Showing posts with label Centeredness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Centeredness. Show all posts

Thursday, June 16, 2011

How Many Times? Seventy Times Seven!

I’m on week three of doing the 70x7 exercise -- and MAN!  Does my hand hurt! 

For those unfamiliar with this little process -- it is taken from the Christian Bible.

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?”  Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.”  ~Matthew 18:21-22  (NIV)

I never gave this passage  much thought until I was doing research.   My search lead me to Cat Saunders’ blog page “Four Principles of Effective Apology” -- where I found her article entitled “My Favorite Forgiveness Process.”

In her article, Cat  describes how she combined ideas from two of  her mentors in regard to forgiveness, Sondra  Ray and Morrnah Simeona.

One is the Ho’Oponopono phrases:  I’m Sorry, Please Forgive me, I love you and I thank you.

The other is literally writing out 70 times each day for 7 days the following:

I forgive ________ and ________ forgives me.  (you fill in the blanks)

In order to get the full effect -- it’s advised you do both  Ho’Oponopono (speaking the Ho’Oponopono phrases)  and the writing out of the above line 70x7. 

And by the way -- for those who have challenges with their hands (carpal tunnel; arthrities, etc.),    I have discovered through experimentation, that you can say this line 70 times each day and have the same affect.   As with writing out the lines I forgive ________ and ________ forgives me.  (you fill in the blanks), you cannot skip a day.  If you’re saying it -- you have to say it each and every day for Seven (7) days straight.  If you forget -- you have to start over -- from the beginning! 

No recording it and listening to it -- you must SAY IT!

Yea!  It’s a pain in the ass!  But that’s what you get for holding to all your bullshit!

Lesson Learned:  Holding on to shit -- makes for hard work!

Before I started the 70x7 process -- I compiled a list of all the people (and some situations and events) that I knew needed releasing.   It’s a long list -- and growing I might add!  I then looked the list over and chose which ones really jumped out at me and began my journey into the 70x7 process.

Cat urges the reader that while doing the 70 x 7 sentences, pay special  attention to the rest of your life as the week progresses.  During the seven days, notice how the process actually stimulates all your stuff to rise to the surface, like scum on a pond. Whatever stands in the way of forgiveness makes itself painfully apparent. [amended]  (excerpt from Helping Handbook by Dr. Cat Saunders, Source: )

Well, I took Cat’s advice and all I can say is … it’s a damn good thing those I’ve been releasing should be thanking the deity of their choice they weren’t anywhere near me during this ritual!

Can we say outrage -- enraged -- and flat out pissed off? I’ve lost count over the last three weeks how much I just wanted to stomp the crap out of those people.  Two to three times during the course of each  week I’d wake up in the middle of the night so angry -- I punched the stuffing out of my pillow.   I also noted how many times I would break down and start crying. 

But I kept writing.  Even as the memories of the pain and humiliation each of those people had inflicted on me rose to the surface -- trying with all their might to stop me from continuing -- I kept writing.  I was so pissed off at one point -- I actually broke the pencil!  But I grabbed another and kept on writing until I reached my 70 times for that day.

By day 4, I was a bit more centered and calm.   By day 6 -- I noticed that I actually enjoyed doing it.   And by the seventh day -- I was relieved and felt so much lighter!

I’ve also noticed that I have become much calmer, more centered and grounded.   I also feel really good about myself too!

 The beauty of reciting Ho’Oponopono so many times per day  is … you begin to do it automatically -- without even thinking about it!!!     Everywhere I go, I catch myself saying Ho’Oponopono.   And I have seen some rather startling changes all over the place too!

Now here's something I didn't count on.  The neighborhood I live in has become quieter and more calm.  I get on a bus and if there is someone arguing or being loud -- no sooner do I get the word Ho’Oponopono out of my mouth, everyone becomes  settled down.  People are nicer and friendlier now.  Everywhere I go!

The inner joy that I’ve reconnected to has become a bit of an addiction for me now.  And I LIKE IT!   Yea, I still get pissed off -- but now getting back in my center is much quicker and easier these days.  Wow!  And only after a few weeks too!  Just imagine what the next three weeks will bring! 


About Julia K. Cole

Julia K. Cole is a psychic medium, internet radio show host,  Certified Spiritual Consultant,  Empowerment Coach and upcoming author. 

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Duct Tape Diva,  Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality.   Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience.  In the style  of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way.


How to Practice Ho’Oponopono

How Many Times ~ White Heart