Showing posts with label spiritual. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spiritual. Show all posts

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Stages of The Awakening Process: Part 3

Your awakening process parallels your physical stages of life and all that goes along with it. 
  • Conception
  • Gestation
  • Birth
  • Infant - Toddler
  • Young Child - Early Adolescence
  • Late Adolescence - Early Adult
  • Mid-Late Adulthood
Birth, Infant and Toddler Stages

There is a longing that nags you off and on.  The restlessness and interrupted sleep only adds to the yearning.  There doesn't seem to be anyone close to you that truly understands what you're going through.  In fact, they've advise you to see a doctor.  No doubt you're going through the change.  Or you just need to get out more.  Or maybe try this new diet or that new diet.   You go to the doctor, they tell you there isn't anything physically wrong with you.  Or they tell you you just need to get more exercise and rest.  You go to a mental health specialist and they can't offer you any assistance that really rings true in your heart.  This is not to say these professionals aren't good at their jobs. No.  They're very good.  But they aren't getting it.  They're just not getting what's happening to you.  

Deep down you know it's more than hormones.  It's more than what's going around.  And  Yes, you're going through a change.  But not the kind modern medical science acknowledges.  You're not going crazy. You're not imagining any of it.    Get quiet, listen to your body.  Allow yourself to be guided by that inner knowing.    You're not alone.  Just remember that.  

When you are able to sleep you are bombarded by strange dreams.  Some of which look like a really bad science fiction movie.    It's okay!  You're not being haunted by ghosts or demons.  It's all part of the process.  There is so much you have taken in over the years.  The news reports, the every day experiences that leave you stressed and annoyed.  Your dreams are just a way for your mind to release and act out what it has taken in during your waking state.  Keep a journal.  Even if you can't remember the dream itself, write down the feelings the dream(s) left you with.  Don't forget to put the date down. It'll serve a purpose later on.

This is the birthing stage of your awakening process.   You will find your levels of discomfort shift from the subtle to extreme.  This of course adds to the now ever present irritation.  Remember to use whatever relaxation method that works for you on a daily basis.  The more relaxed you are...the quicker you can get through the various levels of the process.  


The Infant and Toddler stages of your awakening process gets intense as your awareness grows.   During this particular level of awakening, you will find yourself acting out in ways you never dreamed.  Testing boundaries like an enraged two year old, you becoming demanding one minute and then shirking away the next.  Jealousy and possessiveness rears it's ugly head when you least expect it.  You don't want to share what you have or what you know.   Deep down you know it isn't polite or loving or kind.  But something in you just doesn't care.  It's yours and yours alone.  Let "them" get theirs and leave you be.    Sound familiar?    It's okay really!  We all go through this at one point during our awakening.  It does get better!  You do calm down!  

 Things that never bothered you now irritate you and you don't understand why.  You keep wondering if people were always that stupid and inconsiderate.  Once, not too long ago, it didn't bother you.  You ignored it.  Just let it slide.  But it really annoys you.   You can no longer tolerate the insanity that you are now consciously aware of.   It's okay.  Your awareness is expanding and the adjustment is a bit unsettling in the beginning.  It does get better.

You throw a temper tantrum over things that make no sense to anyone. Not even to you.  You stay on line hoping to find others like you.  Sometimes you luck out and find online groups who are like you.  But that too is short-lived.   So you find yourself spending a lot of alone time.  Use this alone time to get to know YOU.  Keep a journal of your feelings.  Remember to date the entries.  This will help you see how far you have come later on.  

If you feel the need to rant, write your rant out and email it to yourself.  Or start a blog!  My rants are legendary.  Not to mention, comical!  Most importantly, they show me how far I have come.   So again, keep those journals!  You'll be glad you did!


Keep In Mind ...

This is not a race of any kind!  You will reach maturity in your own divine timing!

Every single person is where they are suppose to be ... when they are suppose to be ... at the exact moment they are suppose to be -- Doing and acting as they are suppose to be!

Whatever stage you find yourself in always remember to be Kind to Your SELF! 

For the short list of "symptoms" of the Awakening Process, and suggestions on how to work through the process,  you can find them by clicking HERE,  HERE,  HERE  and HERE 

*Disclaimer: ALWAYS check with a health care professional FIRST!  

*SPECIAL NOTE: many health care professionals are  now using their own personal awakening experiences to help others going through the stages.  We applaud these brave individuals for boldly moving forward and making the necessary changes in how people are treated.

Excerpts from The ZEN of Duct Tape:  An Empress Is Born

About Julia K. Cole

What can you expect from someone who considers Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality a personal calling? Straight forward answers that lead to life-changing experiences on a soul level!

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way. 

As a writer, Julia is a virtual powerhouse of creativity.  Among Julia's literary accomplishments is  the  Children of the Luminaries  trilogy;  Book One: The Coming Storm can be purchased by clicking Here.   

Book Two  of the trilogy is due out in the Fall of 2015 and Book Three will be available in 2016.  The long anticipated ZEN of Duct Tape:  An Empress Is Born will be out in 2016.  As well as the Teddy Mitchell Chronicles.

Julia has also contributed to several other publications including Brad Steiger's  Real Zombies, The Living Dead, and Creatures of the Apocalypse  Click HERE for the review; and Marie D. Jones' Destiny vs. Choice  Click HERE    

    PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

    Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited

    Unless otherwise specified, ALL articles on this Blogger are the property of Julia K. Cole.  The ZEN of Duct Tape™, it's name, teachings, modalities, and all excerpts; the nicknames The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape™,  The Duct Tape Diva™; Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality™, Reality back into Spirituality are the property and trade marks of Julia K. Cole and are protected under Copy Right Laws both here in the USA and Around The World.  

    Friday, May 1, 2015

    Do You Believe?

    Do you believe that Love conquers all?

    Do you believe that Love can change a person and prompt them into facing and overcoming their fears?

    Do you believe that Love can save the day?


    Book One: The Coming Storm launches the saga of The Oracle and her mentor Demetrius as they set out on an adventure of any life time!  To stop the dark lord Dagon and his minions from obtaining the Ultimate Power and becoming ruler of all multi-verses!

    Join The Oracle and Demetrius on their incredible journey!  

    Be witness to the profound transformation of The Oracle as she steps into the role of champion.


    If you enjoy Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, The Hunger Games and all things spiritually enlightening then you'll love Children of the Luminaries trilogy!  


    Read the first chapter of Children of the Luminaries Book One: The Coming Storm

    Click HERE

    Wednesday, November 26, 2014

    Giving Thanks~It's Not Just For Turkeys! "OR" I'm Thankful To Be ME and Not Somebody Else cause then I wouldn't be ME and THAT would REALLY SUCK!!!!

    Today, I will share with you a few of the things I am thankful for.  These things come from my Things I am Thankful For list.  Which I do daily.   Why?  Because every day is a day of giving thanks.  Yea, laugh and mock if you will. I know how corny it sounds.  But it's my personal belief, my way of life and how I roll.   That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

    So why make a list?   Helps me from leaving anything out for starters.  More importantly, it puts things in perspective.   Having a literal list allows me to actually see how much there is to be thankful for.    Speaking of which, there is so much we all take for granted.  So much we don't even think about because we're so use to having it around.  You know like running water, indoor plumbing, electricity; having a stove and refrigerator, microwave, coffee maker.  A bed, a pillow, sheets and blankets.  To name a few.      And yes!  These are on my ever growing list.

    Being thankful for these very things brings you into a state of knowing.  It generates  this really fabulously wonderful feeling that can only be described as blissful.   According to EFT Master and Teacher Carol Look, genuine thankfulness can change lives!  And it increases our ability to manifest what we want.  Which isn't really the point, but it is a pretty phenomenal perk!   

    This feeling of gratitude is something you just have to experience for yourself in order to truly understand.    Try it! And who knows?  You might actually enjoy it! And get in the habit of doing the daily thankful list too!

    Be sure to Click HERE to Check out Carol's newsletters on Giving Thanks and other great subjects!  And for some really fantastic EFT scripts! 

    Here are three of things off my list of  Things I am Thankful For.

    I am Thankful for the Internet.  Without it I would not have met some incredibly special people.  I wouldn't have been able to make friends with people on the other-side of the world.   Thank you Internet!  Thank you to all those who make the Internet a reality! You know who you are!

    I am Thankful I have been able to use my anger to better a situation that I believe and know to be unjust; I am So Very Thankful that I have learned to use that anger to create more uplifting, powerful and long lasting solutions.

    I am Thankful for all the truly stupid and ignorant people of the world. You show me where I need to improve myself.  But most importantly Without you I wouldn't be aware of how truly fortunate I am that I'm Not YOU!  So thank you! 

    So what are YOU Thankful for?

    Thursday, June 12, 2014

    Children of the Luminaries ~ Book I: The Coming Storm

    Children of the Luminaries is a trilogy that tells the story of The Oracle and her mentor Demetrius as they set upon a courageous quest to stop the Dark Lord Dagon from finding the Ultimate Power and becoming supreme ruler over all worlds.

    Book I:

    The Coming Storm introduces us to a group of benevolent beings known as The Pantheon, who create a race of Knights to protect and serve all those who have fallen prey to a growing force called the Wave of Negativity which is slowly taking over the multiple Universes.  

    When Dagon, one of their high ranking Knights, succumbs to the Wave and begins his reign of terror, The Pantheon is forced to choose a Champion,  a single individual who's heart and soul remains pure.  The Pantheon then commissions one of their own to train and mentor their chosen one, guiding her through the greatest challenges of her life in an effort to take down a sworn enemy and restore peace throughout the galaxies.


    The Children of the Luminaries series is tradmarked and used under licenses and registrations in the United States as well as other countries around the world.


    Copyright© 2014

    Monday, January 27, 2014

    The Awakening Process

     Your awakening process isn’t just about becoming consciously aware -- it's about growing up and maturing as well.    For many, this doesn’t always  go hand in hand.  

    • There are those who believe that just being aware is enough.  It isn’t.    
    • There are those who believe that if they repeat certain “catch phrases” this will magically and automatically turn them into a full grown and matured awaken individual.  It doesn’t.  
    • There are those who believe that if they hold on to the ways and teachings of those that came before them … this too will make them more awake, more aware and make them  mature, complete and whole.   It won't.

    These are only a small part of your spiritual maturity -- the first steps towards your spiritual growth, if you will.    

    Your spiritual awakening is much like your physical growing process.  You have that moment of conception, followed by a  gestation period (for the most part nine months) followed by the birthing process.  From there you go from infant to toddler to young child to adolescent -- and as time passes you become an adult human experiencer.      

        No part of this process can be skipped.

    While a toddler  may immolate an adult … this still doesn’t make him/her an adult … does it?  No, it does not.  Adolescents may think they are adults … and may very well behave and act in a more mature way than most adults … but the truth still remains … they are still adolescents! 

     The stages of the Awakening parallels your human life during it's growing process in the exact same manner.   And like your human physical process … no steps can or will be skipped.

     Again, for emphasis -- keep in mind that your awakening process parallels your physical stages of life and all that goes along with it. 
    • Conception
    • Gestation
    • Birth
    • Infant - Toddler
    • Young Child - Early Adolescence
    • Late Adolescence - Early Adult
    • Mid-Late Adulthood
    In the following posts, we will be sharing information on the various stages of spiritually maturing.

    Special Note

    Please keep in mind that each stage of development is very important.  Though it may be frustrating for yourself and others, each stage must be worked through in order to gain the necessary foundation of your maturity.

    You will find yourself annoyed by many whom you have out grown, and as a result will find it necessary to cut out of your life at some point of your awakening.

    This is all part of the process.

    For those of you who find yourself on the receiving end of being let go, don't take it personally.   Those who let you go have matured faster. This doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you.   It simply means you are going at your own individual pace.   There is nothing wrong with that.  There is nothing wrong with you.  Everyone goes at their own pace.

    Keep In Mind ...

    This is not a race of any kind!  You will reach maturity in your own divine timing!

    Every single person is where they are suppose to be ... when they are suppose to be ... at the exact moment they are suppose to be -- Doing and acting as they are suppose to be!

    For the list of "symptoms" of the Awakening Process, and suggestions on how to work through the process,  please click HERE

    And HERE

    About Julia K. Cole

    What can you expect from someone who considers Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality a personal calling? Straight forward answers that lead to life-changing experiences on a soul level!

    Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™, Julia brings enlightenment and inspiration around the globe by providing spiritual guidance to those seeking a deeper understanding.

    Tuesday, December 31, 2013

    Final Thoughts on 2013

    Everybody is feeling it.   But unlike years past, 2014 has everyone literally buzzing and filled to the brim with excitement as we anxiously prepare for the new year.  Many of us are feeling an uncharacteristic expectation of something BIG is coming.  

    Not only that.  In the  last few months of 2013 many have been experiencing intense dreams, waking up at 2 a.m. and 3 a.m.,  feeling anxious and heart racing like they just finished a marathon.

    What is it that we all collectively are feeling these last hours of 2013? 

    Could it be that we are collectively fed up with how things have been going in our lives?  Could it be that we finally are getting it?  Could it be that we are finally letting go and allowing it to happen?
    Could be!
    If you read my two previous blogs entitled Pondering 2013 (Part 1 & Part  2), you already know that I've begun my process of "letting go and allowing" a few weeks ago.
    But as I sit here and watch the news feed on my Face Book, I see I am not the only one finally releasing ALL the people, situations, and other similar freeze dried bullshit from their lives early in the game.

    And can't help but notice numerous Face Folk posting about the waking up at 2 and 3 in the morning; complaining of the odd dreams, the anxiety, the restlessness, etc.    Naturally, we all know these are all part of the Awakening process or the Ascension process as some call it.  

    I am going to take this opportunity to say to all of you who are new to the experience and those who are less familiar with the process 

    WELCOME to my End of the Universe! 
    We've Been Expecting You!

    To Help you all out, I've listed some links to articles I've written/posted here on my blogs.  Be sure you read ALL the way down to the very end!


    Honestly, I think I've said All I need to say with regards to what's on my so-called mind!  At least for now here in 2013!  

    Oh I do have two last things to add.  

    My motto going in 2014 is: 

    The Freeze Dried Bullshit that Happened in 2013 STAYS in 2013!

    To bring that message home I've adopted a theme song for 2014.  Click HERE


    I don't know about all of you, but for me 2014 is going to be ANYTHING BUT the 

    As promised!  Here are links to my articles that pertain to this process.    Feel free to print them out, share them with friends and family! 

    The Spiritual Awakening, Ascension Process, The Transition, What EVER...

    Some Tips and helpful hints on Working through the process:

    And I thought I would add this article as well.  It goes along with what I've been ranting about for the past several weeks! *LOL*   It's entiled Instead.

    People Who Are Religious or Spiritual Have "Thicker" Brains

    People who are religious or spiritual have ‘thicker’ brains, new research suggests.

    Parts of the brain’s outer layer, the cortex, were found to be thicker in people who were religious, than in those who were not.

    U.S. researchers studied people with a family history of depression and found the thickening related to religion could offer protection against the condition.

    To Read Whole Story Click HERE

    Tuesday, August 6, 2013

    Selling Out or Just Marketing? Epilogue

    While I am all for generating a nice income that maintains a nice comfortable financially secured life-style, I draw the line when it comes to just putting crap  out there all to make a fast buck.   

    Let's face it. Some people are just out right sell outs.  Greedy little sell outs.

    But there are some people who are sell outs and don't even know it.  

    And then again,  there are those  people who are sellouts, but they just don't give a rat's ass.  And they're always ready to defend their slimy sell out ways with artful and skillful spin doctoring.

    Me and Tracci (Shy Owl) were talking about this very topic  the other night. She remarked that the difference between well meaning people and actual sell outs is their intention.  And she's absolutely right!  Your genuine and sincere Intention, and I will add here--your goals, makes all the difference between being an asset and being an ass!

    So which one are you?  How the hell can you tell if you are?  Well that all depends.  What is your reason for reaching the masses?  Be honest with your self.   Trust me.  The true reason will show itself sooner or later.  It always does!

    Is your intention to help others?  Is it really?  Or is your intention is to sell as many books,  obtain as many "warm bodies" on your Social Networks and/or get as many listeners/viewers as you can?  Be honest with YOUR self!      Remember... sooner or later, the truth of your intentions will come out to play!  It always does!


    Because there is so much information I wish to impart, I will be breaking this topic up in several parts.    

    I hope you'll join me over the next several weeks as we journey into the subject of Selling Out or Just Marketing.  Oh and feel free to Chime in!  I really enjoy feedback.  Just keep it honest...and clean!  

    Until Then...

    Smile!  It makes people wonder what you're up to!


    Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. 

    Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience.    In the style comparable to Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way.  

      PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

      Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited

      This blog is the property of Julia K. Cole and is protected by U.S.  and International Copy right Laws.

      Unless otherwise specified, ALL articles on this Blogger are the property of Julia K. Cole.  The ZEN of Duct Tape™, it's name, teachings, modalities, and all excerpts; the nicknames The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape™,  The Duct Tape Diva™; Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality™, Reality back into Spirituality are the property and trade marks of Julia K. Cole and are protected under Copy Right Laws both here in the USA and Around The World.  

      All Rights Reserved©™

      Thursday, August 1, 2013

      Your Spiritual Awakening/Ascension/Transition: PERSONAL NOTE FROM JULIA

      RULE OF THUMB:   You don't call an electrician when you need your busted pipes fixed!  And you don't go to a psychic reader when you have a medical and/or mental, emotional health issue.  You also don't go to a psychic reader for legal advice either.  Major no-no's!


      First of all, I am not a medical professional nor do I claim to be.    I do not nor have I nor will I ever provide a medical diagnosis.  The only thing medical I will ever say to you is ... 



      you Might wanna CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR!

      Along with the above-mentioned advice, I will always add...TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR-SELF!  Or something along that line.  


      Unless they are a trained and licensed medical professional, Any psychic reader,  spiritual healer and/or practitioner who gives you medical advice should be reported to the proper authorities IMMEDIATELY!


      I cannot stress enough the importance of taking responsibility for YOUR Self!  Nor can I urge you enough or strongly enough to seek FIRST trusted medical and/or mental health professional before seeking and/or putting into practice any type of holistic ritual.

      If you have actual medical maladies, go to an ACTUAL DOCTOR!  And yes, I realize it is costly, as well as time consuming,  but get several different opinions if necessary; and as needed!  

      Do all you know to do by conventional means before heading out to psychic reader-medium, channeler,  sooth sayer, holistic practitioner, Reiki healer, etc.

      Any legitimate healer, psychic or otherwise, will tell you exactly what I am telling you here and now.  If they aren't advising you to seek conventional methods first...then RUN, not walk, but RUN to the nearest exit!    If anyone is claiming you don't need a doctor, that they can heal you through some spirit or such.  RUN to the nearest exit, call the authorities!  Stay clear of these frauds!

      If they claim you have a curse and that is why you're sick, suffering from this, that or the other thing.   And for a nice amount of money, they can get rid of the curse and heal you of whatever illness that said curse caused.

      RUN to the nearest exit! 
       Call the authorities!  


      While I am a firm believer that we can heal ourselves, I am also under the belief  that once it is manifested physically, it takes more than "thinking positively" to remove that energy.   

      Keep in mind too,  Energy Healers only assist your natural abilities to heal.  They DO NOT Heal YOU!    And the assistance they provide is only providing a temporary relief.     

      While there are those who might actually assist you in removing it altogether...the odds of you being 100% cured of any physical manifestation while still holding on to the same beliefs are extraordinarily high.   We're talking nil to none!

      The only way you can remove the energies that has created and manifested physical ailments is TAKING RESPONSIBILITY for YOUR Self!  And you this by learning to work through the beliefs that got you into the physical manifestations of dis-ease  in the first damn place!   And too,  it may actually entail going to a conventional doctor and using conventional methods in addition and/or in connection with your spiritual healing.   

      Whatever methods you use, taking Responsibility for YOUR Self is  priority  ONE for   EVERYONE!  Including any healer.   And anyone desiring to be healed!


       It has taken generations, many life times, to get where we are now.  Both in mind and spirit.  So it goes without saying that it may take a good long while--even a  few life times--before we finally give up the bullshit of hurting ourselves and each other.


      I've been consciously going through the Ascension process for too many years to even count, and the one all encompassing truth I have gleaned from those years is our Awakening  ALL boils down to...

      Taking Responsibility for Your SELF

      THIS is the Number 1 part of Your Spiritual Awakening/Ascension/Transitional process.

      The sooner you accept, acknowledge and embrace this fact--the easier your transition will be!

      Take it from someone who's been there (many times)!  Did that (many, many times)!  And has actually moved on a bit!  (a wee bit! *LOL*)

      Embrace ALL That You Are!
      For YOU are ALL That There Is!

      Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

      In the style comparable to Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way!

      Unless otherwise specified, ALL articles within this Blogger are the property of Julia K. Cole.   The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape™ and The Duct Tape Diva™ are all Trademarks of Julia K. Cole 

      The ZEN Of Duct Tape and The Duct Tape Diva Productions belong to Julia K. Cole and all  herein are protected by U.S. and International Copy Right Laws.


      Tuesday, June 25, 2013

      Where Does Fear Come

      This article,  originally entitled Tree of Love, was  written and posted by me on January 2, 2010 on my Say No To Fear blog.    I thought I would repost it here on my main blog under the more appropriate title, Where Does Fear Come From?

      It's quite lengthy.  But I hope you take the time to read it carefully and thoroughly.  If you have any questions and/or comments, please do not hesitate to leave them here.


      The following is a message I received during one of my daily meditations.   It is in answer to one of the questions I posed ... where does fear come from?

      As a psychic medium, I am accustomed  to being visited by spirits of all walks of life--past, present, and yes, future.  I am always pleasantly surprised when I am visited by the spirits of people I've only heard about.   Like the numerous others who have visited me over the years, I only knew of him.  I never really bothered to read up on him or learn of his work in any manner.  In fact,  I had first heard of him in 2006 when I first met Vaishali.

      In human life, he had been an 18th Century Swedish Scientist, Philosopher and Spiritual Explorer, who at the age of 56,  had a spiritual awakening and wrote numerous books on his theological views and related topics.  His name of course is Emanuel Swedenborg.

      I had felt his presence in times past, usually when I was talking with Vaishali, but never really paid that much attention.  In truth, I ignored him.  I wasn't ready to hear anything he had to say, so I just chose to pretend I couldn't see or hear him.

      The week before I was presented the answer to my question,  I felt Emanuel's energies filter through my room.  I could tell from the way these energies were intensifying, I would not be in any position to  ignore him as I had in times past.   Any well seasoned medium will tell you, whenever a spirit insist on being acknowledged they have something extremely important to convey.  And seeing I needed clarity  I thought what the hell ... I'll give it a go!

      So I asked him ... Where does fear come from?

      He explained to me in detail that everything comes from one energy ... an energy we human experiencers call Love.  "In our true forms," he told me,  "we have another name for it,  but it doesn't translate over into human language, so while we are in physical form the word Love is used in it's place."  The actual word for this energy is so complex that he had to write it out for me.  Upon seeing it in writing I came  to understand why we use that four letter word.  Trust me when I say, it's a humdinger!

      Emanuel explained that Love is the only energy capable of creating in such massive proportions.  He pointed out how this energy expresses itself in infinite ways.  I found this utterly ridiculous ... at first.   So to prove his point,  Emanuel showed me a tree that seem to go on forever.     He pointed at the base of the tree which was incredible!  It was bigger than a city.  Literally! 

      He told me ... "this tree you see here represents Love."    He further went on to say:   "Each of the  branches you see on this tree contributes to the splendid collaboration of what you  see.  Without the branches, the tree would not  be complete. "

      "Keep in mind that each branch is an expression of the tree, but not the tree itself.   All the branches make up the wondrous creation you see here.  Note that even the branches have smaller extensions of itself.  See how each stretch out and express upon itself.  Beautiful is it not?  As you can see, all aspects of the tree work in harmony to provide comfort and beauty to all those who come in contact with it.  As it is with the tree, so it is with you."

      "Like this tree, you too have infinite expressions.  Your base ... your trunk if you will ... is always Love.    There is no separation from this.  If that were true, then you would have no branches.  Whatever it is you are expressing, be it anger, hatred, jealously or any type of fear, you are coming from that one particular aspect of the one energy ... Love.  Love, is the energy of creation, there is no separation ... only expression."

      How can this be?

      "Love expresses itself in this vast manner for the soul to experience the variations of Creator energy.  It is why you took on physical form, it is why you chose the challenges you have in this life and all the others before this.  Without physical experience of those expressions, you would not come into full understanding of what Love is.  What it truly is."

      So when I am experiencing fear, I am sitting on one particular branch to see what it's like?

      "Yes! Yes!  That is precisely what you are doing!"

      Emanuel  pointed to the lower branches that were close to the base of the tree.  "These branches represent the many aspects of fear.   See how each twig has sprouted from these branches?  These are the representation of each fear you experience.  Note how each twig slightly differs."

      So when we climb up, we get a clearer view of what is transpiring?

      "Absolutely! And let us not forget our roots!  The roots expand out and connect to all the other trees creating a unique and beauteous connection.  It is a connection that reaches out to all creation.  This connection creates a network."

      What effects one effects all.


      Looking up I couldn't see the top, but I began to be filled with an understanding.   It was an understanding that had always been there, but now was being absorbed throughout my entire being.

      The tree grows up and forever, connecting us to Creators.  Our roots connects us here in the 3-Dimensional physical plane ... to all creation here.  I was more or less mumbling to myself at this point.  I saw from the corner of my eye that Emanuel was smiling.  It was then I realized I was standing in the midst of a forest so grand that even now it defies description.

      "Now that you understand, share with others what you have learned."

      And with that, Emanuel was gone.


      When we look at a tree, we don't always notice the varying degrees of those branches.  How they sometimes twist and turn a certain way.  How they some times take on a life of their own at times.

      Sometimes we just look at the tree as a whole, not taking in consideration the beautiful detailed and various independent expressions that make up that tree.   We just take for granted it is a tree with one particular purpose.

      Same goes for Love itself.   Interesting isn't it?  How we are so focused on Love being one certain way we fail to notice the other aspects this energy entails.

      I am left to wonder as I ponder my next question.  If we truly believe that all of creation is made up of this energy we call Love ... then why do we dismiss so much and claim so little?

      Ahhh!  Now the plot really thickens!


      Unless otherwise specified, ALL articles on this Blogger are the property of Julia K. Cole.  The ZEN of Duct Tape™, it's name, teachings, modalities, and all excerpts; the nicknames The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape™,  The Duct Tape Diva™; Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality™, Reality back into Spirituality are the property and trade marks of Julia K. Cole and are protected under Copy Right Laws both here in the USA and Around The World.  

      All Rights Reserved©™

      Thursday, July 19, 2012

      Embracing All That You are: Part 5

      Facing your fears isn't easy.  Then again, no one said it would be! 

      That has to be one of  the most grossly under-stated lines ... Ever!   And I speak from experience!

      If you been following my blog for the last few months, you already know that one of my fears is standing out -- being seen and heard.  Hard to believe!  I know! But it's true!    However, I am one of these people who prefer to face their fears.  Okay, truthfully -- I face them after a few bouts of holding my breath, making myself sick,  running and hiding, ditching and dodging and all that stuff like that there!   But eventually, I do pull myself together and look my fear right in the eye. 

      My fears of being seen and heard stems from my childhood and was compounded throughout the years through a rather interesting series of events.   To make a rather long story short -- each and every time I spoke up, made myself visible ... I was punished and attacked in some way.    This in turn has created a knee-jerk reaction to develop.   It's rather frustrating.  Not only for me -- but for my friends and family as well.  We all know I am very capable!  We all know that when confronted, I have no reservations in standing up for myself or for others.    But when it comes to really standing out -- to letting my light shine fully and brightly -- I will run for cover!

      So in the spirit of facing my fears -- I made a conscious decision to follow through on two of my passions.  One was to  complete the books I started.  One of which I have!  Yippee!    The others are still in draft form.  Though they require some heavy duty editing ... I am very pleased to announce...  they are actually written!  Secondly,  to follow my love of entertaining by returning  to Blog Talk Radio.

      Returning to doing a radio show was a huge step for me.  And I am not ashamed to say it -- I was terrified!  Literally scared out of my  mind!  Actually got sick two days before the show aired! 

      Granted, I'm not new to the internet radio scene.  Far from it.  In fact, I had a weekly talk show on Blog Talk Radio called Namaste Beloved!  which  began airing  in the Spring of 2007.   Before that, I had spent six months as  a co-host on another internet show; and had been guest hosting on numerous other internet radio shows as well.  In short, I had become a "hot property" as far as internet radio shows go. 

      During the years Namaste Beloved! was on the air ... it had grown into a very popular show. In fact, in less than a year, the number of listeners went from a humble 10 to over 300 per week.   Even now, the archives are receiving anywhere from 10-15 hits per day.

      Now the question I'm sure running through everybody's mind right now is ... why did I quit?  The answer is simple really.  You see, as the show's popularity increased -- so did my fears of standing out in the crowd.     These fears were compounded by a host of incidents -- both on and off line.   Sufficient to say, it isn't any wonder I ran and hid.

      Between 1998-2006, I was attending on average ... one funeral a week.   Not only was I dealing with the loss of family members and close friends,  I had two of my clients commit suicide -- 6 months apart from each other.  One of which had killed himself while on the telephone with me.  Then there was  dealing with a  former colleague who went about slandering me all over the internet--that was loads of fun (she says sarcastically).   Not to mention, my family was falling apart at the seams.  Then there was that  lunatic religious zealot of a mother who was constantly admonishing me for not serving her precious false god and terrorizing my children with her hideous tales of Armageddon.  Topping all this off  was the constant pain and agony of bone spurs and advance arthritis, and then getting severely ill. 

      Yea, no stretch of the imagination needed here as to why I took off running like I did!

      Interestingly enough , even as I was going through all that -- something deep inside of me kept  pushing forward.  But my fears of standing out -- being heard ... was overpowering me.  

      Intellectually,  I knew that the only power these fears had was whatever I was giving it.  But how do you convince someone who is down on the floor in a fetal position (metaphorically speaking) that it's all going to be okay?  That everything they are experiencing is more of an illusion than actual reality? 

      There isn't really anything you can say or do to convince someone of something they've already made up their minds about.  You can only be there to walk along side them -- bringing comfort when and where needed --lending a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear and a hand to hold --  all the while ... reassuring them ... that they are never alone!

      For the most part, I didn't have that.  I was left all alone to deal with my heartache and suffering--my family and friends had all but abandoned me. With only my spirit family by my side, I dealt with my challenges and issues on my own.    All the while -- my spirit family kept urging me to step up and out -- reminding me that there were those in need of my assistance.

      Their reminders, however, only seem to  perpetuate the argument of "The Why's."

      Why does it have to be me?  Why should I be there for them, when  they wasn't anyone there for me?  Why should I be there for anyone else--what's the point?  Why do I have to be the one taking all the risks?  Why do I have to be the one that is strong?  Why do I have to be the one that gets hurt?  Why? Why? WHY???!!!!

      The reply was always ... Why not? Followed by ... if not you -- then who?

      Naturally, that little ego of mine had the answer and shouted ... there are a vast number of people all over the world with the same messages.  Nobody needs me to step up.  Those in need can get it elsewhere!  They don't need me to come out of hiding ... taking all the  risks ... taking all the chances of being attacked and hurt again!  Being abandoned.  They'll leave me as soon as they get what they want from me!  They always do!  They'll make fun of me! Call me crazy!  They have in the past!  And they will in the future!  They will give all the credit to someone else who is more knowledgeable! More popular! Leaving you without so much as a thank you!

      My spirit companion Antari--  provided me and my little  ego with a counter viewpoint.  Following is an expert from that conversation.

      Antari:  It is true that there are many who provide the same information you posses --however,  not everyone will  resonate with those particular individuals.  It is not disparaging these individuals in any way.  No, quite the contrary.   For you see Beloved, what you have forgotten is the one all encompassing truth ...  like attracts like.  

      Meaning, there are those who will resonate with you and not others.  Therefore, you are being called upon to present these messages for those who are attracted to your unique energies. 

      Julia:  But I don't want to get hurt again.  You have no idea how painful it is to be rejected, attacked and ignored.

      Antari:  Question!  Which is greater?  The pain of being hurt by those who live in fear? Or the pain of regret of never helping another soul ... of never living up to your truths?

      Julia:  The pain of regret.

      Antari:  So by your own admission, the pains of regret of never helping others -- of never living up to your truths-- outweigh those pains of being hurt by those who live in fear?  Am I understanding this correctly?

      Julia:  It's more complicated than that.

      Antari:  A simple yes or no, Beloved. 

      Julia:  Yes.  But  ...

      Antari:  In essence, you fear regret of not living up to your truths more than facing the  pain and suffering at the hands of those who live in fear?  Is this correct?

       Julia:  Yes.  But  ... you don't seem to understand.  You're not here in the physical with a physical body.

      Antari:  Ah! I see!  I am incapable of understanding greater truths because I am not a physical being?  

      Julia:  Well ... yea!

      Antari:  With that being said, I am compelled to ask ... what is your excuse?

      Julia:  *sigh*

      Antari: You are most welcome Beloved!


      Like so many of you,  I had covered up that one particular fear of regret with  other fears I believed to be more important.  Once broken down -- those other fears only proved to be distractions.  A literal cover up to what was far more important to me.  The voice that was trying so hard to be heard.  The  "divine" nudging that was so desperately urging me to face the true fear that dwells deep within.  The fear  of not living up to my truths!  The fear Of not being ME!

      So ... In closing ... I pose the question to you ... which is your greater fear? 

      (Excerpts from The ZEN of Duct Tape: An Empress I Born! )

      Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

      In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way. 

      PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

      Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited