Showing posts with label Emotions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Emotions. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Emotional & Mental Aspects of the Ascension Process ... Your Spiritual Awakening

When the world of imagination has become all too real and the world around us has become blurred ... we find ourselves lost & confused.

When we have become obsessed over material things to the point we believe ourselves not happy unless we have millions of dollars to spend and all the luxuries that it can buy ... 

If we are obsessed over someone in our lives to the point they are all we can think about, and soon we find ourselves living for that moment when we will next see or hear from them ... 

When we become addicted to food, drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, etc. We find ourselves totally out of control ... with seemingly no way out ... 

When we are any or all of the above .. we are imbalanced emotionally & mentally. 

Emotional & Mental well being is a vital part of spiritual growth. 

To Grow Spiritually simply means to obtain and maintain Balance ... in ALL aspects of our human lives!

The Ascension and How it Affects Your Emotional & Mental Health

In this issue, we will discuss how your awakening spiritually affects your emotional and mental body. 

As always ... we urge you to ... 


Do Not assume that the depression you are experiencing is only a symptom of the Ascension Process! Clinical depression is a serious matter and should NEVER be taken lightly! 

While it very well may be that you are undergoing the ascension process, it is always important to get checked out by a medical professional. That way, you will have all your bases covered and you can move forward with the knowing that you are well on your way to becoming fully awakened spiritually.

Because of the ever constant changes our physical bodies are undergoing ... it isn't any wonder that our state of mind is out of sync and our emotions are seemingly out of our control!

We find ourselves more sensitive to everything. This hyper-sensitivity causes us to be happy & centered one moment ... crying or screaming the next. There is always something going on in our lives! There is someone always managing to set us off emotionally!

Our mental faculties seem to have abandoned us as well! We have no problem remembering what Joe or Maizy did 10 years ago ... but we can't seem to recall why we went in the other room 10 minutes ago!

We find ourselves distracted and not remembering why or what it was that distracted us in the first place. Yet we can recall the hateful attitude of someone at the store and bitch about that all day!

We have this sense of something about to happen. Yet we cannot sense why we got so upset over a sock on the floor!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Universal PMS Part 2: Achieving Emotional & Mental Balance

In order to rid ourselves of the issues we keep hanging on to,  we must undergo the work of bringing them to the forefront, rooting them out and releasing them once and for all.    We must achieve and maintain Emotional & Mental Balance.   Why?  Because with Emotional & Mental Balance comes unconditional love.     The two are inseparable.  You can't have one without the other.   

And just a quick FYI:  Achieving and maintaining this Emotional & Mental Balance is not  a one time effort.  No one can do it for you.  There is no magical, mystical "New Age"  cure or remedy.  There are no short cuts!   It all comes from good old fashion hard work! 

Achieving and maintaining Emotional & Mental Balance
 is a life time committment.  

So how do We achieve this Emotional & Mental Balance?  By gaining understanding through actual experiences--good, bad or indifferent.      

We must undergo the actual experiences in order to gain understanding

To get the emotional and mental balance that leads to understanding that leads to living in unconditional love we must: 

           (1) Work through what it is truly bothering us;

To do this means we have to take the time to really STOP and THINK!

I do realize for many this could prove to be a huge burden. However, while you are sitting there "thinking" that you have no time to actually stop & think;  you may want to consider the numerous repeats of situations that have come along.   Remember all those?  And they all came because you didn't STOP AND THINK things through!   Yea!  It really is that simple!

Don't just over-react because it is convenient or less work! Stop! Think! And allow the real reason to show itself.

Stop worrying about what the "other" person said and/or did! Or what they didn't say or didn't do! It will only serve to throw you off-balance. And this is what we are wanting to avoid!

           (2) Release the old programming of how we act and react;

This means we have to actually accept responsibility for our actions, act upon our knowledge and with sheer determination, kick those old ways of thoughts, words and deeds to the curb for good! 

For the people in your life ... Feel free to suggest, point out or insist that they take responsibility for themselves.   Just keep in mind that chances are they won't or can't at that given moment!  

In releasing the old programming we all would do well minding our own business and keep our focus on SELF and just let the other person do the same! Ever notice how much energy we spend on others? And we wonder why our emotions run out of control!

RELEASE! If you can't change it ... Let it Go! 

Keep your suggestions to a minimum, lead by example.  It's better overall--for everyone!

            (3) Acceptance & Allowance;

 This is the fun part! (and Yes, I know I am repeating things here). To gain a measure of Emotional & Mental Balance, you must come into the acceptance that there are just some things you cannot change and/or control! 

So do yourself yet another HUGE favor ... get over it! You're not THAT powerful to force any changes on someone else! 

In order to gain a level of understanding of the why's and how's you must Allow situations and/or people to flow naturally along their given paths. You must Accept the fact that you are not in control of what other people do, how they think, react and/or act! Not YOUR Job! And it is certainly isn't any of YOUR business! 

So Accept it! Allow It! And get over it! 

If you don't like what is being said and/or done... 

If you have done all you know to bring about a change then Accept it, he/she for what it and/or he/she is! 

Simply Allow it to be! Accept your decision to stay or to go. 

Allow it to be! Accept THEIR decision to stay or to go. To be! Or Not To be! 

Allow it just to ... BE! 

No it ain't easy.   But then again, no one said it would be.  Did they?

          (4) Bring about the true nature of who and what we truly are ...

Spirit beings having a Human Experience. 

Yep! You be a spirit being locked down in a human body. 

And no!  It's not a punishment!   YOU chose to come in here!   Some believe they didn't.   Some believe they were forced here.  And that's fine.  But here's the catch...whether you believe you chose it or not,  you are here as an answer to somebody's prayer!  Even if that prayer is your own long forgotten request(s).  

Again, for Emphasis! Balance is what is needed . Understanding is what we must have. If we are balanced emotionally & mentally ... our body & spirit follow suit. With Balance we come into a better understanding which in turns makes us better equipped to express empathy for others and through this we learn how to appropriately take action in thought, word and deed. 

As we go through this time and time again until we eventually get the hang of it ... we discover what it means to truly live with Unconditional Love for others ... and for ourselves! 

We cannot do this until we have literally walked the walk and talked the talk. And in this case my brothers & sisters, that means we all experience that little thing I endearingly call .... Universal PMS! 



In achieving and maintaining balance during your human experience,  please make sure you check with a trusted and experienced mental health and medical professional before seeking alternative methods.  All avenues of healing, be they conventional or holistic,  should always be investigated, questioned and challenged for their validity and affectiveness. 

Do Not--I repeat...DO NOT make any assumptions when it comes to your physical, mental and emotional well-being!


Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

In the style comparable to Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way.

All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited!