Showing posts with label BillS1867. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BillS1867. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Empress on 2011 -- Part Two

In 2011, while the general public continued on with their various distractions -- Congress sneaked several bills under the wire.    One was Bill S 1867.    This is the bill that gives the military  the right to arrest and detain anyone they believe to be a threat against America.   

Now I know that our politicians are sworn to uphold the Constitution and protect this nation against threats both foreign and domestic.   I get that.    But history has shown the down side of giving the military that much control.     Germany.  Russia.  China.  Korea.  Are only a few examples, both past and present, of that downside.

Many are stating that folks just got all worked up over this bill.  That it doesn’t apply to “good Americans.”   And good Americans have nothing to fear.  Yea?  Interesting.    Many Austrians and Germans were told they had nothing to fear so long as they were “good patriots.”     Yea, and we all know how that panned out.  Don’t we?

So who determines who is a good American and who  is a terrorist?    The government?   Yea?  Well here’s a sampling of the government’s definition of what a suspected terrorist is.

According to Sen.  Rand Paul (R-KY):

“We’re talking about American citizens who can be taken from the United States and sent to a camp at Guantanamo Bay and held indefinitely.  There are laws on the books right now that characterize who might be a terrorist: someone missing fingers on their hands is a suspect, according to the Department of Justice.

Someone who has guns, someone who has ammunition that is weatherproofed, someone who has more than seven days of food in their house can be considered a potential terrorist.  {emphasis added}

If you are suspected because of these activities, do you want the government to have the ability to send you to Guantanamo Bay for indefinite detention?”

And before any of you go crying about how I am passing on fear -- shut your pie hole!   Pointing out the truth and potential hazards is not fear mongering.    If you get all tingly with fear by someone speaking and/or pointing out the  truth -- that’s your challenge to overcome!  

I will remind each of you that Y2K was a potential threat.  However it was thwarted due to people becoming consciously aware

The more consciously aware you are of the things going on around you -- the better your position to buffer it, improve upon it and/or thwart it.  

If it resonates with a dark dense energy -- Shed light on it and it will shrink!

Speaking of shedding a little light on the subject …  there was the light bulb bill … which was thankfully overturned!  And you know why don’t you?  Because lots of folks became … what?  Anyone?  Anyone?  Yea!  That’s right!  Now you’re getting it!

There was a great deal more passed that falls under suspicion -- I urge each person reading this blog to do the research, become consciously aware and SPEAK OUT in the coming new year! 


The more I think back on the last four years -- and the more I see what is going on in our country ... I keep hearing the words from one of my favorite Star Wars movies ... 

"So this is how liberty dies...with thunderous applause."  Padmé Amidala ~ Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith


2012 is the year we will be voting for President of the U.S.A.   And again, as it was in 2008,  it appears the pickings are slim -- very slim!

Granted -- I am not what you would call ... fond ... of any politician!  I find the majority of them to be lacking of any real logic, good sense and backbone!

If it were left up to me -- I would fire every last one of them (without severance pay) and invoke one term tenures for their replacements!

Thankfully, many more people have waken up and learned from their stupid mistakes of 2008.      The good news -- you don't find as many ass kissing supporters  as in 2008.  Sure -- they're still out there -- still hoping to find favor with the current leader and administration.  But their numbers -- thankfully -- are dwindling!

Knowledge is a power tool.  The information is out there -- and is making it's way throughout the nation via the internet.  Which is probably one of many reasons the current administration is wanting to shut down the internet through stiff "regulation."

They don't want people learning the truth!  Which is one of their biggest mistakes. 

The American people found a way back in the day long before Google -- and they will find a way should their virtual voice  be declared a threat to the fadder-land ... I mean to America!

As I have stated in previous blogs -- and will continue to state -- I  hold out hope!  Call me a dreamer if you want! But  believe that Good always wins out!  How high the cost of that win -- is all dependent upon how quickly the rest of the world's population is willing to let go of their stupidity, their fears of loss and the unknown!

May 2012 be that year!

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape,  Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™.   Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience.  In the style  of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way.


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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Why Isn't This Being Reported?!

Why aren't we hearing more about Bill - S.1867?  Even the political (both conservative and liberal) talk shows that I listen to aren't reporting it.  

Why?  Now THAT'S the proverbial $64 question! 

Did I somehow just just miss the news reports?? ummm -- NO!  I don't think so!  I mean -- seriously-- What the hell?!!

Below is the letter I have been sending out to all the talk show hosts.  Feel free to use it -- make it your own--add to it -- whatever you need to do ... and then SEND IT! 

I have listed some of the talk show  contact information down below as well as a link for letter addressed to President Obama himself.  

But don't stop there!  Contact the networks!  Contact your local television affiliates!  Newspapers!  

Get the Word Out!  Twitter -- Face Book  -- Blogs -- and the other on line networking tools available!



I'm a bit disturbed by the fact that I haven't heard this on any of the talk shows or on the news:

Passed: Americans can be detained without due process Bill - S.1867

Maybe I missed it? 

While I realize the Presidential race is important -- it is also serving as a major distraction.  President Obama and his co-horts are pushing out our freedoms right under our collective noses!

Many of us are doing our part by passing the information around on Face Book, Twitter, and our individual blogs.  But we are ALL wondering -- what is going on with you guys that you aren't reporting this?

Hugh Hewitt

Sean Hannity

Michael Medved

Mike Gallagher

Dr. Bill Bennett

The Dennis Miller Show

The Diane Rehm Show

Rush Limbaugh

Smiley and West

Sign the Letter!  
Let President Obama know how you feel about this Bill!  
Sign it and Pass it on!

Contact President Obama NOW and ask him to veto any bill that contains indefinite detention without charge or trial.


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Bill - S.1867 -- WELCOME TO NAZI AMERICA!??!!

Excuse ME!  This IS NOT the America I know and Love!  The Country of my heart and Soul!

THIS is NOT what our founding fathers had in mind!


Send out your Message -- Let your Voice Be Heard!  
Let those in Washington Know how we feel!

Don't sit on your ass and let this Nazi-like bull shit continue on!


They claim they have no money for basic necessities for the American People

They claim they need to cut back on Military spending

They claim they can't allow Medicaid/Medicare and Social Security to continue on

They Claim there is no money for anything that is necessary for the BASIC NEEDS of the poor, the elderly, the children, and so forth

BUT ... they have the funds to back this Freeze Dried Bull shit?


1984 IS HERE!