Showing posts with label Elves. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elves. Show all posts

Saturday, April 4, 2015

The Chosen One: Excerpt from Children of the Luminaries Book One: The Coming Storm

They stood together a short while watching the ripples in the water made by the warm breeze.  In the east, the sun made its slow descent.  In a few hours a new day would begin.  As they stood there in silence The Oracle pondered the dragon's words.  She was certain he was mistaken.   She shuddered as a cold chill tingled up her spine.  

"An omen!"  She mumbled to herself.

Finally, Demetrius broke the long silence.  “You cannot hide from your destiny, Oracle!"  He proclaimed, his baritone voice echoed all around.   "You are more than what you believe.  But you must believe!”  Demetrius waited for a response and received none.  He then continued, “I ask you this girl, will you choose aliveness even if there are no safe places?  Or will you choose deadness?”

Utterly bewildered by his words, The Oracle shook her head and made her way back toward Sabia.  “I am no warrior,” she repeated calmly.  “You are mistaken.”

“Yes, you are.  And I am not mistaken,” he called out.  “I do not make mistakes.”

She smiled and called back sardonically, “Yes, I know.  You are very wise and very, very old.”

“Make fun if you must, Oracle, but just remember it is the will of the Pantheon.”
She waved back to him and disappeared behind the trees where her beloved winged unicorn waited. 

Demetrius watched until The Oracle was completely out of sight.  He rose up and extended his front claws.  A red glow engulfed him.  His serpentine body began to transform.  In a matter of seconds he transformed into a man dressed in red attire with a black flowing cape.  His wavy, black hair brushed against his forehead and fell to his shoulders, solemn brown eyes watched as the winged unicorn soared into the darkening sky with his mistress holding tightly to his silvery mane. 

“I will be with you always, Oracle,” he said softly to himself.  Then quietly, without notice, he vanished.

Excerpt from Children of the Luminaries Book One: The Coming Storm©  
All Rights Reserved

Thursday, December 25, 2014

From the Pay It Forward Files: Undercover Elves

 Inside a home on Powell Avenue, in the Jacobs neighborhood on Christmas Eve, the stockings were hung ready for Christmas. However, under a small Christmas tree, there were no gifts in sight.

Outside, an undercover operation was going on as several LMPD officers pulled up to the home. 

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Christmas Smack Down: Tradition vs. Politically Correct vs. People With Brains

The one thing everyone can be sure of this holiday season is the politically correct never stops! It's becoming a literal Smack Down these days.   Sadly, PCers seem to be getting their way.     

Here's the dig, the PCers claim they don’t want to offend anyone who is not Christian.  

Yea, that’s their claims! 

However, I couldn't help but notice (as I always do) that these dweebs are not one bit interested in offending  the rest of us!  Christians and non-Christians alike!  

Below are just a few examples what these vandalizing politically correct ass hats are doing.  I am certain there are more, but you get the gist!  In addition to the examples, and just to keep things real, I have added the People With Brains commentary.   


Tradition: Santa Claus is a jolly fat elf.

The Politically Correct:  he needs to lose weight because he is a bad example for kids struggling with their self-image.  

People With Brains:  Yea, like those tooth picks, air brush, stick their fingers down their throat after eating a celery stick, who fill the pages of fashion magazines everywhere, are such a good example of what real people look like!

Tradition:  Santa says Ho! Ho! Ho!

The Politically Correct:  Santa must stop saying Ho! Ho! Ho!  Because it’s degrading to women!

People With Brains:  WTF??!  Excuse me!  Santa says Ho! Ho! Ho!  NOT … You’re a Ho!  Clean out your ears assholes!

Tradition:  Silent Night, Holy Night.  Talks about the Virgin mother, her infant who is born to be savior.

The Politically Correct:   No virgin mother, no child, no holy infant, no tender and mild, and definitely no Christ the savior or lord at thy birth

People With Brains:  This song is about the birth of Jesus Christ.  Granted, Jesus was not born on December 25.   However, the person who wrote the song believed it to be a holy and awe inspiring event nonetheless!   It was an incredible event, even if you don’t believe the story!  And the song reflects that. 

Very offensive that someone would take someone else’s work and deface it like that!   

What’s next on your PC agenda?   Paint a mustache on the Mona Lisa? 


Tradition:  A pine tree tree decorated in a wide assorted ornaments and garland is referred to as a Christmas Tree.  Reason being, it is done at Christmas time for Christmas!

The Politically Correct:  Call it a Holiday Tree, because we don't wanna offend anybody.  Better yet.  Take that thing down now!  People who don't celebrate Christmas hate it!  So take it down! 

People With Brains:  It's Christmas!  It's a Tree!  Therefore, it's a CHRISTMAS TREE!  Anyone who is offended need not look at it!  If they don't like it.  TOUGH!  I don't like seeing a lot of shit either!  But I deal with it because it is somebody's tradition and way of life!   I respect that.  And I do not ask...I DEMAND...the same respect shown to ME and MY f'ing traditions!

Tradition:  Say Merry Christmas during Christmas Season (officially begins the day after Thanksgiving)

The Politically Correct:  Saying Merry Christmas is religious persecution!  It offends those not Christian!!!!     Besides, all the other winter holidays are in there too, and they're all pretty much the same.  So just say Happy Holidays, that way you get everybody.  And nobody gets offended or persecuted.

People With Brains:  Christmas, Hannukkah, Kwanzii, The Solstice and Yule are NOT THE SAME THING!  And too, they don't all happen at the same time.  And most importantly, how do you figure saying Merry Christmas is religious persecution?  Are you insane?  Or just that special kind of stupid?  

You know, all this freeze dried bullshit started with the politically correct insisting that we say Happy Holidays instead of the traditional Merry Christmas, Happy Christmas, Joy Noel, etc.

You know that right?  

Well come what may,  you can bet your mistletoe I'm ready to RUMBLE!!!!