Showing posts with label Sharia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sharia. Show all posts

Friday, August 5, 2016

BREAKING NEWS: Breitbart Runs Aynaz Anni Cyrus' Video on Hillary's Fake Feminism!

Columnist Anni Cyrus challenges Hillary Clinton’s feminist credentials by highlighting the consistent violation of women’s rights prevalent in Sharia-compliant societies.

Source: Breitbart

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Can a Muslim be a Good American?

In lieu of Khizr Khan' speech at the DNC  this past week.  I cannot stop the questions that keep popping up.  And the one question that comes to mind is,  (perhaps one of the most important question of them all) ...Can a Muslim be a Good American?  

While I am grateful for Mr. Khan's son's service and ultimate sacrifice and I express my heart-felt condolences to the Khan family...that question still burns in the back of my mind.  Can a Muslim be a Good American?

Click HERE  to watch Farrah Prudence explain the truth about "good Muslims."  Listen very carefully to her answers.

Can a Muslim be a good American?  Read below and judge for yourselves.  It comes from a post on Face I'm sure many of you are familiar with.


Can a Muslim be a Good AmericanThis question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his reply:

Theologically - no, because his allegiance is to Allah.

Religiously - no, because no other religion is accepted by His Allah except Islam (Qur'an 2:256).

Scripturally - no, because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Qur'an.

Geographically - no, because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially - no, because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.

Politically - no, because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual leaders) who teach the annihilation of Israel and destruction of America, the great Satan.

Domestically - no, because he is instructed to marry four Women and beat his wife when she disobeys him (Qur'an 4:34).

Intellectually - no, because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.

Philosophically - no, because Islam, Muhammad, and the Qur'an does not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist! Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.

Spiritually - no, because when we declare 'one nation under God,' we are referring to the Christian's God and not Allah.

Therefore, after much study and deliberation, perhaps we should be very suspicious of MUSLIMS in this country. They obviously cannot be both 'good' Muslims and good Americans/Canadians; they cannot and will not integrate into the great melting pot of America.

The religious war is bigger than we know or understand. Muslims everywhere have said they will destroy us from within."c Cygnus


As I read the above, I am reminded of what Islamic survivors Anni Cyrus and Farrah Prudence have talked about (and continue to speak out about) in their many videos, radio interviews, posts, etc.  It is something I ask that all of you keep in mind...Islam is not a religion, it is not a race or ethnic is an ideology.  And a very dangerous one. 

Contrary to what the leftist liberals are saying, Islam is a threat to the entire world.  It's primary goal is to conquer, destroy and enslave.   And they accomplish all of this from within the Governments of the countries they immigrant to!  Click here and here to read Sharia Law vs. The Constitution.     Click HERE to meet Laila Alawa, the 25-Year old Syrian Immigrant on DHS Advisory Council Who Wants to Curb Your Speech Rights.  And that's just small fraction of their infiltration of the United States.   CAIR is one of the biggest examples of Islamic infiltration in this Country.

  And watch the video below as well.

Click Here to listen to Farrah Prudence speak further about the dangers of Islam.


My advice to each of you reading this... Stop listening to the leftist libs and their propaganda.   Obama and Clinton know the dangers of Islam, they are well aware of the threats it poses. But they do not care about your rights--never did and never will. Followers of Obama and Clinton are blinded by their devotion of these demagogues and don't want you to know the truth.  

I urge you to arm yourselves with knowledge.     You can start by visiting Live Up To Freedom

What you don't know about Islam...Could  very well cost you your life!

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Letter To Donald J. Trump: Email Campaign From Aynaz "Anni" Cyrus (Sharia Survivor)

Fellow Patriot  Aynaz "Anni" Cyrus is holding another email/posting campaign in an effort to reach the attention of Republican Presidential Nominee Donald J. Trump.   It is the collective hope to help form a significant working role in the campaign.
Please read to the end and make sure to share! 

Anni's value would be to give a very brief public testimony of her life as a Sharia survivor, and to appeal to voters to support Trump in our common goal of stopping Hillary and Sharia.

We are asking that you to first copy this url link:

That link is my uniform letter to Donald Trump's campaign. 

So, then please go to the Trump campaign page, TRUMP Media Insights, at:

There you will find a recent Trump Media post of the day, below the pinned post. 

Anni would like you to 

1) go to the Comments section on that post of the day,
2) add your own short comment about what I do, and then along with your comment,
3) include a paste of the Trump letter url link.

So for example, your Comment will look something like this:

My friend Aynaz is a survivor of Sharia from Iran, and she can do a lot for Mr. Trump's campaign >>>

But be sure to use your own words, so that it does not get trapped in a spam filter.

Thank you!


The pen is mightier than the sword.  Or in this case....the keyboard!  Please be sure to follow through on posting on Mr. Trump's page and sharing the information above on all your social networks!

We are Fighting For America Folks!  


Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The Constitution vs. Shariah Law: Part 2

First Amendment: Freedom of speech 

Constitution: First Amendment: Congress shall not abridge "the freedom of speech.” 

 Shariah: Speech defaming Islam or Muhammad is considered “blasphemy” and is punishable by death or imprisonment. 

Robert Muise, AFLC co-founder and senior counsel, issued the following statement:

“Section 230 of the CDA confers broad powers of censorship upon Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube officials, who can silence constitutionally protected speech and engage in discriminatory business practices with impunity by virtue of this power conferred by the federal government in violation of the First Amendment.”  [emphasis added]

David Yerushalmi, AFLC co-founder and senior counsel, added:

“Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have notoriously censored speech that they deem critical of Islam, thereby effectively enforcing blasphemy laws here in the United States with the assistance of the federal government.”  [emphasis added]

Yerushalmi concluded:

“It has been the top agenda item of Islamic supremacists to impose such standards on the West.  Its leading proponents are the Muslim Brotherhood’s network of Islamist activist groups in the West and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), which co-sponsored, with support from Obama and then-Secretary of State Clinton, a U.N. resolution which called on all nations to ban speech that could promote mere hostility to Islam.  Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are falling in line, and we seek to stop this assault on our First Amendment freedoms.”  [emphasis added]

This is just a small example of what we can expect if Hillary Clinton becomes President of these United States.  

Time to step up Patriots!

Some say a revolution is coming to America.  But I tell you this fellow Patriots...

The Revolution ALREADY HERE!


Friday, July 8, 2016

An Open Letter To Mr. Manafort

Dear Mr. Manafort
Hello, my friend Aynaz “Anni” Cyrus and I support Donald Trump’s campaign. She offers her experience and services to you as a survivor of Islamic Sharia. Please contact her at
Here is the background story by Aynaz:
   I was born in Islamic Republic of Iran into Islamic culture and to parents who were committed Islamic followers. Much of my life, until I escaped from Iran, was lived in oppression, torment and fear. When I was only fifteen years old I escaped the Islamic Republic of Iran into Turkey where I was granted refugee status and arrived in the United States as a legal immigrant in August 2002. After earning my US citizenship I have devoted countless hours to aiding refugees and those hoping to escape the Islamic Regime, as I did. I work to protect and defend the rights of women and girls under the oppression of Sharia Law everywhere. I fight to raise awareness to their plight through informative viral videos, radio interviews, blog posts and on my “Live Up To Freedom” website ( In addition I fight against terrorism by exposing the truth to help Americans understand all forms of Jihad.
   My knowledge of the Quran and how it’s doctrine is being used to attack the West and specifically, The United States is accurate and in-depth. Because of my rebellion against Islam, I have been subjected to abuse and cruelty at the hands of the Iranian government, which have included but not limited to:
  • Lashed 109 times for minor offenses
  • Imprisoned 12 times under age 14 for minor infractions including singing in public and letting my hair show from under a hijab
  • Witnessed many horrors while inside an Iranian prison at a young age.
  •   My familiarities with the Islamic regime and knowledge of how they operate would add an extra level of credibility to the campaign. I am fluent in English and Farsi. In addition I have a network of resources in this country and in many countries around the world.
       Based on my firsthand knowledge of Islam and Middle Eastern Culture, my message is a credible and very powerful one. This, combined with my experiences escaping Iran and the Islamic Regime, would be a valuable asset to your campaign.
    My expertise and firsthand accounts are available at following links:
    Team LUTF

Thursday, July 7, 2016

****IMPORTANT**** Message From Aynaz Anni Cyrus


Dear supporters,

On Friday, July 8, 2016, at 12 Noon (Pacific), 3PM (Eastern), 8PM (England BST), we will blast out the letter located at this link:

We plan to send a mass email blast of my uniform letter to Donald Trump's campaign. We hope to help with a significant working role in the campaign. My value would be to give a very brief public testimony of my life as a Sharia survivor, and to appeal to voters to support Trump in our common goal of stopping Hillary and Sharia.

So On Friday, July 8, 2016, at 12 Noon (Pacific), 3PM (Eastern), 8PM (England BST), please go there, copy and paste that complete letter into the body of an email, and send it to



Please be very sure to include the LUTF address on the CC, so that we will know how successful we are.

Thank you. Much love and respect for your support on this. 

Monday, June 20, 2016

Shariah Law vs. the Constitution

First Amendment: Freedom of speech 

Constitution: First Amendment: Congress shall not abridge "the freedom of speech.” 

 Shariah: Speech defaming Islam or Muhammad is considered “blasphemy” and is punishable by death or imprisonment. 

The following is a small sample how anything depicting Islam in a bad light is being erased from America:

Dwight C. Holton, former U.S. Attorney for the District of Oregon, emphasized that training materials for the FBI would be purged of everything politically incorrect: “I want to be perfectly clear about this: training materials that portray Islam as a religion of violence or with a tendency towards violence are wrong, they are offensive, and they are contrary to everything that this president, this attorney general and Department of Justice stands for. They will not be tolerated.”  [emphasis added]

Of course, the controversial training materials did not really claim that all Muslims are terrorists or that all terrorists are Muslims, and it is noteworthy that Cole had to resort to dismissive caricatures to make his point. For in taking this course, the Obama Administration is bowing to pressure from the Hamas-linked Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and other Islamic advocacy groups.  [emphasis added]

 In a Los Angeles Times op-ed that appeared on the same day as the conference in Washington, Salam al-Marayati of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) roundly criticized existing training materials about jihad terror and demanded that the FBI and the Justice Department “issue a clear and unequivocal apology to the Muslim American community; establish a thorough and transparent vetting process in selecting its trainers and materials; invite experts who have no animosity toward any religion to conduct training about any religious community to law enforcement.”
Al-Marayati complained that training materials reflected “bigoted and inflammatory views on Muslims, including claims that ‘devout’ Muslims are more prone toward violence, that Islam aims to ‘transform a country’s culture into 7th century Arabian ways,’ that Islamic charitable giving is a ‘funding mechanism for combat’ and that the prophet Muhammad was a ‘violent cult leader.’”  [emphasis added]

Was Muhammad a “violent cult leader”? Certainly one definition of a cult is that members are not free to opt out if they choose to do so – and it was Muhammad who enunciated Islam’s notorious death penalty for apostasy by saying, “Whoever changes his Islamic religion, then kill him.” (Bukhari 9.84.57)

Source:  FrontPageMag

First Amendment: Freedom to dissent 

Constitution: First Amendment: “Congress cannot take away the right of the people "to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Shariah: Non-Muslims are not to harbor any hostility toward the Islamic state or give comfort to those who disagree with Islamic  government.  
[emphasis added]

Following is one of many examples how non-Muslims are being told, dictated, forced and commanded not to harbor any hostility toward the Islamic state.  Also too, this goes along with  Any speech defaming Islam or Muhammad--which is  considered “blasphemy” and is punishable by death or imprisonment. 

From Breibert News:

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch revealed Sunday that the government will release the transcripts of the 911 calls made by the Orlando terrorist during the attack last Sunday — scrubbed of any references to Islam or the Islamic State (ISIS).

 She told Chuck Todd on NBC News’ Meet the Press that the “FBI is releasing a partial [printed] transcript of the killer’s calls with law enforcement, from inside the club,” but added: “What we’re not going to do is further proclaim this man’s pledges of allegiance to terrorist groups, and further his propaganda.”   [emphasis added]

Second Amendment: Right to self-defense 

Constitution: Second Amendment: "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." 

Shariah: Under historic and modern dhimmi laws, non-Muslims cannot possess swords, firearms or weapons of any kind. 


As all of you already know, the United States government has been working diligently to take away our right to bear arms.    They do this under the guise of the deaths caused by people with guns.   And while that may be part of their passion to do away with this is an enormously small fraction of the truth.   

How can you tell?  One of the many ways is  all the illegals they keep bringing in by the thousands.  This is a major indicator.  

The other, needless to say more important,  way you can tell  is how all the guns that somehow magically appear on the streets and in the hands of the untrained, uneducated and irresponsible people; in the hands of criminal gang bangers and gang banger wanna be's; in the hands of repeat felons; in the hands of the "mentally incompetent";  in the hands of terrorists.

The Democrats blame the N.R.A.  But if it were true that the N.R.A. is to blame for all the gun violence in America, then how do they explain all the illegal weaponry confiscated from criminals on the streets?

Do the math!  Decide for yourselves!

Keep in mind, this current administration has betrayed America and all Americans, and I dare to say it-- the entire world!  This administration has betrayed and continues to betray America and Americans by blatantly ignoring Americans who are homeless, going without needed medicines, going without proper & decent medical care.   This administration continuously turns a blind eye to our veterans who are homeless, going without medical care, etc.   All in favor of taking in countless thousands of "refugees" providing them with free housing, medical care, food and even vehicles!  But don't take my word for it...research these things out for yourselves.    

While I am not opposed to helping those from other countries, I am definitely opposed to putting them above and ahead of our own.  As the old saying begins at home!

And this nonsense of blaming Bush is nothing more than a smoke screen the Democrats use and continue to  hide behind.  Interestingly enough, the word Jihad was not in our every day vocabulary when Bush was in office.   Ever since Obama took office...all of us have come to know the words and the meaning of Jihad, ISIL, Islamic State and Sharia.  Think about that one for a good long minute.  

As always...I leave it up to you to decide for yourselves.   And too, I urge you to research and study as much as you can.  Educate yourselves thoroughly.   Don't be caught off guard!