Monday, July 20, 2020

Monday, July 20, 2020 - Gratitudes

Over the weekend I started to feel down.  Not sure why exactly.  Just started to feel drained.  Quite frankly, I blame it on the heat and humidity. Honestly,  I don't fair well during the summer months.  I'm one of those people who thrive best in the cold.  In fact, the lower the temp, the better I feel.  Summer, like all the other seasons,  is a necessity and a natural procession of Earth's rotation.  I get that.   I really do.  I'm just not a huge lover of summer.  Which is pretty ironic considering I was born in July!  But all in all I am truly grateful for the the wisdom of Mother Nature.  Just wish the bitch would dial it back on the humidity.  Sheeesh!

Saturday, July 25th will mark my 60th anniversary of my current soul travels on planet Earth.   60 years!  Wow!  I never thought I would make it this far.  Truthfully, I remember when I didn't think I was going to make it to 30!  And to think, that was 30 years ago!  Blows my mind!  Of course, my mind began wandering about all the things that happened over the course of those 30 years.  *sigh*  Between the heat & humidity and dwelling on the past is it any wonder the downers crept in?

If you are depressed you are living in the past.
If you are anxious you are living in the future.
If you are at peace you are living in the present.” 

― Lao Tzu

If you are depressed you are living in the past.

Let's face the facts here folks.  If it weren't for our past -- we wouldn't be here!  If we are honest with our SELF we will look upon the past and smile. We would actually be relieved; and yes, a little proud.  We made it to HERE!  Yes, we may have travelled through some treacherous terrain.  Yes, we may have swam through a sea of tears.  Yes, we may have  endured beatings that left us scarred, bloodied and bruised physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  Yes, we may have had to travel without human companionship the majority of the time.  But we made it!  We made it HERE!  We made to this NOW!   And that is something to celebrate!  That my beloveds is something to be truly grateful for.

So instead of living there in the past -- I stand here in this here & now and say THANK YOU!  I am grateful for the lessons that I learned.  I am grateful for the people that came and went in my life.  I am grateful for the situations that launched me into a higher awareness and deeper understanding.  

 I stand here in the here and now and say with a grateful heart--THANK YOU!  I LOVE YOU!  And now...I set you FREE!  And in doing so...I set myself FREE!

I am grateful for the ever present Presence Mother & Father God Creators.  Who put up with a lot of shit from me.  (trust me -- you folks have no clue as to how much shit that is); and Who put up with my sassy mouth non-stop!

 I am grateful that Mother & Father God Creators, and  my spirit partner, long time companion and personal pain in the ass Syrius Demeterius Antarez aka Antari never gave up on me.  More importantly, I am grateful that They would not allow me to give up on me.  

I am grateful for the Angelic realm that stands ever ready to assist me.  I am grateful to the Arch Angels who stand guard and protect me against situations I put myself in.  I understand they often protect me from me.   And for that I am truly grateful.  

I am grateful for the love and devotion of my Spirit friends and family.  Ever present -- even when I'm not present --they are always there.  

I am grateful for the here and now.  

I am grateful for the knowledge I have received.

I am grateful for this Day.  This NOW. 

I am grateful for this venue that allows me to store my thoughts and share them with others.

I am grateful for my home--for having a roof over my head.  

I am grateful for the running water, the electricity that flows and allows me comfort.

I am grateful for all those fellow travellers that have joined me (if only for a short time) in this adventure. 

I am grateful for my baby cat Miss George Livaspoonz.  

I am grateful for being here.

I am Grateful for YOU!

Embrace All That You Are!
For YOU are all There Is

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