Friday, December 20, 2013

All I Want For Christmass Is Non-Politically Correct Holiday

For those of you who have apparently forgotten, the reason so many of us are opposed to the phrase "Happy Holidays" is because of it's political correctness ties.   The phrase Happy Holidays  was started by politically correct minded individuals who live in constant fear of "offending" non-believers everywhere.  In particular, those who do not celebrate Christmas.

Some believe it’s just a way of putting all of the celebrations that occur around the same time in the same basket.  But that too is a fear of offending someone who doesn’t necessarily celebrate Christmas.  Not to mention it’s just lazy!

Is it so much effort to tell your Jewish friend Happy Hannukkah?   Or your friend who celebrates Kwanzii, Joyous Kwanzii?  Or your pagan friend…Have a Cool Yule?

Ever consider that someone you say Happy Holidays to doesn’t participate in any holiday???   What do you say to them? 

Interesting how the politically corrupt…I mean correct…don’t have a snazzy little catch phrase for that!  Yet.

While taking the time to express any good will is always a great idea, please remember where that little phrase Happy Holidays sprouted from and why!  And too, why so many of us are offended by it.

It's not the words themselves that are offensive, but the knowing of their origins that put us off so much.

I know that some of you will justify yourselves and continue saying it.  Which is fine. The whole point of this little exercise is to help you to remember where it came from and who you are supporting each and every time you do it.

So here's to having a Non-Politically Correct Holiday 2013!

And to Each of you I say…

Happy Hannukkah!
Joyous Kwanzii
A Very Cool Yule To You and Yours!



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