Showing posts with label compassion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label compassion. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Suicide Awareness Part 2: What You Can Do To Help

If you know of someone who is contemplating suicide, if you even suspect they are, there is something you can do. 

o Ask directly if your friend is thinking about suicide.

o Be willing to listen. Allow their expressions of feelings, and accept those feelings.

o Be non-judgmental. Don't debate whether suicide is right or wrong, or whether feelings are good or bad. Don't lecture on the value of life. Focus on being present with their feelings.

o Get involved. Become available. Show interest and support.

o Check in with your friend regularly. Schedule times to talk for the next week when you will both be available, to see how they are doing.

o Don't act shocked. This will put distance between you. Be patient with yourself and the situation

o Don't be sworn to secrecy. Seek support.

o Offer hope that alternatives are available but do not offer glib reassurance.

o Take action. Remove means, such as guns or stockpiled pills

o Get help from agencies specializing in crisis intervention and suicide prevention.

o Encourage (and offer to accompany) your friend to seek help and support from a crisis specialist, therapist, doctor and/or clergy member. 

o Show them the safety or “crisis coping plan” on the Lifeline web site, and talk together about your friend can use this to help him/her to cope in these difficult moments.

For more information click HERE

Share and use this resource to help make stronger connections in your own communities and through social media. Use these tips to reach out to those who may be struggling. We can ALL do something to help prevent suicide.


About Julia K. Cole

What can you expect from someone who considers Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality a personal calling? Straight forward answers that lead to life-changing experiences on a soul level!

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way. 

As a writer, Julia is a virtual powerhouse of creativity.  Among Julia's literary accomplishments is  the  Children of the Luminaries  trilogy;  Book One: The Coming Storm can be purchased by clicking Here.   

Book Two  of the trilogy is due out in the Fall of 2015 and Book Three will be available in 2016.  The long anticipated ZEN of Duct Tape:  An Empress Is Born will be out in 2016.  As well as the Teddy Mitchell Chronicles.

Julia has also contributed to several other publications including Brad Steiger's  Real Zombies, The Living Dead, and Creatures of the Apocalypse  Click HERE for the review; and Marie D. Jones' Destiny vs. Choice  Click HERE    

PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited

Unless otherwise specified, ALL articles on this Blogger are the property of Julia K. Cole.  The ZEN of Duct Tape™, it's name, teachings, modalities, and all excerpts; the nicknames The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape™,  The Duct Tape Diva™; Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality™, Reality back into Spirituality are the property and trade marks of Julia K. Cole and are protected under Copy Right Laws both here in the USA and Around The World.  

Suicide Awareness Part 1

Death.  No matter what shape or form it takes it triggers intense emotions.  Even if we barely knew the person or never met the person we each feel something when we are told of their passing.    And the deep pain of sorrow we feel when an animal passes, be it our pets or an animal in the wild,  is something we all share.

With some it's a deep sense of loss.  With others it is a wake up call.    Bottom line, with each passing, be it human or a beloved pet, Death reminds us how precious and how very short our time on this earth really is.  It touches us down to the very depths of our inner core.  Consciously or unconsciously.

Many often wonder if there was more that could have been done to prevent the death of another.  Especially, and most in particularly, when it comes to suicide.   

Sadly, suicide is still considered taboo.  It is a subject everyone knows about, but very rarely discusses openly and honestly.  Unfortunately, most rather use anger to deal with suicides.  And while I do understand the angst many feel towards suicide, being hostile is not only hurtful, it's pointless.   It's a useless waste of time and energy born out of ignorance.  

Knowledge is a powerful tool that leads to understanding.  Understanding leads to compassion.  Compassion leads to saving lives.  I firmly believe if we all take the time to arm ourselves with the appropriate knowledge and tools we can really help those  thinking and/or planning suicide.    We can help them comprehend that they are not alone, that their burdens can be lifted, that they don't have to be alone to deal whatever it is they are dealing with. Most importantly, maybe--just maybe we can help those in that mind set to see that taking their lives isn't the answer.  Not only that, with the right understanding, we also help those who have lost a loved one to suicide.     Banding together in genuine loving kindness, lending our strength to those in need can, and most certainly does,  make a huge difference!  I know this to be true!

The key to understanding suicide or those contemplating suicide is remembering this...

 Suicide is not chosen!
 It happens when the pain exceeds
resources for coping with pain.

People who are feeling suicidal are not bad people.  They are not crazy, or weak, or flawed.    It doesn't even mean that they really want to die.  It only means that they have more pain than they can cope with.  

And for those of you who are under the misconceive notion that willpower is the answer...Imagine someone piling dozens of 10 pound weights on your shoulders.   Imagine having to carry that amount of weight around every single day.    Eventually you would collapse from the weight itself.  No matter how much you want to remain standing you would fall down and be crushed under all that weight. 

When pain exceeds pain-coping resources, suicidal feelings are the result. 


  • Suicide is neither wrong nor right.  
  • Suicide is morally neutral.
  • It is not a defect of character.    
  • Suicide is an imbalance of pain versus coping resources.

The Bottom line is this:  Suicide is a very serious matter that  is reaching epidemic proportions.  Again, the only way we can get a handle on this is to get informed and treat everyone as we ourselves would want to be treated.   With respect, kindness, understanding and compassion.  And for the sake of about it! 

There are those who have overcome their contemplations of suicide and lived to tell the tale thus proving suicide can be prevented in many cases.   But prevention can't happen without first arming ourselves with the proper knowledge and the tools to assist those in need. We have to start talking about it!  We have to get informed!  We have to be brave (even if we're scared ourselves) and reach out to those who may be planning to take their life.

Suicide.  Talk about it.  Get the information and don't be afraid to discuss it.  Get yourselves out of the dark ages for crissakes!   Yea, talking about it will jerk your ass out of your comfort zone.  Yes, it will make you angry.  But instead of lashing out in a hurtful manner, try a little kindness, a little compassion.  Try being something other than an ignorant ass.  You'll be better for it.  The whole world will benefit from it.  And maybe...just maybe...together we can save lives.

On August 11, 2014 the world was shocked by the death of beloved entertainer Robin Williams.   On the anniversary of his passing I honor his memory by bringing awareness to this issue of suicide.   

In Loving Memory
SPECIAL NOTE:  Arthur Crowe, the artist of this beautiful rendition of Robin Williams, was provided free of charge.   Mr. Crowe's  artistic gifts clearly represents his admiration and adoration  of the man we all came to know and love through TV,  movies and stage.  But more than that, through his  generosity,  Mr. Crowe allows us  to share our unique expression of our individual devotion of  the  wonderfully magnificent being known as Robin Williams.  

Source material found at

Graphic provided by Arthur Crowe at

 About Julia K. Cole

What can you expect from someone who considers Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality a personal calling? Straight forward answers that lead to life-changing experiences on a soul level!

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way. 

As a writer, Julia is a virtual powerhouse of creativity.  Among Julia's literary accomplishments is  the  Children of the Luminaries  trilogy;  Book One: The Coming Storm can be purchased by clicking Here.   

Book Two  of the trilogy is due out in the Fall of 2015 and Book Three will be available in 2016.  The long anticipated ZEN of Duct Tape:  An Empress Is Born will be out in 2016.  As well as the Teddy Mitchell Chronicles.

Julia has also contributed to several other publications including Brad Steiger's  Real Zombies, The Living Dead, and Creatures of the Apocalypse  Click HERE for the review; and Marie D. Jones' Destiny vs. Choice  Click HERE    

    PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

    Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited

    Unless otherwise specified, ALL articles on this Blogger are the property of Julia K. Cole.  The ZEN of Duct Tape™, it's name, teachings, modalities, and all excerpts; the nicknames The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape™,  The Duct Tape Diva™; Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality™, Reality back into Spirituality are the property and trade marks of Julia K. Cole and are protected under Copy Right Laws both here in the USA and Around The World.  

    Wednesday, May 13, 2015

    FROM THE PAY IT FORWARD FILES: Kentucky trooper's good deed caught on camera

    This is going viral!  And rightfully so. 

    CLICK HERE to read the story!

    About Julia K. Cole

    What can you expect from someone who considers Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality a personal calling? Straight forward answers that lead to life-changing experiences on a soul level!

    Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

    In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way. 

    As a writer, Julia is a virtual powerhouse of creativity.  Among Julia's literary accomplishments is  the  Children of the Luminaries  trilogy;  Book One: The Coming Storm can be purchased by clicking Here.   

    Book Two  of the trilogy is due out in the Fall of 2015 and Book Three will be available in 2016.  The long anticipated ZEN of Duct Tape:  An Empress Is Born will be out in 2016.  As well as the Teddy Mitchell Chronicles.

    Julia has also contributed to several other publications including Brad Steiger's  Real Zombies, The Living Dead, and Creatures of the Apocalypse  Click HERE for the review; and Marie D. Jones' Destiny vs. Choice  Click HERE    

      PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

      Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited

      Unless otherwise specified, ALL articles on this Blogger are the property of Julia K. Cole.  The ZEN of Duct Tape™, it's name, teachings, modalities, and all excerpts; the nicknames The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape™,  The Duct Tape Diva™; Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality™, Reality back into Spirituality are the property and trade marks of Julia K. Cole and are protected under Copy Right Laws both here in the USA and Around The World.  

      Wednesday, February 4, 2015

      From The PAY IT FORWARD FILES: Funds Pour in for Detroit Man Who Walks 21 Miles To and From Work

      When I hear of things like this it actually renews my hope for the future of mankind!
      Robertson began making the daily trek to the factory where he molds parts after his car stopped working ten years ago and bus service was cut back. He's had perfect attendance for more than 12 years.
      "I set our attendance standard by this man," said Todd Wilson, plant manager at Schain Mold & Engineering. "I say, if this man can get here, walking all those miles through snow and rain, well I'll tell you, I have people in Pontiac 10 minutes away and they say they can't get here — bull!"
      Read More


      Saturday, February 1, 2014

      Gather Yourselves Together!

      Gather yourselves together.   Your tribes, your families, your friends and those of like mind. 

      Gather yourselves together and be as one.  Stop struggling to reach the masses.  Step back and embrace those you are already reaching and those you've already reached. 

      Do not concern yourselves with those that have not been touched by your light.  Do not chase after those that do not appreciate what you are offering.    

      If it is meant to be, those that have not already found you, will most certainly find you.  

      Stop believing in the adage "the squeaky wheel always gets the oil."     The oil is used to silence the squeak, but is not always taken seriously.  And the results seldom yield lasting results.

      Many of you  have now discovered,  it is the quiet and unassuming, the softest of voices,  that brings about the long lasting results.  

      As you were living as the squeaky wheel,  you slowly became more like the  barking dog that never bites.  And as you have discovered, you were, for the most part, ignored.  

      Yes, it is true some barking dogs and squeaky wheels make their mark. But like your 4th of July sparklers they fizzle out quickly.   And very much like those silvery sparklers they are remembered.  But only a distant memory are they.   For these,  their messages are blended in, and most often than not, fade away until the next one is lit.  The masses move on for something else.   Always moving on to something else brighter and louder and fanciful.  Leaving you behind, alone, lost and confused as to what happened.  Your messages got shuffled and lost, muted and muffled.  And sadly, forgotten.

      For some barking dogs and squeaky wheels, they do eventually learn to utilize the quiet and unassuming ways to further their cause.  And now, they are working to further their cause by gathering themselves together, uniting their tribes and setting things straight in a more unassuming quiet manner.  

      I implore each of you...Do not keep your focus on reaching the masses.  It is not the number of people that creates the greatest strength, but the strength of the few that develops and perpetuates a stronger bond.  It is not the voice that speaks the loudest that gets the message across and leaves the soul at peace, bringing about lasting impressions.  On the contrary, it is the softest of speech that calms the soul and impacts the hardest,  the softest voice that touches both the heart and soul.   The unassuming and more gentle that leaves the longest of impressions.

      Loud voices distort and get jumbled making it difficult to hear and understand the message.  In turn creating mass confusion and befuddlement.    Yet sadly,  many believe if they speak louder, push harder, do more, brow beat and become a nuisance, their message will be heard and accepted. 

      Take note of your political and religious leaders in particular.  Their original design was to lead and to serve through compassion and empathy.    Now, through their collective mind set of the squeaky wheel and barking dogs, their messages have become distorted, twisted, adulterated in the worst ways imaginable.      They have lost their way and have succumbed to their greed.  They have fallen prey to their own barks and squeaks!

      But I say to you,  Do not fear  the bullying tactics of the barking dogs. Do not allow your ears to become closed off from the squeaks of those who speak the loudest!  For they are diversions.  Distractions away from your quiet and unassuming purposes.

      It is with love that I remind each of you that You had a hand in creating this...all of this.
       And you continue creating with each thought.  This is nothing new.  You've heard these messages over and over and over to infinity.  You have heard the messages...but have you truly been listening to them?  

      For whatever purposes you had in this creation of distractions, it is part of you!  It is a part of your tribes.  

      For whatever purposes you had in the beginning, you are now seeing and feeling there is no longer a need or a want for such distractions.   And it is this part of your awakening that has called me to forth to assist you in re-igniting your sparks. 

      Each tribe contributes to the betterment of this realm.  How is your tribe contributing?  Is it focusing only on the problems?  Then in this moment make a decision to Stop wasting your time with what they are and are not doing.  You see an issue that requires resolving, then stop focusing on the problem and set your mind to the resolving of any and all issues.  

      Bring your respective tribes together, bring all in an energy of calm controlled emotional empowerment.  Speak softly.  Carrying yourselves with the confidence in the knowing that you are not a human having  a spiritual experience, but a spirit having a human experience!

      Tuesday, January 28, 2014

      What is Love? Channelled message from Antari

      It's hard to believe this was all done in 2009!  Five years!  Wow!  Enjoy!


      Greetings and Namaste One and All!

      Just in time for St. Valentine's Day comes a wonderful message from our dear friend, Master Guide and Teacher, Antari! During the course of our work, Antari has stipulated (on more than one occasion) that reminders must be provided to us all in order to grasp things fully. Reminders of Love is no exception! At least that is what he tells me! *lol* 

      Below is part of what my Beloved and most cherished friend shared with me today. And it gives me great pleasure to share it with all of you! 

      Happy Valentine's Day

      What is Love? 
      Channeled message from Antari

      You all have heard about the many facets of Love throughout your lives. But truly, do you really grasp and hold on to Love's true meaning? Do you live by the words and deeds of Love? Or do you just give Love "lip service"? Only you as an individual can answer those questions. Now, as you already are aware, the definitions of Love is as vast as the Universe itself. It is the only emotion here on planet Earth that has it's own Holiday (St. Valentine's day); and it is the only emotion that has inspired more songs, poems, plays and movies than anyone could ever possibly count or remember. 

      Love can be found anywhere & everywhere. And best of all ... when you least at expect it!

      There are different levels of love, such as love for your spouse, your boyfriend/girlfriend; the love you have for your parents and your assorted relatives & siblings; the love for a child, a pet or a dear close friend. And while each of these levels go from one degree to another, they all have one vital thing in common ... it exists in your lives. But what is Love? Really? Do you, as an individual, really comprehend and fully understand the true definition of Love?

      Breaking it down, Love is energy in it's purest and most concentrated form. It is the most powerful energy in the entire Universe. In fact, it is Love that created the Universe itself; and it is Love that binds the Universe and all it's inhabitants together.  Love is ever flowing and constantly moving. Love cannot be forced.Love cannot be contained or held captive. As pure energy, Love demands space to move about freely, otherwise it becomes dormant and lifeless. Love, true and genuine Love, is FREEDOM. Freedom to just BE. 

      Contrary to some beliefs, Love is not blind! In fact, Love sees all, knows all, and Understands Everything.  Where there is Love there is always freedom to just Be. To be yourself and to allow others to be themselves. Love does not need outside influences to make and keep it happy and content. Love does not cling or hold on to another. Love does not need anything to feel complete and whole. Love does not fear being alone. Love is the state in which you are continuously truly happy whether you are with the one you love or not. And for those who are of the belief that they need someone outside themselves to feel Love and to be Loved they are missing out on the greatest Love of all . the Love that comes from within. For how can one possibly hope To find Love & To Be Loved if they do Not Themselves Love? 

      Love never becomes prideful or haughty. Love does not seek to criticize. Love is constantly building and uplifting. It never seeks out to destroy or tear down anyone or anything. Love fills us up and sustains us every second of every moment of every day. Love is a creating force.ever moving, ever flowing, ever present.  Love is always with us all. It never abandons us or leaves us alone. Even when you think and/or believe you have no Love in your lives . it is always present in some form, in some way. Love is always there with us!  And in order to really see Love, feel Love, Experience Love in its genuine form, you need only to be open and accepting of Love's true ways. Love is a great and powerful magnet that attracts and draws more Love in unto itself. If you Love yourself, then that Love magnetizes and brings more Love to you.

      It is just what is. And it is how Love . true and genuine Love . works.  Please always keep in mind that Not for just today . but every day . 

      You are Loved! You are Love Itself!

      Namaste Beloveds!


      Julia K. Cole aka The Empress is a psychic reader and medium who works closely with her spirit companion, Master Guide & Teacher Antari in bringing forth reminders from "Home". The above channelling is an excerpt from their current work entitled "Interview With a Spirit Guide". 

      Tuesday, January 21, 2014

      Officer Stops to Play Ball With Kid

      Another Act of Random Kindness ...

      This is the kind of dash cam video we usually see – police chases and general mayhem which makes this dash cam video remarkable and unforgettable. 

      Saturday afternoon, Rosenberg Police Sergeant Ariel Soltura was on patrol, driving through an apartment complex parking lot when he saw a young man. He slowed down.

      “And I saw he was throwing up a football and I could tell that was actually playing by himself - he wasn't just waiting for more kids to arrive,” he said.

      Soltura could have continued driving but instead, he stopped.

      “I literally got out of the car - I did like this which is the universal sign of throw me the football and at that time you just saw his face just lit up and he was ready to play,” Soltura said.

      And so they did. Two men as Soltura says – playing football on a perfect day. The Rosenberg Police Department posted it on Facebook. Hours later, it had a about a quarter million likes. 

      Truth be told Soltura says, it's part of the department's emphasis on community policing - not as adversaries, but as neighbors. What was captured on this dash cam video has gone viral but in a good way.

      “It's important because we all live in this world together. We all make an impact in this world and I think it's important that we all put in our little bit and make it a better place,” Soltura said.

      On this day, in this place, you could say that's what happened. All because of a kid with a football without anyone to throw it to, until a police officer arrived and threw it long.  

      To read the rest of this story and to see the Video, Please Click HERE

      Thursday, January 16, 2014

      In-flight Act of Kindness To An Autistic Child

      I love sharing stories where people are kind to one another.  

      Please share this with all your networks!  


      When Shanell Mouland boarded a Philadelphia-bound plane out of Orlando early this month with her family, she was bracing for the worst.
      Mouland was headed home to New Brunswick, Canada, Jan. 5 with her husband and daughters Grace, 5, and Kate, 3, who has autism and doesn’t like to sit for long. They were returning from a week spent at Walt Disney World.
      “We knew that flights were difficult for her,” Mouland said. “And we knew this was going to be a tough one.”

      To Read the Entire Story and Watch the Video, Please Click HERE

      Wednesday, January 15, 2014


      This is a wonderful story that should be passed around as much as possible.  SheKnows Home & Living Editor Kelli Uhrich shares her moving experience with a stranger who offered her kindness.

      Please share and cross post on all your Social Networks!  


      Dear Stranger,

      Today we stood next to one another in line at the Phoenix Sky Harbor airport, waiting to move through the security checkpoint. You probably don't remember me, but I will never forget you. I was the woman with the frazzled hair, the sweat-dripping brow and the large plastic bag — the latter of which was clearly unplanned. I was the woman in the back of the line who thought she had adequately prepared for her business trip but quickly discovered she hadn't. You, on the other hand, were composed, collected andearly for your flight. You owed me nothing. You didn't have to help me, but you did — and I don't know how else to say thank-you.

      You see, this all began last night as I was packing for my trip. I wanted everything to be in order and nothing to be overlooked. I wanted to wake up this morning, throw my hair into some elegant curls and put my best self out into the world — but when I discovered my single oversight, all of my planning was for naught.

      Business cards. An entire box full of them sits in the upper right-hand drawer of my desk at work, yet somehow, only three of them made it into my wallet. Three business cards for a business convention. Three opportunities to spread the word about SheKnows and network with other media outlets. Three. Only three.

      That's where everything went wrong. Instead of heading straight to the airport, I was left with no choice but to drop by the office to pick up more cards. I left my home at 8 a.m., arrived at my office by 9 and then was off to the airport, arriving at Sky Harbor at 9:45.

      The ticket in my hand explained that my flight departed at 11:05, but what I hadn't noticed was the boarding information: 10:25 a.m. That was the time I should have referenced in all of my planning, but I didn't.

      But it didn't stop there. While checking my bag, I was informed that my items were too heavy. Fifty-seven pounds was seven pounds too much, which is why when you met me, I was carrying seven pounds worth of my luggage in a plastic trash bag. It's also the reason I was twitching anxiously as we wound in and out, moving like snails through the security checkpoint line. Perhaps I looked desperate enough that you took notice of me, standing amid hundreds of other travelers. Maybe you caught how frazzled I appeared and wondered if something were wrong.

      Friday, September 13, 2013

      Clicking To Make A Difference!


      It only takes a minute or two to click on ALL the Click Sites!  

      The Animal Rescue Site

      The Breast Cancer Site

      The Rainforest Site

      The Hunger Site

      Monday, September 2, 2013

      Afghan Kitten Reunites with American Soldier

      An Afghan kitten strayed into the life of a soldier. When they locked eyes on each other, he knew he had to help bring her home to America.

      “Somewhere in the middle of in all this little Kitty came up to me one day. She was not like the other strays. It was as though she was trying to say something. Not giving it much thought I reached down and picked her up. I took her to my room and feed her some of the cat food I’d ask for months ago. We visited for at least 2 hours,” the soldier wrote.

      He then sought help from Nowzad, a charity that helps rescue animals in the Afghanistan area.

      “On Ms Kitty’s last visit, I entertained her for over 3 hours. She convinced me she was ready to go and off she went. When she showed up the next mourning I knew it was meant to be. Everyone in my platoon knows of Ms Kitty… She gave companionship no human could understand and now I want to take her home to America.”

      Read more by clicking HERE

      OR just copy & paste this URL into your browser

      Wednesday, July 17, 2013

      Alley Cat Advocates Upcoming Events

      Seriously! Do you want to be a part of the greatest thing
      happening in Louisville?

      Do you want to be a part of the biggest

      positive change for cats ever?

      Do you want to surround yourself with fantastic, enthusiastic
      people who are EXCITED about making a huge difference
      for community cats in our area?

      It is EASY! Come to a volunteer orientation and see how three hours a month will change your life as you change the lives of stray, unowned cats forever. 

      Check upcoming EVENTS for dates and times. We promise. It will be the thrill of your life!

      Upcoming Events

      Volunteer Orientations
      August 4, 2pm
      August 29, 7pm
      September 22, 2pm
      All at:    536 Eastern Parkway
      Save the date and join us for the
      6th Annual Cat's Meow at Bistro 301 on 9/13. This year is full of new surprises! More info coming soon! 

      Join Us
      Half Price Books 
      Alley Cat Advocates will be at Half Price Books on Saturday, July 27th from 2pm to 4pm at the location on Westport Rd.  Donors may bring cat food or other items from our wishlist to receive a coupon for 15% off of their purchase.
      Beer, Bones & Catnip
      8/3/2013 Doors open at 4pm. 
      Join us at Beer, Bones & Catnip by The Blue Umbrellas on Saturday, 8/3 at Apocalypse Brew Works, 1612 Mellwood Avenue.  Music, food trucks and a great evening to support Alley Cat Advocates, Derby City Dog Rescue and The Arrow Fund!
      Big Fix Schedule
      (by appt. only):

      August 18
      September 8
      September 29
      October 27
      November 17
      December 15