Showing posts with label STOP HILLARY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label STOP HILLARY. Show all posts

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Letter To Donald J. Trump: Email Campaign From Aynaz "Anni" Cyrus (Sharia Survivor)

Fellow Patriot  Aynaz "Anni" Cyrus is holding another email/posting campaign in an effort to reach the attention of Republican Presidential Nominee Donald J. Trump.   It is the collective hope to help form a significant working role in the campaign.
Please read to the end and make sure to share! 

Anni's value would be to give a very brief public testimony of her life as a Sharia survivor, and to appeal to voters to support Trump in our common goal of stopping Hillary and Sharia.

We are asking that you to first copy this url link:

That link is my uniform letter to Donald Trump's campaign. 

So, then please go to the Trump campaign page, TRUMP Media Insights, at:

There you will find a recent Trump Media post of the day, below the pinned post. 

Anni would like you to 

1) go to the Comments section on that post of the day,
2) add your own short comment about what I do, and then along with your comment,
3) include a paste of the Trump letter url link.

So for example, your Comment will look something like this:

My friend Aynaz is a survivor of Sharia from Iran, and she can do a lot for Mr. Trump's campaign >>>

But be sure to use your own words, so that it does not get trapped in a spam filter.

Thank you!


The pen is mightier than the sword.  Or in this case....the keyboard!  Please be sure to follow through on posting on Mr. Trump's page and sharing the information above on all your social networks!

We are Fighting For America Folks!