Showing posts with label pagans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pagans. Show all posts

Friday, December 20, 2013

All I Want For Christmass Is Non-Politically Correct Holiday

For those of you who have apparently forgotten, the reason so many of us are opposed to the phrase "Happy Holidays" is because of it's political correctness ties.   The phrase Happy Holidays  was started by politically correct minded individuals who live in constant fear of "offending" non-believers everywhere.  In particular, those who do not celebrate Christmas.

Some believe it’s just a way of putting all of the celebrations that occur around the same time in the same basket.  But that too is a fear of offending someone who doesn’t necessarily celebrate Christmas.  Not to mention it’s just lazy!

Is it so much effort to tell your Jewish friend Happy Hannukkah?   Or your friend who celebrates Kwanzii, Joyous Kwanzii?  Or your pagan friend…Have a Cool Yule?

Ever consider that someone you say Happy Holidays to doesn’t participate in any holiday???   What do you say to them? 

Interesting how the politically corrupt…I mean correct…don’t have a snazzy little catch phrase for that!  Yet.

While taking the time to express any good will is always a great idea, please remember where that little phrase Happy Holidays sprouted from and why!  And too, why so many of us are offended by it.

It's not the words themselves that are offensive, but the knowing of their origins that put us off so much.

I know that some of you will justify yourselves and continue saying it.  Which is fine. The whole point of this little exercise is to help you to remember where it came from and who you are supporting each and every time you do it.

So here's to having a Non-Politically Correct Holiday 2013!

And to Each of you I say…

Happy Hannukkah!
Joyous Kwanzii
A Very Cool Yule To You and Yours!



Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Wytch Witch Is Which

By Julia K. Cole
© All Rights Reserved

Witchcraft and Wicca, while similar in many respects, are not the same.  How so?  

Wicca is a “recognized religion” whereas Witchcraft itself is not even considered a religion.  In fact, Wicca might best be described  as a “modern religion” based on ancient Witchcraft traditions.

One way that some make the distinction between the two  is by calling Wicca the religion of Witchcraft, while Witchcraft itself is a practice.  

Many seem to believe that most Witches are Wiccans.  But this is not always the case.  There are Witches who actually do follow other religions.   In fact, I know a few “Christian” Witches.

Just like a person can be a Christian without being a Baptist, a person can be a Witch without being a Wiccan.  Make sense?


Wicca is an Earth-based, nature centered religion drawing on the ideas of pantheism, gnosticism, ceremonial magick, witchcraft and the pagan religions of our forefathers.   Their way of life and beliefs are mainly about living in peace with yourself and others, and giving to those that gave to you. (Sounds almost like Christianity, doesn't it?)

Wicca is also believed by some to be a modern revival of the old, Pagan religions, using magick, nature and a female Deity along with Her Consort, the Horned Lord, as its central core.


The term witchcraft literally means the craft of the wise. In its original usage, witchcraft was practiced by those persons, generally female, who had knowledge of herbal lore, the law, psychology and physiology.

Witchcraft, however, is what we practice. Witchcraft is the art of magick, the art of energy manipulation, the art of altered states of consciousness. This is not a religion in and of itself.  

There are as many different types of Witches as there are Witches.  Each one may define her/himself differently.  Rule of thumb to remember is … Anyone who casts spells & works Magick is a Witch; A Wiccan is someone who believes in the Gods from any Pantheon (Greek, Roman, Celtic, Norse, etc.).

Witchcraft may be practiced in many different forms, and admittedly, not all of them are positive.

Witches & Wiccans

A Witch in the Wiccan religion is someone who has studied very hard, committed the Pagan ways to memory, and has given his/her life over to the Goddess for protection and guidance. The term Witch is a high title-- and keep in mind … just because you are Wiccan does not make you a Witch!  In the same sense that being a Christian does not make you a priest.  A Witch in other religions is anyone who practices magick.  

It is believed that all the words ‘Wicca-craeft’ (Old English for Witchcraft), ‘wicca’ (a male witch), ‘wicce’ (a female witch) and the plural ‘Wiccan’ are derived from the verb 'wiccian' which means 'to bewitch' or 'practice Witchcraft.   But since the root of this word is obscure  … there have been many arguments among scholars about the accuracy of any of these derivations.

Words such as 'Witch', 'wicked', 'willow' and 'wicker' all come from the root 'wit' meaning 'to know'. The name 'wizard' is from the Middle English 'wys' or 'wis', which means 'wise'. The name 'warlock', meaning a male Witch is an old Scottish word and is a derogatory term meaning 'traitor', 'enemy' or 'devil'.

Wicca, Witchcraft & Paganism

Each person gives a different definition of what each of these terms are.   In the most general of terms, a Witch is someone who casts spells and works Magick as a lifestyle.  A Pagan is a person who worships or honors Nature Deities.  A Wiccan is  a certain type of Pagan.  

Wicca, Wiccan, Witch & Witchcraft are viewed in a variety of different ways by those in the Pagan community.  Clearly, there are some who view Witchcraft and Wicca as being one and the same.  This isn’t necessarily the view of the majority however.  Many modern Pagans do not like to use the words 'Witch' or 'Witchcraft' because of the negative connotations they believe they hold.  There are those, however, who delight in these names and are proud to call themselves Witch.

Wicca, Wiccan, Witch and Witchcraft are viewed in a variety of different ways.    And yes,  there are some who do view Witchcraft and Wicca as being synonymous.   Yet … with all this said … one cannot help but see there does seem to be some connection between the very words "Witch" and "Wicca"… doesn’t it?

So!  Wytch Witch is Which?  You Be The Judge!

Blessed Be!


PLEASE NOTE:  This article is the original product of the author and may not be copied or used by anyone without the expressed written permission. 

About The Author

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™.     Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way. 

Julia is  currently pursuing a degree in psychology specializing in Criminal profiling. 

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