OMG! I wrote and posted this back on December 5, 2011!
I'm Reposting it today! Because here we are! Facing the same shit All Over AGAIN!
As many of you are already aware, On January 1, 2012, our good ole' 100 Watt bulbs will be outlawed! They will be considered contraband folks! ILLEGAL!
The good old Nanny State has come through for us once again by deeming these 100 Watt bulbs as not being good for Mother Earth! And as one politically correct fashioneesta stated ... "they're not very pretty!" Of Course, everyone knows ... the government is only looking after "our welfare" by doing this!
They -- the Nanny Gov't , along with their politically correct watch dogs-- will be ordering us to use the more "fashionable" Earth friendlier spiral version. Real nice of them don't you think?
So what if the newer version is filled with mercury! And so what if it is going to cost millions more to "properly" dispose of them! It's for our own good!
I mean, after all, the United States government only has our best interest at heart. Right?
Why is it that every single time I turn around -- yet ANOTHER one of our rights is being taken away? Doesn't that bother any of you? That your rights are slowly being taken -- one by one by one?
Have any of you used these newer "bulbs"? They're god-awful! And now I have to worry about hazard waste in my home should they break? And what kind of poison is being released while using them? They are filled with Mercury you know!
But the Government is only looking after the future of Mother Earth! They only want us to have what they deem is best for us. Right?
I mean that's why they tried their best (and are still trying by the way) to make it illegal for any of us to grow our own food! The Government is only looking after us! Trying their best to take care us! Cause Heaven knows -- we're too stupid to do it for ourselves!
I mean ... buying food from the super market that has been laced with all kinds of pesticides that the FDA has approved is better than anything we could grow organically. Consuming all those poisons serves to strengthen our immune systems. Right? And all those other people getting sick and dying from all that crap ... well they were going to die anyways -- of something ... eventually! Right? It's the survival of the fittest. Am I right?
Remember those bottles of cough syrup you use to be able to go out and buy freely--at any time you needed them? The government chose to enforce "Rules" so that now we are limited in what we can get -- and only with proper I.D.!!! All this was done in order to keep us all safe from those nasty drug labs that just keep popping up in all our neighborhoods!
Then there are the Airport Security folks. Bless'em! Of course, this was only to protect us as well. What's a little inconvenience -- just so long as we are kept safe! Right? I mean ... sure our elderly and children get all felt up while that nice Muslim reading their Koran -- wearing their head to toe gear-- is allowed to get through with a smile! And that suspicious looking person carrying no luggage and looking about nervously gets a free pass.
It's all for the best! Really! It is! Our government only wants what is best ... for the American people! We wouldn't want to upset those nice Muslim folks by asking them to step aside to get groped! Now would we? And we would not want to upset that person sweating profusely, who paid for his ticket in cash and has no luggage! Wouldn't want those folks to get the wrong idea about the USA. Wouldn't want to offend anyone!
Living within the Nanny state calls for major adjustments. We have to remember that our Government is only doing what's best for us. Saddam Hussien tried his best to get that point across to his own people you know. And surely all of you remember how Adolf Hitler was only doing what was for the betterment of the Fatherland! I mean seriously! All those big governments of history-- both past and present -- each of their leaders were only doing what they felt was best for the people overall! Right?
I guess we should all be more thankful that our Government is trying to do the same for us here. To better this country by taking away our rights, our civil liberties, etc. Especially if those rights, civil liberties,etc. are harming us in some way. Right?
Besides! It's only a light bulb for crissakes! What's one little light bulb being taken away from us gonna do?
I mean ... after all ... it's for our own good! Right?
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