Saturday, June 16, 2012

Some Where Over The Rainbow: A Spiritual Analogy

Many of you are familiar with the movie, "The Wizard of Oz". But how many of you are aware of the fascinating parallels this movie has with respect to how the realm of spirit works with us here on this earth plane? 

Granted, many believed The Wizard of Oz was a political statement. Not really sure how that particular thought arose…but it was one that was prominent in the earlier days of the movie's showing.

But sitting that particular notion aside….let's take a look from a spiritual point of view.

Dorothy represents all of us who are questioning our reason for being. Like Dorothy, we pine for something MORE. Hoping and praying for that moment when something truly magical just happens in order to prove to us once and for all that we have that "special" connection to the Greater power.

Instead of appreciating and taking note of all we have around us, we only see how dull, dreary and boring it all is … spending our time looking towards "what If". Seeing life only in black & white.

Auntie Em.  She represents our soul mates, our kindred spirits,  those in our lives that mean the most to us.    Those who have seen us through times (both good and bad).    They are the people that are of our heart. 

Toto represents the Animal Totem/Guardians that we all have.

The Twister represents the "winds of change" that many times comes through and rips up our very foundation, carrying us towards challenges we need to face and overcome in our lives.
Challenges that we chose to ignore or put on the back burner so to speak.
 The death of the Wicked Witch of the East (the gal Dorothy's house landed on) represents the old ways that die and some times are literally squashed out! Changes that are subsequently abrupt by time and circumstances 

Munchkin Land.   The tunnel/bridge leading into the Other Side.

The Munchkins.  The wee people of Munchin City themselves, represent those on the Other side who we know only in passing.  They all are there to lend support, love, and a bit of guidance when and where needed.

The Yellow Brick road represents the path to Higher awareness. This is the path we all follow irregardless of our individual goals.

 Glinda, the Good Witch of the North.  She represents the position Angels have in our lives. Serving to protect and heal where and when needed.

 The Scarecrow, The Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion.    They are representations of our  Guides along the way. Each representing their particular area of expertise, teaching the young girl what she needs at that given moment.

Now I want you to take note that the three Guides here with Dorothy travelled along the Yellow Brick Road with Dorothy…side by side.   Learning and growing with her.   And too, they protected her and taught her lessons.   This shows that our guides Not only  serve as companions, but protectors and teachers as well.

The Wicked Witch of the West. Well this is a given! She represents the challenges we face, and she too serves as a teacher and guide as well!

Interesting isn't it? That even Dark Entities have an important role in our lives. How so?

Well, the Wicked Witch of the West provided the "motivation" Dorothy and her companions needed to stay on path and reach their destination.  And in the end…showed Dorothy and her friends, they had the strength, the courage, and the brains to face, meet and overcome anything she put in their path. She showed them they had what it took to make it.

The Emerald City.  The hub of the Other Side. Here anything and everything is possible!  Limited only by your own imagination! It is here we refresh ourselves after our journey and take time to get prepared for the next step ahead of us.

 The Wizard.  Much like the Wicked Witch of the West represents the people who we come across and who challenge us and motivate us in pursuing great deeds…deeds we never believed before was possible! The only difference is, The Wizard was a "seemingly" dark entity. Which is a lesson to all of us that not everyone is as they sometimes appear to be. And it is up to us, as individuals, to see past the facades and see the REAL person thru the eyes of understanding and compassion!

The Wizard signifies those people who assist us in seeing that we are everything we dreamed and hoped we could be. And we always were.

The Ruby Slippers.  These represent the power we all have.   All we have to do is use it!

Dorothy's return.   This  represents our TRUE Awakening.  It is that very moment when we finally realize, and most importantly, accept that we had all we wished for all along. That knowing of truth that everything and anything we want, need or hope for is no further than our own Back yard!

Embrace ALL That You Are!

Because you are ALL that there is!

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way. 

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