Showing posts with label violence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label violence. Show all posts

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Decide For Yourselves

This statement was spoken publicly just earlier this year:

“God is very straightforward about this — not we Muslims, not subjective, the Sharia is very clear about it, the punishment for homosexuality, bestiality or anything like that is death. We don’t make any excuses about that, it’s not our law — it’s the Koran.”   Muslim cleric, Sheikh Khalid Yasin

Source:  Jihad Watch

This meeting was held just a few months ago this year....

A news agency noticed that a large mosque in Florida is bringing in a well known Muslim cleric today who not only preaches death to homosexuals, but claims killing them is actually behaving compassionately to them. Watch the news report  here.

 According to the Gateway Pundit, threats of an attack on Florida was made three (3) days prior to the shooting in Orlando.  Read HERE

 Now Early Sunday Morning,  June 12,2006

Mass shooting in a well known gay club in Orlando, Florida:  

Click HERE


  Even though the gunman called 9-1-1 making allegiance to the radical Islamic State known as ISIS, the Liberals will blame guns and denounce any involvement by the Radical Islamic State.  Or they'll ignore it all together, hoping no one notices.  

And in spite of warnings, the Liberals still refuse to acknowledge any acts, such as the one that just happened in Orlando, has any connection to this terrorist group.  In spite of how Al-Adnani encouraged ISIS militants to launch attacks during Ramadan to win the great award of martyrdom.

In a report from the State Department-led Overseas Security Advisory Council warning that “martyrdom during the month may hold a special allure to some,”  [emphasis added] security officials urged U.S. organizations around the globe to “remain aware of the persistent threat of (ISIS) attacks, both inspired and directed,” according to published reports.

Source: Boston Herald
And our government and the liberal media is telling us not to jump to any conclusions? 

But You Decide For Yourselves.    I offer no further commentary on this issue.


As for me and my family...we will pray for those who were there.  We will pray for the loved ones of all those who were injured and killed--we will pray for them so they will have the strength to get through this tragedy.    

As for the gun man...yes, prayers go out to him as well as  to all those who carry darkness in their hearts who believe and blindly follow anything that brings so much un-needed and unwarranted destruction of life.  Be they Muslim, Jew, Christian or Atheist ... prayers go  to them so that they may be enveloped in the light of Love so that their hearts and minds may be opened and that they will learn war no more.   

As Master Teacher Jesus encouraged us to do....pray for your enemies that they might find their way back into the Loving embrace of Our Beloved Creator.

As  it is Above...So it is Below...

Friday, March 28, 2014

Make Them Pay For Their Own Actions!

NO! I don't agree that parents should be the one to pay for their children's mistakes!  

That's what's wrong with these kids now.  Somebody else is always taking responsibility for THEIR mistakes and poor choices!  Somebody else is ALWAYS to blame for little deQuan or little Johnny's idiotic behavior!  Somebody else is ALWAYS the fall guy when little Shaniqua or Barbara Ann get knocked up. 

How about we STOP blaming the parents?  How about we STOP blaming everyone and their proverbial brother and sister?   How about we STOP giving these little law breaking brats every excuse to do whatever right here and right now?

 How about instead we Make these children...


How about we do all the above  as oppose to what we've been doing?  

How about we allow the children who break rules and/or laws to face the consequences of their own actions without the crippling co-dependant B.S.  And without all the drugs and meds and crapola that goes along with that?

How about we do that?

How about we stop giving free passes to  these law breaking thugs and gangsta wanna bes by forcing them to stand on their own two feet and taking it like the "man" and "woman" they all have convinced themselves to be?

Developing strategies for their cases should ease up some of that so called boredom they claim to have.  The same boredom they use as an excuse for breaking laws.  


And how about we garnishee their pay checks until they've paid everything back?  Put a lien on everything they have?   

Place them under work orders to the people they vandalized and/or stole from until the debt, court costs and any and all medical bills have been paid in full.  PLUS a hefty 25% additional costs for pain and suffering to their victims.

Unrealistic you say?  Not at all.  

Put them to work!  Continue to  feed them, house them, clothe them.  But put them to work at whatever crap job we can find and take  all their money and put it directly towards paying for whatever they vandalized, destroyed and/or stole.

Make them get out on the streets and clean them.  Make them clean the cages at the Zoo, local animal shelters.  Make them scrape road kill.   

Oh I could go on and on and on with my list of things I'd have them do until their debts were wiped clear. 

And they don't get to stop when they turn a certain age.  Oh no! No! No, they get to keep on working and paying out their money until every single penny is paid back.  They move, the debt follows them!     In fact, they should not be allowed to leave the city until 90% of the debt is paid.  

In reality it's a win/win.  The city/state don't have to put out extra money for clean up, fix up, etc.  And best of all, the little thugs won't have the time or energy to get bored.


Remember these "bored teens"?  Click HERE

Words for Teenagers ~ Editorial

Watching the news coverage of the gatherings downtown and in the city's west end, a reporter interviewed one youth who said how boring it was at home and in his neighborhood which is  the reason he gave for the recent string of violence through out Louisville.  

Below is a direct quote:

[JayJuan] Taylor says the violence stems from boredom.
"There's not enough for teenagers to do," said Taylor

Click HERE to View Video and Read Transcript 

Violence stems from boredom....HOW UNORIGINAL!

So you're Bored?  Nothing to do?    And your solution is to wreak havoc?   That's how you resolve your boredom?  By beating up people?  Robbing them?  Destroying property?

Maybe you'd be less bored if you were forced to cleaned the streets, make repairs on the buildings and homes you broke into or vandalized.  

Maybe you'd be less bored if you were made to work for the people you robbed until you've paid them back for all you've stolen and destroyed.   

Maybe you'd be a little less bored if you were taken to a farm in a remote part of the state and was made to work it from sun up to sun down until you turned 21 years old.

Maybe if you were taken to a public place, your bare buttocks exposed and publicly caned like they do thugs in Singapore, each moment televised for the whole world to see, you and your little friends would have something more  to think about other than how bored you are.   



Contrary to popular belief...

the world DOES NOT owe you a ANY THING!

But YOU...YOU owe the world something!  

Below is a newspaper clipping from the 1950's.

This applies Today more so than EVER!   

If you're bored, try making a POSITIVE IMPACT on your community!  

Trust me, you'll get further in life when you do.  

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Long time Radio and TV Personality Speaks Out and Up On Recent Flash Mob Violence In Louisville, Kentucky

This is not a post about race

by Terry Meiners
March 26, 2014
This is not a post about race. It is a post about a community’s inherent mission, the protection of its law-abiding citizens from predators.
The Great Wall of China is not a decoration. That wall, forts, castles, and foxholes were created for protection from predators. People who live in a community do so with the understanding that they will protect each other – or pay taxes to afford efficient protection – from those who would burst the order of the community.
When a person or persons within the community breach that pact, they are sent to another sturdy construction called a prison so that they cannot continue preying upon their community.
In the 1970s, Louisville’s growth was stunted by the derisive term Strike City, a label earned from repeated union strikes at various companies. The River City Mall killed 4th Street businesses when the pedestrian mall led to more assaults. Thugs had omnidirectional escape routes without fear of surveillance from vehicular traffic.
Louisville will be known as Thug City unless it deals with today’s recurring issues created by sociopathic roving thugs.
Apologists immediately claim Saturday’s mayhem is an isolated incident. That reaction is based on ignorance of local history, or is an intentional lie to mask a colossal local problem.

Click HERE to read the entire article

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Red Rover: Providing Safe Escape For Pets of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence turns a home into a place of terror. Many justifiably believe that their beloved pet will become a victim of retaliation if they leave their tormentor. To help break this cycle of violence, Red Rover provides Safe Escape to enable victims and their pets to find a safe place to begin again.

Founded in 1987, the mission of RedRover is to bring animals out of crisis and strengthen the bond between people and animals through emergency sheltering, disaster relief services, financial assistance and education. RedRover accomplishes its mission by engaging volunteers and supporters, collaborating with others and maximizing the use of online technology.

Please note: We are not a shelter or vet clinic and cannot accept animals. Find a Sacramento-area animal shelter.

RedRover is committed to:
bringing animals out of crisis and into care by:
  • caring for animals displaced by natural disasters or rescued from mass cruelty situations
  • providing financial assistance to pet owners and animal rescuers to obtain urgent veterinary care
mitigating situations of animals in crisis by:
  • offering financial incentives to encourage witnesses to animal cruelty to come forward  
  • connecting volunteers and rescuers with opportunities to help animals in need
Click HERE to Read More about Red Rover. 

If you and your pet are victims of Domestic Violence, please contact Red Rover Immediately!

(916) 429-2457


Victims of Domestic Violence Please Contact Someone ASAP!

If you or someone you know is living with domestic violence, PLEASE contact someone IMMEDIATELY!

Whether you are a man, woman, child... help IS available!

CALL:  1-800-799-SAFE (7233)

Or if you are able...Go online to one or all these sites!


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Honor Jennifer Martel: Protect Victims of Abuse

27-year-old Jennifer Martel was a caring mom to a little girl. Working her way through college, Jennifer hoped to become an elementary school teacher. Jennifer's boyfriend had a long history of criminal activity, including domestic violence, yet was released on his own recognizance after smashing Jennifer's head into a mirror Tuesday, Aug. 13. 

Just two nights later, he was found covered in blood after stabbing Jennifer to death in the presence of their four-year-old daughter and neighbors.

While Massachusetts is at the forefront of the war against domestic violence, the recent murder of Jennifer Martel highlights a gaping flaw in the current system. Under M.G.L. 276 sec. 58A, offenders can be released on their own recognizance, without any bail set, within 24 hours of an assault. An emergency restraining ordered was issued against Jennifer's assailant, but since Jennifer did not appear in court the day after she was attacked, her assailant was released without bail on his on recognizance.


Females murdered by a current or former partner account for 30% of homicides against women each year. In many instances of intimate partner homicide, domestic violence is a precursor to murder. More often than not, victims of domestic violence do not take action against their abusers for a number of reasons, including fear of retaliation. Known abusers should not be allowed to walk free without bail within 24 hours of a repeat offense. Special concern should be warranted when there is a child in the home, as well. 

I am asking for your signature on this petition, in order to prompt the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to close the loophole that allows repeat, violent offenders to be released without immediate consequence, putting their victims and the public at risk.


Click HERE

Or  Copy & Paste the URL below

Thank You

Domestic Violence ... It's EVERYBODY'S Business!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Domestic Violence: It's EVERYBODY'S Business!

Domestic Violence does not discriminate against age, race, color, creed, gender or sexual orientation.

The U. S. Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) defines domestic violence as a "pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner"

The definition adds that domestic violence "can happen to anyone regardless of race, age, sexual orientation, religion, or gender", and that it can take many forms, including physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional, economic, and psychological abuse

Our society, both here in the United States and world-wide, have been conditioned to think and believe that domestic violence only means women and children.   But the sad fact is, it also includes boys and men.

“When we ignore male victims of domestic abuse, we also ignore their children, who continue to be damaged by witnessing the violence regardless of how severe it is. We cannot break this intergenerational cycle by ignoring half of it. That's why a global coalition of experts has formed to support a research-based, inclusive approach, and their website has solid data showing women initiate the violence as often as men.”

Source:  National Family Violence Legislative Resource Center:

While the “statistics” show a large number of women reporting -- these numbers cannot be trusted as being accurate.   Though there are many, many who are truthfully reporting, there is a growing percentage of reporting done for the sole purpose  to get back at their spouse, boyfriend, significant other.

FACT:  The majority of men who are experiencing domestic violence will not report it.   

As with women, domestic violence against men can take many forms, including emotional, sexual and physical abuse and threats of abuse. Keeping in mind it happens in heterosexual and same sex relationships.

Due to our primary focus being conditioned to read the signs on a woman or child, recognizing those same signs of domestic violence against men isn‘t easy.    They’re there!  You only need to drop the stigma, broaden your perspective in order to see it.

As with women, early in the relationship, a man’s  partner might seem attentive, generous and protective in ways that later turn out to be controlling and frightening. Initially, the abuse might appear as isolated incidents. Their partner might apologize and promise not to abuse them again.

In other relationships, domestic violence against men might include both partners slapping or shoving each other when they get angry — and neither partner seeing himself or herself as being abused or controlled.   This type of violence, however, can still devastate a relationship, causing both physical and emotional damage.

Domestic Violence Against Men:  KNOW THE SIGNS  Click HERE


If you are a man and are living with abuse, and you are too ashamed to reach out … PLEASE know there are people willing to believe you and help you!  It doesn’t matter where in the world you are -- there is help!

If you or someone you know is living with domestic violence … please seek help!

National Domestic Violence Hotline, 1-800-799-SAFE

The Domestic Abuse Hotline is for BOTH men and women!

Knowledge is power!  Get the Information!

My Blog from October 2010:

Only TOGETHER can we break the cycle!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Domestic Violence: Taking It Like A Man -- The Untold Story

Domestic Violence.   It's Everybody's Business!

But how many turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to it?  Sadly too many to count.

While the majority of such violence reported involved  women and children, an alarming number of men who are victims go unreported ...  even ignored.

"... activists for “men’s rights” have suggested that policy-oriented efforts for women have been misplaced, because they focus entirely on women as the victims of domestic violence

“men are the victims of domestic violence at least as often as women” (Brott, 1994). "

[emphasis added]


And we are not just talking about gay men in this regard.   Hetero-sexual men fall prey to domestic abuse as well.  You don't hear about it very often -- if at all.   Pride and shame prevent many of these men from coming forward.  Shame of not being seen as a "real" man if they are being physically beaten up or verbally assaulted.   Especially, and in particularly, if their abuser is a woman!     And for our gay brothers ... the blame for being who they are is used to guilt them into staying silent.

So, for the most part,  they all collectively suffer alone.  

But why keep quiet?  Why hide the abuse?  
Like women, men go through the same emotional ups and downs, blaming themselves, taking on the responsibility of their partner's abusive behavior.  Men share the same type of shame for allowing it to happen, the same type of guilt for not being good enough and so on.   The same helplessness and hopelessness is shared.   Like women, men who are abused undergo all the above.  However, unlike women, men who are victimized deal  with one additional burden ... gender stereo typing

Men who are abused by women often suffer in silence. In addition to the shame shared by many women victims of domestic violence, men must overcome gender stereotypes. 

The emotional scars cannot be seen; and the physical scars are laughed off and/or lied about.  The pain and anguish is compounded when they hear someone say ... "take it like a man!"

Take it like a man -- meaning --  Take your licks and count yourself lucky you are still breathing and able to walk around!  You're a man after all!

Too many of our men have suffered at the hands of their abusers for far too long.  They take the abuse for one reason or another  -- "taking it like a man", as it were, for fear of being seen less than what they truly are. 


Growing up, I witnessed domestic violence first hand.   Both parents abusing each other -- verbally and physically.  But whenever the police came ... it was always my father they arrested.  Why?  Because he was the man!  They saw his injuries as something he deserved and/or something he was expected to take.  Adding insult to injury --- they viewed it as my mother defending herself each and every time.  Little did they know (or even cared) ... a good percentage of those injuries my father incurred over the years were due to my mother hitting him first!  And most of the time without little to no provocation!

But daddy took it like the man he was!  And he suffered quietly through the emotional turmoil, through the hurtful and spiteful jabs made by neighbors,  friends and family members.

There were only a few instances where daddy did get physical with mother.  The first incident was when Mother came at him with a butcher knife.  During an attempt to wretch it from her hand, daddy broke her little finger.   The second incident occurred a little over a year later, when she came after him with a baseball bat.  She had swung at him, barely missing his head.  Daddy turned around, grabbed mother and slammed her against a solid wood door, bruising her entire back.  Out of anger, frustration and no doubt abject fear, daddy punched his fist through the closet door.

Though it was in true self-defense, daddy  was arrested for both incidents.   And while I don't condone his actions (and neither did he), I can see why he did it -- why he had to.

When I was grown, I asked my father why he took it.  He told me ... that's what a real man does.  Crying about it makes you weak!  So you take it like a man and keep moving forward--hoping one day it will get better!

And then you have men who go to jail -- for literally not doing anything -- but was incarcerated  for the lies the woman in his life has told.     The law took the woman's side -- even when the man had visible injuries!


Working in the legal field, I witnessed a great deal of injustice against men.    One case  that stands out in my mind was "Charles" -- a long time  client and colleague who came to our office early one morning.  His dark handsome face was bruised, his left eye swollen shut, his right arm in a cast.   Every step he made was agony.  He had sustained a broken arm,  several fractured ribs and a sprang ankle.   Looking at him, one would immediately  assume he had been in some kind of auto accident.    Sadly, he was a victim of domestic violence.   

His wife of three years had been  beating him on a regular basis.      While  the physical injuries were, on average, sustained monthly --- the verbal and emotional abuse had been taking place daily  (we found this out during our investigation).

This case happened nearly 16 years ago  and I will never forget what my boss told "Charles" when he came in.  "I hope you packed your tooth brush pal!  'Cause you and I both know you're going to jail today!"  

And he did.   Though his wife never sustained so much as a scratch, and all medical records of his injuries were provided -- "Charles" was sentenced to one year for domestic abuse!

The lies  told were criminal all unto itself.  But the  literal miscarriage of justice in this particular instance was more than unbelievable -- it was unimaginable!

So why was "Charles" jailed for domestic violence?  Most men, by appearance only,  are seen intimidating and/or threatening.     I believe this was the case with "Charles".   I feel and truly believe that because of his nearly seven foot, lean 205 pound  athletic stature, he was deemed threatening to most people and his wife was a mere 5'2 and 98 pounds,  it was always assumed that "Charles" was the abuser.  Because  "Charles" was a man he was always seen as the perpetrator of any and all domestic disputes.

On the flip-side ... his appearance worked against him in other ways.  How so?  Most men (and women) saw  "Charles"  as a wuss, a sissy for allowing the abuse to take place.  After all ... he was the man!  And a giant of a man to boot!

For "Charles" and men like him ... it was a no win situation.

Sadly -- similar (or worse) cases happens all too often.    


The good news is ... (if you can call it that) the laws are changing.  Albeit ever so slowly.  But they are changing in regards to how domestic violence is being handled by our legal system.

But they can only change and improve if we arm ourselves with knowledge and awareness.    The laws can only change and improve if we ourselves change and improve the way we view one another!

Remembering first and foremost that we are human beings -- men and women.

I urge you to  join together in bringing an end to this type of violence for both genders--irregardless of their sexual orientation!      But most importantly, I ask that all of you -- both ladies and  gentlemen --Keep in mind that men are human beings too!  They are just as vulnerable to the same feelings we women have.   They are  susceptible to the same injuries inflicted as we would be.    They need to know that we do not look down on them for  enduring such atrocities.  We don't see them less than a man for going through these traumas.

And as for you men ...  Stand up and let your voices be heard!

For you macho types ... get over yourselves!  

If you know of anyone -- be they male or female -- Gay, Straight or Bi -- who is living with domestic violence ... please make an effort to help.   I am Not asking you to put your life on the line ... there are people you can call, services you can offer to the abused in ways no one has to know.   But don't just stand there and do nothing!

If you are someone who is currently living with domestic violence ... SPEAK UP!  REACH OUT!   There are people out there ready, willing and able to help you.

If you are a man living with domestic violence or know someone who is ... there are places to go and people who will assist you.   No judgments ... only understanding & compassion.  

Please don't suffer in silence!  

Below I have listed a few sites and resources, as well as articles on male victims of domestic violence.   Pass them along to those in need.     Together we can raise awareness so no one need suffer ever again!

Domestic Violence.   It's Everybody's Business!


National Domestic Abuse Hotline:
1.800.799.SAFE (7233) 1.800.787.3224 (TTY)
Anonymous & Confidential Help 24/7  ~ filled with articles and other resources.

S.A.F.E. ( concentrates on domestic violence against straight men, gay men, and lesbian women, because few services exist for these groups.

Articles of Interest: