Sunday, June 12, 2016

Decide For Yourselves

This statement was spoken publicly just earlier this year:

“God is very straightforward about this — not we Muslims, not subjective, the Sharia is very clear about it, the punishment for homosexuality, bestiality or anything like that is death. We don’t make any excuses about that, it’s not our law — it’s the Koran.”   Muslim cleric, Sheikh Khalid Yasin

Source:  Jihad Watch

This meeting was held just a few months ago this year....

A news agency noticed that a large mosque in Florida is bringing in a well known Muslim cleric today who not only preaches death to homosexuals, but claims killing them is actually behaving compassionately to them. Watch the news report  here.

 According to the Gateway Pundit, threats of an attack on Florida was made three (3) days prior to the shooting in Orlando.  Read HERE

 Now Early Sunday Morning,  June 12,2006

Mass shooting in a well known gay club in Orlando, Florida:  

Click HERE


  Even though the gunman called 9-1-1 making allegiance to the radical Islamic State known as ISIS, the Liberals will blame guns and denounce any involvement by the Radical Islamic State.  Or they'll ignore it all together, hoping no one notices.  

And in spite of warnings, the Liberals still refuse to acknowledge any acts, such as the one that just happened in Orlando, has any connection to this terrorist group.  In spite of how Al-Adnani encouraged ISIS militants to launch attacks during Ramadan to win the great award of martyrdom.

In a report from the State Department-led Overseas Security Advisory Council warning that “martyrdom during the month may hold a special allure to some,”  [emphasis added] security officials urged U.S. organizations around the globe to “remain aware of the persistent threat of (ISIS) attacks, both inspired and directed,” according to published reports.

Source: Boston Herald
And our government and the liberal media is telling us not to jump to any conclusions? 

But You Decide For Yourselves.    I offer no further commentary on this issue.


As for me and my family...we will pray for those who were there.  We will pray for the loved ones of all those who were injured and killed--we will pray for them so they will have the strength to get through this tragedy.    

As for the gun man...yes, prayers go out to him as well as  to all those who carry darkness in their hearts who believe and blindly follow anything that brings so much un-needed and unwarranted destruction of life.  Be they Muslim, Jew, Christian or Atheist ... prayers go  to them so that they may be enveloped in the light of Love so that their hearts and minds may be opened and that they will learn war no more.   

As Master Teacher Jesus encouraged us to do....pray for your enemies that they might find their way back into the Loving embrace of Our Beloved Creator.

As  it is Above...So it is Below...

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