance your focus.  Meditation is quite useful, especially during the rebooting procedures.  Taking long walks, exercising, Yoga, Tai Chi or any other form of physical activity that enhances good muscle tone and cardiovascular improvement is essential to improved oxygen flow.  This in turns enhances the physical brain to function at a higher capacity.

      Mind expansion.  Detachment.    Comprehension, Understanding, Compassion.  Willingness to Forgive. 

      Yea!  These are just a few of the wondrous attributes that come with consciously working the ASS-cension.

      As you work through this ASS-cension, you will begin to see others a little more clearly.  Both literally and energetically.   As you continue to clear away the fecal matter from your energetic eyes, you will notice how easily it is to see past anyone’s bullshit.   You actually start seeing them as they really are.  As you do, you will note a deep heart felt compassion for them.   Don’t resist it.  Allow it to flow through you.

      Your understanding of other's points of view become easier for you now.   While they may be speaking in terms that you do not resonate fully with -- you now comprehend where they are coming from.   Arguing and pushing your points on others no longer interest you as they once did.  Finding yourself in a state of detachment, you are now able to dialogue with others with whom you disagree … minus  all the anger and fuss.

      You discover your awareness (a.k.a. Freeze Dried BULL shit meter) has become more acute and accurate.  This in turn,  helps you  bypass any unnecessary arguments.  And too,  defrays any bruising of the false ego which could lead to your head going back up your ass.

      You now understand the true meaning of forgiveness and practice it daily.  First with your Self and then with others.

      You now completely understand and comprehend that all are doing exactly what they came here to do.   That all (no exceptions) are spirit beings having a human experience. That everything, whether you agree with it or not, are opportunities for growth and  for learning.  Your understanding and comprehension of this is widening -- deepening.   As this process continues to occur -- you notice yet another "A-Ha!" moment.  This is the "I Get It" A-Ha moment!   This is where you finally do “get it."   "IT" being the clarity of the truth that has been spoken to you for what seems to be eons!

      "It" being the words of ASS-cenders who came before you.  Their words now ring true in your heart, soul and mind.   The phrases:    Do all you know to do to the best of your abilities.  And after that -- do nothing.  (You get that now!)   Change what you can and what is in your power to change -- leaving behind those things you cannot.  And having the wisdom to know the difference.  (You get that as well!)   Being the change you wish to see in the world.  (Awwwwrighteeee! You finally get that too!)

      You finally "Get IT" --- all of "IT" -- because the crap isn't clogging up your eyes or ears now!  You can see and hear without interference.    All this leads to the beautiful experience of your physical mind integrating and connecting with the spiritual/energetic mind.    This is what is known as … Mind Expansion.

      Pretty cool … huh?   Of course, these are only a few of the "symptoms" of The ASS-cension.    But We thought you would enjoy a ... heads up ... in order to understand what is happening to you!  *LOL*

      As stated above -- Being Persistent and Consistent  is your  greatest allies during The ASS-cension!

      It isn’t easy -- no one said it would be.   But as long as you remember, and keep in mind, that it is a step by step process.  And of course, most importantly -- please Remember that Persistence in resistance keeps your head stuck.    Keep this all in your memory and You’ll do just fine!

      So relax.  Be gentle.  Show your Self Love & Kindness --  And allow.

      Excerpt from: The ZEN of Duct Tape: An Empress Is Born.

      Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

      In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way.


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