Showing posts with label living. Show all posts
Showing posts with label living. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Six Things To Practice During 2014: 1 ~ Make Peace With Your Past~

Have you made peace with your past?

Before you answer that, take a moment and ask yourself the following questions:

Do you feel grounded each and every day?  Are you consciously aware of the present?

Are you genuinely at peace here in this moment?  Are you content with your life?  
Are you content with who you are? 

Do you rarely think of the past?   And when you do, can you honestly look back on past events and situations and have a better understanding of what took place and why?  Can you think about people whom you lost, be it through a physical death or them leaving you to be with someone else, and know it wasn't anything you did/didn't say or do/didn't do?   Can you think about these people without getting upset or going into a fit of rage?  Can look at your past and feel nothing but satisfaction and gratitude?

If you can answer yes to most of the above questions,  you're well on your way to being 100% at peace with your past!  
Sadly, many people can't answer yes to even one of those questions.  Not even one!    And reason being is they spend a great deal of their time dwelling on the past.  They linger in all the memories of times gone by.   Reliving the pain and anguish of the hurtful things said and done to them.   Or reliving all the wonderful memories they shared with a loved who passed on.   

Whether or not the memories are painful or pleasant, if you find you are spending more than half your days dwelling in the past, then you are not living fully in the here and now. 


So why do we dwell on our past so much?  Why do we  go there to linger in all the memories of what was?  

I've come to the conclusion that we go back  rehashing and reliving our past in the hopes that some way, some how, we can change the past, make it better, right the wrongs, soothe the pain and so on.    Maybe.  But t
he sad truth is so many  people literally live out their lives, living and re-living it all  in the hopes they can somehow change it and make it better.  Or just make it go away entirely.     Which by the way...never happens!

And then there are those who just refuse to even deal with the past on any level.  They just stuff it all  down deep in their gut or way back in the recesses of their minds.  Living out their lives filled with anger and/or perpetual denial.  Explains all the fucked up relationships don't it?


So I have to ask, when you look back on your life, what events do you recall having a tremendous impact on how your future was shaped?   What people and/or events still give you a negative emotional tug?

Perhaps it's an ex-lover,  unresolved issues with family or you are dealing with some type of regret for past actions. Whatever it is, it's time to get it cleared out and cleaned up! 

Clearing & Cleaning The Path For A Better Now

Clearing out and Cleaning up your past isn’t about forgetting.  It's about healing.  It's about acceptance.   Through accepting the past for what it is, you come into an understanding that what was doesn’t need to be a part of your present.  Or future!   Once this understanding sets in and takes hold, a wondrous healing takes over.  

To reconcile the past  you will be confronting all those areas that you resist the most.  Keeping in mind of course, Resistance is Futile!
Facing the past is the key to releasing it. 

Now to clarify things, I will impress upon you to remember that there is a vast difference between facing the past and just talking about the past.

While both exercises involving going back in time.  Facing the past puts you in a position of power as the observer.  Whereas, talking about the past makes you the participant.

Think about that for a few minutes.   Let it sink in.  

If your happiness isn't the reason to let go of your past, think about your family, your spouse, partner, boyfriend, girlfriend, children and friends. How have the events from your past impacted them? How you behave and act is what your kids will grow up emulating. By continuing to hold onto the past, not only are you destroying your own life, you are crushing the lives of all of those around you. If you choose to go down a path that is stuck in how your life used to be, the people around you will go down that path too.


Here's an exercise to help you zero in on how the past is impacting your life.

  • Write down a list of every person you feel you've wronged.
  • Write down a list of every person you own an apology to.
  • Make a list of everyone you feel has wronged you.
  • Write down a list of every person you feel you deserve an apology from.

If you want to be free from you past, let all of the people you named in the above exercise know how you feel. More times than not, you may be surprised that they have no idea what you're talking about. What made an indelible impression on you, turned out to be meaningless or of little concern to that other person. They simply had no clue you've been holding on to all of that negative emotion which ultimately weighed you down with self-created images of something that may or may not have happened.

Think of all the wonderful things you are missing out on this present by exerting all that focus on all the yesterdays.


As with all addictions, healing your addiction to the past will take time and conscious effort.  

Embrace All that You are!   
For You ARE All  that There Is!


Next Blog:  

What Other People Think About Me Is None Of My Business!


Terry Ferry

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Why Choose A Coach?

What do top athletes and you have in common? 

More than you realize!

Like you, athletes have a talent they wish to share with the world -- a dream they desperately want to fulfill.   Like you, they face numerous challenges in order to fulfill  those dreams.  And like you, they fair better when they have the unconditional loving and compassionate support from people in their lives.   

What sets top athletes apart from all others?  Their Coach!  Now that Coach may be just one person or several.  But it is always that person who keeps them on task.  Who lends a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on and a foot up the ass when needed. 

Ask yourself these questions.  Where would any top athlete  be without their coach staying on top of them?  Lending support?  Dragging them out of their comfort zone?  

Now ask yourself this question.  Should living life be any different than a top athlete? 

The answer is No!

The simple fact of life is this.  Individuals are better able to make big decisions when they have unconditional loving support of friends, family, peers, or a coach. 

Why get a coach of any kind? Be they life coach or Empowerment coach or what have you?

Well, only you can answer that question!  But I can tell you that  having a Coach can bring you closer to living the life you were meant to live!  Freely!  Authentically! Passionately!

Now don’t get me wrong!  Family and friends are wonderful support systems!  I’d be totally lost without mine!  But, let’s be honest here.  There are times when you don’t want them to know about your fears, doubts and hang ups.   

While you may trust them -- there may be something you are wanting to do or something you are afraid of.  Something you are anxious of sharing because you are terrified of  being looked down upon.  Maybe you’re afraid of being seen as stupid or less than or being seen as weak. 

Many of us are a little ashamed of being in an imbalanced state.  We secretly beat ourselves up for not being perfect!  Not living up to the expectations of others.  Not reaching those unreachable standards we have set up for ourselves!  And we just don’t want our family and friends to know all that!

Be they real or imagined, those fears can actually prevent you from reaching your goals.  These fears create walls that close in on you until you can’t even remember who you are any more.

Empowerment Coaching  can help you through these fears. 

If you are still asking yourself … Why get a coach of any kind?   Well,  chances are … you already know why, but are still unsure about taking that next step.   That’s okay!  You’re not alone!  I know first hand how scary it is!   

But aren't you a little sick and tired of not being happy?  Aren't you tired of NOT Living and being All you know you are? 

My Empowerment Coaching sessions is all about assisting you to be happier -- Living and Being all You Are!  And how is this done?  First by identifying what those blocks are; and then by shifting  your focus away from, and guiding you through,  the roadblocks that stand  between you and your goals.   

And I do this by utilizing a wide variety of tools, such as (but not limited to) EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Quantum Energy Healing and Chakra Clearings.   

And as an added bonus to our  one on one chats (telephone or online chats)-- you will receive daily emails from me filled with all sorts of great stuff.   

Each day you will receive one or two emails from me that include inspirational messages, Reminders and Checklists of your daily goals; and links to experts in the fields of EFT, Self-Emergence, Quantum Energy Healing and Chakra Clearings.  As well as few other little wonderful items that will help you stay motivated, inspired and connected!


As an Empowerment Coach --I am your partner -- your support system --with only one goal in mind:  improving the your quality of life so you may live as your Authentic Self.

Embrace ALL that you are!  
Because YOU are ALL that there is!

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way.

To Book A Consultation With Julia


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