Showing posts with label lesbian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lesbian. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Teen Forced To Wear Humiliating Name Tag At Work

16 year old Tyler Brandt’s supervisor created and required him to wear a name tag labeled “GAYTARD” while he worked at a Taco John’s restaurant in Yankton, South Dakota. Tyler was intentionally humiliated in front of customers and coworkers to the point that he felt he had no option but to quit his job.
No one should have to face slurs in their workplace – no boss should be allowed to label their employee with insults.
This is why the ACLU is representing Tyler with his charge of discrimination against Taco John’s - but it's time they also apologize to Tyler and publicly speak out against discrimination and bullying in the workplace.
All corporations, including Taco John's, have a responsibility to ensure that their franchises understand that discrimination is unacceptable and illegal.
Will you sign to stand with Tyler and demand an apology from Taco John’s? Let's call on them to take a public stance against discrimination and bullying in the workplace, so no one else will have the horrible, shaming experience that Tyler had.

Click HERE  or just copy and paste link below:

Thursday, February 27, 2014

4-Year-Old Sums Up Gay Marriage in a Few Short Sentences

This is so innocent and sweet, it's impossible not to just love it to pieces. A 4-year-old little girl in Australia wrote a letter to the prime minister, Tony Abbott, asking him to "let boys marry boys and girls marry girls," in an effort to persuade him to recognize gay marriage Down Under. Sabrina Franco was inspired to reach out to the prime minister after learning that friends of her mothers, a gay male couple, had to go all the way to New York to be married -- because same-sex marriages are neither recognized nor performed in Australia.

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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Please Sign the Petition! Drop charges against transgender teen defending herself!

My sister, Jewlyes Gutierrez, is a 16 year old teenager, who identifies as a transgender female. Her gender identity has caused her to be a victim of taunting, harassment, and bullying by her peers.  On November 13, 2013, Jewlyes defended herself against three girls who were tormenting and then physically attacked her. This was captured on video and you can see Jewlyes trying to run away. The students involved were suspended but to our disbelief, District Attorney Daniel Cabral then filed charges against Jewlyes for battery - she's the only one charged.
Jewlyes should not be charged criminally. Rather, this altercation should be the responsibility of the school district, who should take proper action and implement the necessary resources to prevent incidents like these from happening again.  
One of the girls who attacked Jewlyes had repeated bullied her - even spitting gum in her face. Jewlyes sought help from the assistant principal in fear of her physical safety but the issue was not properly addressed, no necessary action was taken by the administration. The bullying continued.