Monday, December 30, 2013

Pondering 2013: Part 2

As I sit here writing this, I’m reminded of a scene from What Dreams May Come.   You know the one, where Robin Williams’ character finds his wife who just committed suicide?  

Like that character, I fought my way through "heaven" in order to be with people who made it painfully obvious they wanted nothing to do with me.   Like the wife, they are emotionally damaged, choosing to live their lives as a victim, creating their own special kind of hell in which to dwell.   Then here I come fighting all of heaven to join them.  Yea, imagine that someone would choose hell over heaven just to be with miserable, selfish assholes!   
Crazy.  I know!

Hell is a place I no longer wish to be.     So I say a final farewell to all those who rather live in misery and be a victim!  Who would rather wallow in the depths of despair in Hell than enjoy the splendors of Heaven.


As a side note, I wish to personally address a few members of my birth family. 
You know who you are.  

I was under the assumption that you didn’t read my blog.  Assumptions which have proven erroneous.  As most assumptions do.  

But it appears that some have in fact read the words I have expressed herein and made a decision to de-friend me on Face Book.    I hope your pathetic actions bring you some measure of satisfaction and relief.   Knowing how delusional you truly are, I’m sure it did! 

Nonetheless, I do wish to say to you…THANK YOU!  You saved me the time, effort and energy!    

And too, I wish to say THANK YOU for proving me right.  Though I had hoped I was wrong in believing you all were nothing more than a bunch of self absorbed, self serving and self victimizing, clueless ass hats, your very actions have provided all the proof I need to know I wasn’t.  I consider this a victory.  Though bittersweet and sad, it has lifted me up and strengthened my resolve to keep people like yourselves out of life!  But most importantly, it has wiped out any and all remaining doubts I may have had for the decisions made! 

So THANK YOU!  I can now boldly, and with great confidence,  enter 2014 several hundred pounds lighter!


My decision is now set in the proverbial stone!  

ALL the freeze dried bullshit that happened in 2013 STAYS in 2013!

I begin a new and more improved way of life!  All that will remain of 2013 and all years prior,  will be this blog.  And it remains only to serve as a healthy reminder of where I came from and how far I have traveled.  And too, and perhaps most importantly, as a reminder of what was and is no more!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Winter Shelters for Outside Pets, Ferals and Strays!

Design Basics
There are many ways to build adequate shelter will all good designs sharing two qualities: strong insulation and minimal air space. The insulation is needed to trap the cats’ body heat, effectively turning the cats into little radiators. Empty air space needs to be eliminated in order to keep the amount of space that needs to be heated to a minimum. A well insulated large dog house will not work because there will be too much air space for the cats to warm. Likewise, a tight fitting space with thin, uninsulated walls won’t work either because the cat’s body heat will pass right through.
Smaller Shelters Provide Warmth – Build More, Smaller Shelters
With these design factors in mind, it is better to build two smaller shelters which will each hold three or four cats than one large shelter to house six to eight felines. With smaller shelters, even if only one or two cats go in, enough heat will be generated. But with the larger shelter, if only a small number of the cats use it at the same time, there will be too much empty air space for them to heat.
Wonderful Shelter Ideas, from Neighborhood Cats in NYC
Visit their website for photos and other ideas!
Winter Cat Shelter Made from Rubbermaid Storage Bin
This shelter was designed by CSM Stray Foundation of Kew Gardens, Queens, New York. Purchase a large Rubbermaid storage bin (a.k.a.  storage tote) with a removable lid. It’s important the brand is Rubbermaid otherwise the plastic walls may crack in frigid temperatures. You’ll also need an eight foot by two foot sheet of one inch thick hard Styrofoam, a yardstick, box cutter, and insulating material such as hay or straw.
To assemble:
  1. Cut a doorway six inches by six inches in one of the long sides of the bin towards the corner. Cut the opening so that the bottom of the doorway is several inches above the ground to prevent flooding.
  2. Line the floor of the bin with a piece of Styrofoam, using the yardstick and box cutter to cut the piece. It doesn’t have to be an exact fit, but the closer the better.
  3. In a similar fashion, line each of the four interior walls of the bin with a piece of the Styrofoam. Again, perfect cuts are not necessary. Leave a cap of three inches between the top of these Styrofoam “wall pieces” and the upper lip of the bin.
  4. Cut out a doorway in the Styrofoam interior wall where the doorway has been cut out all ready in the storage bin.
  5. Stuff the bottom of the bin with straw or other insulating material (no blankets or towels!) to hold the wall pieces in place.
  6. Cut out a Styrofoam “roof” to rest on top of the Styrofoam wall pieces.
  7. Cover the bin with its lid.
  8. This shelter is easy to clean by taking off the lid and the roof. It is lightweight and may need to be weighed down. A flap over the door way is optional.
Build a Shelter Using a Styrofoam Cooler
An adequate shelter for one cat can be made from a simple Styrofoam cooler available at any hardware store for about $6. Glue the lid onto the cooler, turn it upside down and cut a hole in one side (anywhere but in the middle of one of the long sides). The Styrofoam containers used to ship meat can be turned into shelters in the same way and can, depending on their size, house 3 to 4 cats. If you want to get fancy, get a large Igloo cooler and, with a jigsaw, cut a hole towards the left or right of one of the long sides. The attached lid will allow for easy cleaning.
Interior Insulation  - Insulating Your Cat Shelter
Putting insulating materials inside the shelter will increase the comfort and warmth of the cats. Insulation materials should only be used if the shelter can be periodically checked to see if they have gotten damp or too dirty and need to be replaced. If regular checkups are not possible, leave the interiors bare.

Straw, Hay and Other Good Insulating Materials
Straw and hay are good insulating materials to use. Straw is better than hay because it can absorb more moisture and is less prone to mold or rot.  Shredded newspaper will also work. One innovative idea is offered by Ellen Perry Berkeley in her book, “Maverick Cats.” Loosely fill a cotton pillow case with Styrofoam peanuts, the kind used to pack fragile items during shipping, and tie the pillow case closed. Then put the stuffed pillow case inside the shelter. The pillow case will conform to the cat’s body and wrap her in heat capturing peanuts.


Here is another simple shelter idea from one of our volunteers, thanks Jean!

Need to provide shelter for several cats? Purchase a 54” deck box (used to store deck furniture cushions). Cut a hole in the side for cat access. Then cut a board, fitting down the center, to separate the box into 2 sections.  One section can be filled with bedding, and the other section is used for feeding. Do not place water inside the shelter. Should the water spill the bedding and cats will get wet. When winter arrives, purchase a sheet of insulation board and cut it to fit the entire inside of the box. This shelter is lightweight and will need to be weighed down.

Time Of Your Life

Do you reflect upon the years gone by
as you prepare for yet one more,
with promises and resolutions
that you have made before?
Do memories of people and places
once as sharp as any knife
now blend in bits and pieces
in a kaleidoscope of life?
Do you squander precious minutes
seeking reasons why you’re here, 
contemplating your life’s purpose
year after passing year?
Persuade yourself to understand,
it matters not the reason.
Your purpose is to seize the life
in every passing season!
Learn to see things differently.
Let your thoughts and actions change.
Allow your views of past and present
to slowly rearrange.
Let your spirit start anew;
become focused and aware
of the moments and the blessings
that surround you everywhere!
Do not permit past memories:
the where…the who…the how
to become more important
than the ones you’re making now.
Live life in person;
inhabit every day.
You may not like where you are now,
but you’re there anyway!
A lifetime is a puzzle,
every failure, each success
adds another jagged piece
to fit together with the rest.
To finish the picture
and view the masterpiece whole,
fill the time of your life
with your heart and your soul.
Acquaint yourself with your feelings
and heighten your senses.
Experience living.
Put down your defenses.
You don’t have to know why
you are you, and I’m me.
Believe it is what it is
and it’s how it should be.
You did not choose your date of birth,
nor do you know your last,
so live this gift that is your present,
before it becomes your past.
Linda Ellis, copyright 2011

Linda Ellis is a speaker, author and poet. Please be sure to visit Linda at 

Thursday, December 26, 2013

SERIOUSLY??? THIS Guy Is Concerned about Privacy???!! Edward Snowden's Christmas Message

Seems like someone is just trying to stay newsworthy!

This guy values privacy???!!!  Snowden?  The same guy that sells secrets of his own country to another country???    Seriously?


Edward Snowden's Christmas Message: a child born today will have no conception of privacy

A child born today will grow up with no conception of privacy at all,” Edward Snowden warned Wednesday in a message broadcast to U.K. television viewers.

”They’ll never know what it means to have a private moment to themselves, an unrecorded, unanalyzed thought,” said Snowden, famous for leaking documents from the U.S. National Security Agency that reveal just how much of what we say, write and do is already recorded and analyzed.
”That’s a problem because privacy matters. Privacy is what allows us to determine who we are, and who we want to be,” Snowden said in “video message” recorded for Channel 4, a commercially funded public service broadcaster owned by the U.K. government.
The video, one minute 43 seconds in duration, was produced by Praxis Films, the production company of freelance journalist Laura Poitras, who has worked on a number of stories about NSA surveillance based on the documents Snowden leaked.

Read Entire Story By Clicking HERE

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Pondering 2013: Part 1

As 2013 quickly comes to an end, I am taking with me all the things I have learned throughout the year.   As in previous years, I learned quite a bit about myself.   Well, maybe not so much learned as finally accepted.

There’s no going back and changing what I did, didn’t do, say or didn’t say.   I can only say I’m sorry for being such a dip-shit and hope that one day the people in my life will forgive me.    Taking the first step, I forgave myself.   And I work each day to stay in the energy of forgiveness.    Which has helped me become stronger.    That strength led to me cutting family ties.  

As I sit here writing this, I’m reminded of a scene from What Dreams May Come.   You know the one, where Robin Williams’ character finds his wife who just committed suicide?   Like that character, I fought my way through heaven in order to be with people who made it painfully obvious they wanted nothing to do with me.   Like the wife, they are emotionally damaged, choosing to live their lives as a victim, creating their own special kind of hell in which to dwell.   Then here I come fighting all of heaven to join them.  Yea, imagine that someone would choose hell over heaven just to be with miserable, selfish, self-centered, thieving, hypocritical assholes!   

Crazy.  I know!  But now, now I've finally accepted the fact that I don't belong there with any of them.  Yea, I knew it all along.  But it just took me a good long while, an ocean of tears and several good swift kicks in the ass to finally just MOVE ON!   And too, to acknowledge and, yes accept, that  Hell is a place I no longer wish to be.      

So I say a final farewell to all those who rather live in misery and be a victim!  Who would rather wallow in the depths of despair in Hell than enjoy the splendors of Heaven.

For 2014, I came up with a Mission Statement.  It will be my guide throughout the year.  Granted, I’ll probably add to it as time goes by.  But for now, here is what it looks like: 

My purpose is to express my willingness to learn, willingness to change and willingness to be the change I wish to see in the world by being committed to ongoing lessons provided through various sources, making decisions and immediately acting upon them and surrounding myself with people of the same mind set.

How I love the whole idea of 2014!!!   Which is why I got started early! 

Happy New Year Everybody!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A TRUE Christmas Story: 11 Year Old Boy Delivers Gifts To Homeless In Detroit

Instead of building houses, Caleb has spent the last five years trekking to downtown Detroit each holiday season to pass out Christmas presents to homeless people on the streets.

Read Entire Story by Click HERE

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Christmas Smack Down: Tradition vs. Politically Correct vs. People With Brains

The one thing everyone can be sure of this holiday season is the politically correct never stops! It's becoming a literal Smack Down these days.   Sadly, PCers seem to be getting their way.     

Here's the dig, the PCers claim they don’t want to offend anyone who is not Christian.  

Yea, that’s their claims! 

However, I couldn't help but notice (as I always do) that these dweebs are not one bit interested in offending  the rest of us!  Christians and non-Christians alike!  

Below are just a few examples what these vandalizing politically correct ass hats are doing.  I am certain there are more, but you get the gist!  In addition to the examples, and just to keep things real, I have added the People With Brains commentary.   


Tradition: Santa Claus is a jolly fat elf.

The Politically Correct:  he needs to lose weight because he is a bad example for kids struggling with their self-image.  

People With Brains:  Yea, like those tooth picks, air brush, stick their fingers down their throat after eating a celery stick, who fill the pages of fashion magazines everywhere, are such a good example of what real people look like!

Tradition:  Santa says Ho! Ho! Ho!

The Politically Correct:  Santa must stop saying Ho! Ho! Ho!  Because it’s degrading to women!

People With Brains:  WTF??!  Excuse me!  Santa says Ho! Ho! Ho!  NOT … You’re a Ho!  Clean out your ears assholes!

Tradition:  Silent Night, Holy Night.  Talks about the Virgin mother, her infant who is born to be savior.

The Politically Correct:   No virgin mother, no child, no holy infant, no tender and mild, and definitely no Christ the savior or lord at thy birth

People With Brains:  This song is about the birth of Jesus Christ.  Granted, Jesus was not born on December 25.   However, the person who wrote the song believed it to be a holy and awe inspiring event nonetheless!   It was an incredible event, even if you don’t believe the story!  And the song reflects that. 

Very offensive that someone would take someone else’s work and deface it like that!   

What’s next on your PC agenda?   Paint a mustache on the Mona Lisa? 


Tradition:  A pine tree tree decorated in a wide assorted ornaments and garland is referred to as a Christmas Tree.  Reason being, it is done at Christmas time for Christmas!

The Politically Correct:  Call it a Holiday Tree, because we don't wanna offend anybody.  Better yet.  Take that thing down now!  People who don't celebrate Christmas hate it!  So take it down! 

People With Brains:  It's Christmas!  It's a Tree!  Therefore, it's a CHRISTMAS TREE!  Anyone who is offended need not look at it!  If they don't like it.  TOUGH!  I don't like seeing a lot of shit either!  But I deal with it because it is somebody's tradition and way of life!   I respect that.  And I do not ask...I DEMAND...the same respect shown to ME and MY f'ing traditions!

Tradition:  Say Merry Christmas during Christmas Season (officially begins the day after Thanksgiving)

The Politically Correct:  Saying Merry Christmas is religious persecution!  It offends those not Christian!!!!     Besides, all the other winter holidays are in there too, and they're all pretty much the same.  So just say Happy Holidays, that way you get everybody.  And nobody gets offended or persecuted.

People With Brains:  Christmas, Hannukkah, Kwanzii, The Solstice and Yule are NOT THE SAME THING!  And too, they don't all happen at the same time.  And most importantly, how do you figure saying Merry Christmas is religious persecution?  Are you insane?  Or just that special kind of stupid?  

You know, all this freeze dried bullshit started with the politically correct insisting that we say Happy Holidays instead of the traditional Merry Christmas, Happy Christmas, Joy Noel, etc.

You know that right?  

Well come what may,  you can bet your mistletoe I'm ready to RUMBLE!!!!