Showing posts with label email gate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label email gate. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Show Me Yours and I'll Show You Mine: The Left's Endless Distractions

Billionaire Warren Buffett criticized Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump for not revealing his tax returns and gave Trump an offer he hopes won’t be refused.

At a campaign rally for Hillary Clinton in Omaha, Buffet said the American people would learn a lot more about Trump if he produced his income tax return.


How about this Mr. Buffett?  Get Hillary to show us the donor's list for the Clinton Foundation and where the money is really and truly going.  
How about we do that?   For example, all that money collected for Haiti.  Where did it all go?   How about starting there? 

Or how about we recover those emails she allegedly deleted?
Or how about we see those transcripts of her speeches?

Or better yet, how about the left stop trying to distract the American people away from Hillary's never ending deceptions?   

Wouldn't it be great if Hillary would just come clean about everything?  Think of the possibilities if she did?  

So in the spirit of show me yours and I'll show you mine...

Hillary Clinton...

- Show us the donor list and where the money is truly going

- Show us those emails that were allegedly deleted
- Show us the transcripts of your speeches

We The People Demand To See Them!

And Mr. Buffett, keep your tax returns.  We don't care!  

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Vagina Wars Part 3: The Hillary Standard "OR" I Have A Vagina, I Am Equal To A Man, But PLEASE Stop Treating Me Like A Man!

If I have said it once, I have said it a thousand and one times....leftist liberal females are the biggest hypocrites EVER!  They parade around chanting:  We are equal to men!  blah! blah! blah!  And so on and so on!  And the moment you start treating them like a man, bashing them like you would a man...BAM!  They start screaming foul!  Every single time!  Never fails. 

So Hillary goes on television and starts moaning, groaning, bitching and preaching about how everyone treats her differently.  Saying, there are two standards.  The "Hillary Standard" and then the standard for everyone else.    For starters, the only Hillary Standard that exists is the one all leftist liberals live by.  Politically correct, hypocritical, do as I say not as I do, I'm right, you're wrong, and everyone who isn't a leftist lib is a racist sexist POS.      

Secondly, no one is treating Hillary any differently than they do any of the men running for office.  Okay?  So she, and all her followers, can knock off that poor, poor pitiful, oh look at me I have a vagina and they only treat me this bad because of my hoo ha leftist freeze dried bull shit already.

In all seriousness,  there is nothing more pathetic than some lying off her ass, devious, manipulating, two-faced, back stabbing, hypocritical female playing the sexist card.  Nothing!

Contrary to what some fact checkers claim, Hillary Clinton is not honest.  In fact, she is not even in the same ZIP code of honesty.  She is a pathological liar.   

And if she were a man....I would be saying the same thing!  She is a Liar!  And just because she is a woman doesn't make her lies the truth!  She is a LIAR! So all you leftist libs out there...take your sexist card and shove it up your bum sideways!

On behalf of those with a working brain cell aka members of the non-leftist liberal persuasion, when we treat you like you ask us to treat you.... please don't be such a whiny little cry baby bitch about it! Put on your big boy/big girl pants (whichever applies) and deal with it!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

The Vagina Wars: Hillary's Greatest Hits -- It's My Vagina And I'll Lie If I Want To!

Read a post on Face Book the other day about why Hillary Clinton should be president.    As you can only imagine, the thread got pretty intense.  Especially when one of the participants stated, and I quote, "you all are sexist and hate Hillary because she has a vagina!"  Unquote.   And then there is some lame article going around about how Hillary is more honest than any candidate and she is being attacked because...yeah, you guessed it...she's a woman!

You can't make this crap up folks! 

Unfortunately, this is the kind of thinking of the leftist liberals.  
Back when Barack HUSSEIN Obama was running for office everyone who was against him was labeled a racist.  Now that Hillary Clinton is running again...the leftist libs are making every attempt to accuse people of sexism.  Crying that we don't like Hillary because she's a woman.  waaaaahhhh! You hate Hillary because she has a vagina!  waaaaahhhhhh!   

Seriously?   Is this the best you got?  The only qualification for being president Hillary has to offer is she has a vagina?  

My cat has a I guess that qualifies her to be President of the United States?!


When it comes to politics---it's no holds bar.   Plain and simple.  And what that means is...Everyone is fair game.  Everyone.  No exceptions!    Whether you have a hoo ha or a wee-wee; if you're white, black,  Hispanic or whatever,  it makes no difference to those of the non-leftist liberal persuasion.   You throw your hat in the ring --- you make yourself fair game! End of Story!  With leftist liberals, however, you're only fair game if you're not a liberal!

Your average leftist liberal is incapable of understanding or comprehending that we treat Hillary the same way we treat the men in politics.  And if you don't believe that...ask Ted Cruz! 

The left is always screaming that women should be treated equally as men.  However, and interestingly enough, whenever a woman is treated like a man and bashed like a man would be (and is), it is always the leftist libs who scream FOUL!  But then again, we of the non-leftist liberal persuasion would expect nothing less.  Reason being is,  leftist libs are the biggest hypocrites you'll ever find.   And to be fair, yes, the republicans are running close second to being  the biggest hypocrites this world has ever seen.  But as hard as they work at being such,  the leftist libs remain reigning champions in that regard.   

My oh my! Their mommas must be so damn proud!

So the leftist libs come up with this notion that Hillary doesn't lie.  No.  She either (1) does that whole "I misspoke" routine; or (2) had a change of heart.  Don't get me wrong, I accept the fact that as we grow older, our ideas and ideals change.  I'm on board with that!   I get that!  And Hillary has every right to change her mind on  any subject as anyone else does.  Gay marriage for instance.  Once upon a time Hillary was against it.  Now she isn't.  I accept that change of heart as being legit.  Some folks just change their minds on certain things.   That doesn't classify you as a liar.  It just makes you someone who has broaden their views and adjusted their way of thinking.  I mean, c'mon!  We have all changed our minds on something that we once believed in.  Right?  Of course we have!  And that doesn't make us liars when we do.  And Hillary is no exception.  

And yes,  all politicians lie.  We all know that!  But Hillary Clinton is more than just your average lying off her ass politician.  She is a risk to this Country--she is a liability.   

Case in point...

In testimony to the House Benghazi panel, Clinton said she never sent or received emails marked as classified when she served as secretary of state.  She also has said she used one mobile device for emails and turned over all her work-related emails to the State Department.

FBI Director James Comey said she had multiple devices; and investigators found thousands of work-related emails that had not been turned over, telling Congress during that committee meeting that three of her emails carried classified markings.


Let's recap that.  Shall we?

 Even with the truth slapping them in the face, the leftist liberals will argue that those of the non-leftist liberal persuasion hates Hillary because she is a woman! And for the leftist libs that means she could not have possibly lied.  Oh no! No! No!  

So if I am following the leftist libs way of thinking, the only reason FBI Director Comey and his investigators found all that proof that Hillary lied is because they have penises???!  (or is that peni?) Did I get that right?  

oy! Does anyone else have a headache yet?!

Hillary Clinton lied to the World about what happened in Benghazi.  A few years after the "incident", Hillary Clinton  publicly claimed that no blood was spilled in Libya while she was Secretary of State.   

Last time I checked, Benghazi was in Libya.   And last I checked four Americans were slaughtered in Benghazi.  Saying that the attack was caused by a video was, and still is, a lie.  Saying that no blood was spilled in Libya during her stint as Secretary of State, is a lie!    The reasons for not providing assistance to those in Benghazi....lies!  

But Hillary has a vagina and the vagina don't lie!  Right?   Isn't that so leftist liberals?

To hear the leftist libs tell it, had it been a man who was Secretary of State when all that was going on in Benghazi no one would have said a word!  No one would have questioned the penis!  Right?  Wait!  Obama was around during all this.  Oh that's right!  He can't be held responsible...he's black!  And he's a man!  And no one would EVER dare question the penis! Nor would they question Obama because he is black.  Because as we all know, if you question the black guy in the oval're a racist!!!   So that means that we have only the  vagina to blame!  But according to the leftist libs...the vagina don't lie!  So both Obama and Hillary are off the hook as far as the leftist libs are concerned.  

So the vagina don't lie you say?   Right!  Right!  Just another case of "lil Hillary just misspoke."   You know, like she misspoke about her trip to  Bosnia?  Or how she misspoke about being named after Sir Edmund Hillary?  Or how she misspoke about being instrumental in the Northern Ireland peace process even though those who actually were at the negotiating table say Hillary was nowhere to be seen?  

Yea, she just "misspoke" about all of that!  I mean, after all, Hillary has a vagina so there is no way she could ever, ever lie about anything.  Right?  Hey!  The Vagina don't lie!   oh! Let me rephrase that...the leftist liberal vagina speaks truth. 

But, at this point, what difference does it make, right?  What difference does any of this make?