Showing posts with label psychic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label psychic. Show all posts

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Why Choose A Coach?

What do top athletes and you have in common? 

More than you realize!

Like you, athletes have a talent they wish to share with the world -- a dream they desperately want to fulfill.   Like you, they face numerous challenges in order to fulfill  those dreams.  And like you, they fair better when they have the unconditional loving and compassionate support from people in their lives.   

What sets top athletes apart from all others?  Their Coach!  Now that Coach may be just one person or several.  But it is always that person who keeps them on task.  Who lends a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on and a foot up the ass when needed. 

Ask yourself these questions.  Where would any top athlete  be without their coach staying on top of them?  Lending support?  Dragging them out of their comfort zone?  

Now ask yourself this question.  Should living life be any different than a top athlete? 

The answer is No!

The simple fact of life is this.  Individuals are better able to make big decisions when they have unconditional loving support of friends, family, peers, or a coach. 

Why get a coach of any kind? Be they life coach or Empowerment coach or what have you?

Well, only you can answer that question!  But I can tell you that  having a Coach can bring you closer to living the life you were meant to live!  Freely!  Authentically! Passionately!

Now don’t get me wrong!  Family and friends are wonderful support systems!  I’d be totally lost without mine!  But, let’s be honest here.  There are times when you don’t want them to know about your fears, doubts and hang ups.   

While you may trust them -- there may be something you are wanting to do or something you are afraid of.  Something you are anxious of sharing because you are terrified of  being looked down upon.  Maybe you’re afraid of being seen as stupid or less than or being seen as weak. 

Many of us are a little ashamed of being in an imbalanced state.  We secretly beat ourselves up for not being perfect!  Not living up to the expectations of others.  Not reaching those unreachable standards we have set up for ourselves!  And we just don’t want our family and friends to know all that!

Be they real or imagined, those fears can actually prevent you from reaching your goals.  These fears create walls that close in on you until you can’t even remember who you are any more.

Empowerment Coaching  can help you through these fears. 

If you are still asking yourself … Why get a coach of any kind?   Well,  chances are … you already know why, but are still unsure about taking that next step.   That’s okay!  You’re not alone!  I know first hand how scary it is!   

But aren't you a little sick and tired of not being happy?  Aren't you tired of NOT Living and being All you know you are? 

My Empowerment Coaching sessions is all about assisting you to be happier -- Living and Being all You Are!  And how is this done?  First by identifying what those blocks are; and then by shifting  your focus away from, and guiding you through,  the roadblocks that stand  between you and your goals.   

And I do this by utilizing a wide variety of tools, such as (but not limited to) EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Quantum Energy Healing and Chakra Clearings.   

And as an added bonus to our  one on one chats (telephone or online chats)-- you will receive daily emails from me filled with all sorts of great stuff.   

Each day you will receive one or two emails from me that include inspirational messages, Reminders and Checklists of your daily goals; and links to experts in the fields of EFT, Self-Emergence, Quantum Energy Healing and Chakra Clearings.  As well as few other little wonderful items that will help you stay motivated, inspired and connected!


As an Empowerment Coach --I am your partner -- your support system --with only one goal in mind:  improving the your quality of life so you may live as your Authentic Self.

Embrace ALL that you are!  
Because YOU are ALL that there is!

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way.

To Book A Consultation With Julia


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Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Getting the Most From Your Psychic Reading: Part III

Okay kids!  Picking up where I left off last year -- this is Part Three of my on-going series of  Getting the Most From Your Psychic Reading

In my previous blogs, I gave information on all the questions you should NEVER ask a psychic.    (Check my blogs from December 2011).   In this installment, are samplings of some questions that will help you in getting the most from your psychic reading!  There will be a few more installments in the coming months -- so stay tuned!  And Check Back Often!


Sample Questions to Help You Get The Most From Your Psychic Reading:

1.  What does the Universe /My Higher Self want me to know about the most?

This question is one groovy way to open up to what  the Universe/Your Higher Self has been trying to tell you and show you.    With all the distractions taking place these days -- it isn’t any wonder that many of us miss out on the subtle messages that have been given.    But even so, we feel that nudge at the back of our necks -- a distant nagging that keeps prompting us to do a certain thing, or know something, but we can’t seem to get it.  It’s during those times a psychic reader can help.

2.  What can I do to move forward in my life?

The Universe just loves action!  Loves! Loves! Loves it!  And  it  really digs those who dare to go where they’ve not yet gone before!.    The Universe especially loves all those who do more than yammer on and about their dreams and actually gets up and does something about them.   The Universe stands ready to help move you along!  But before you can do that -- you have to become consciously aware of what is standing in your way.

Chances are, you already know that you have some of those pesky little stumbling blocks.  Oftentimes, the biggest one is Your SELF!  YOU!   But have no fears my dears!  None of these have  be permanent.   Just by asking this particular question,  you have opened yourself up to the  guidance you require in that given moment.  Guidance that will lead you to becoming  unstuck. 

Now this is very important kids.  So pay closer attention to  the next few paragraphs.  In fact, you may want to print this, get out your highlighters to emphasize the importance of the information.

The guidance you receive from the Universe  will be very, very simple.  Reason being is this … Contrary to popular belief -- The Universe is the personification of simplification. 

 There will be no opening up the heavens!  No Angelic choir singing Hallelujah!  No deep James Earl Jones voice coming from the skies telling you exactly everything you ever wanted to know.     Sorry kids!  But that isn’t how the Universe works! 
Now!  Seeing how we all reside in a very simplistic Universe it is logical to conclude that in that very  moment we step out of that simplicity -- we get all confuzzled!   We start to panic and get all bent out of shape.

No matter how much you think and/or believe how complicated you are and/or your life is … it ain’t!    All your problems, obstacles,  challenges -- whatever you want to call all that crap you got yourself into -- almost always has a simple answer.  And there is a huge chance you already know the answer(s).  In your panic -- you just forgot!  That’s where a psychic reading comes in handy.  Psychic readings can  help you  recall  what you already know!

3.  What is my purpose in life?  
Whenever you are living your life’s purpose -- your life feels and appears to be so fantastical!!  Everything just flows better.  It’s like a dream that you never want to wake from!  It’s that damn good!

Chances are you’re sitting there thinking -- Well that’s all good and fine  for all those who know what their purpose is.  But I don’t know what mine is!

Oh!  But I think you do darlin’!

Your life holds many purposes over the course of your human experience.   But it always starts out as “the one" and grows and develops into other avenues.

Now that one purpose is something that you can’t seem to escape.  No matter how hard you've tried.  Its a dream that you can’t seem to get away from.  It’s in your thoughts almost all the time.  Morning, Noon and Night it’s there!   It’s something you have always wanted to do -- but felt there was never enough time or money to pursue it.   Sometimes it’s something you are too afraid to do for fear of being ridicule or looked down upon.   And it may be something that doesn’t make money -- in the beginning.      Even so, that purpose lingers around you.  Nagging at you to the point you can’t ignore it no more!  You now find yourself needing and wanting to do it! You just gotta!!! Or wind up in some crazy house!

A Psychic Reading can help you discover your purpose(s) and assist you in realizing them.  But only if you ask! 
4.  How can I be more intuitive--more psychic?
This has to be one of my all time favorite questions!    I love this question because it means that you’re not some ignorant dink walking around like some mindless zombie!  It means you get it!  You finally get  that everyone is intuitive!

Now!  I want you to keep in mind that  it’s really your work -- your path!  But -- a reputable psychic reader like myself can get you started,  help you discover how  your intuition comes through for you,  as well as  assist you to  honor and trust what you get.   

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE:  I and my fellow Psychic readers and mediums  never,  never -- EVER want to foster a dependence on us.    In all honesty -- We prefer to teach you how to get the information yourself and stand on your own two feet.  That way you won't have to rely on any of us for the rest of your life.

And don't worry kids!  We'll always be there to help you along the way.   It's part of the gig!  :-)    But Speaking for myself -- and a few others -- nothing brings a psychic reader and medium greater joy than being able to  stand back and see  you do it for yourself! 

Until Next Time Kiddies -- 

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape,  Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™.   Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience.  In the style  of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way.


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