Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Gov't Conspiracy, Social Experiments and All That Freeze Dried Bullshit "or" Yes Virginia, There are Rat Bastard Gov't Operatives!

While I love Payless and Sears, I have made a conscious effort to avoid going to either places these days.  Why?  Because I can't purchase anything without being asked for my phone number, ZIP code and whatever else.

They claim it's to determine some obscure bullshit.  

Honestly, after all these years, you'd think they already have a good idea about whatever it is they were trying to find out, determine, calculate, estimate blah blah blah.

At the risk of sounding like some looney tune conspiracy theorist...I really feel like  the government is  behind it all.  Nosing around to see what you're doing, how you're doing it and why you're doing it.   Or something like that there.

You may be asking, why would the government be interested in what type of appliance or shoe or lawn care apparatus you get?  Simple.  To hike up the prices.  Make it scarce.   And then sit back and watch how everybody reacts.  

It's all part of a social experiment people conducting by our government.  I'm telling ya.

Call me paranoid.  Call me a nut job.  But I am dead serious about this.

Gov't fuck tards are so pathetic too.  They think if they give us "discounts" using those little plastic data minors we'll forget all about how they're invading our privacy through our purchases!!!!

We, The People, need to put an end to this freeze dried bullshit data collecting/social experimentation horseshit.

Give that money they're spending to pay some freak voyeur to our VETS!!!!  

Ass hat gov't and their bullshit spending has gots to go!  NOW!  

Who's with me?

Just say NO! to the unnecessary data collecting!!!!!

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