Thursday, December 30, 2010

My Thoughts on 2010: Part I -- "Maybe"

Maybe it was because I have had my fill and finally gave in to my fatigue.  In truth, I have grown weary of the same energy draining people who have come into my life.  Maybe it's because I've grown older -- and yes,  a bit wiser.   There is something to be said about growing old.  Maybe it's because I was actually paying attention this year.  In my defense, I was more alert and aware in 2010.

Hmmm ...   Maybe -- just maybe  ...all these wondrous changes and shifts in 2010 was due to all that conscious work I do,  and had been doing,  on my Self.  I mean,  I've been working very hard for years. Truth be told,  centuries -- eons even!!  *LOL*

Maybe a combination of all the above? 


The lessons that have repeated themselves year after year after year (etc., etc.) have finally sunk in. And by the powers of duct tape --in 2010, I do believe I got it!  I finally got it! 


Naturally, time will be the final deciding factor. 

Keeping that little nugget of wisdom in mind, I know there will be many more lessons to come -- some even a repeat and rehash of some of the old lessons.  I'm nobody's fool!  I've been paying attention! I know how the Universe operates.  I know how it loves to see if you really DID get it!!! But this feeling I have though --it's just difficult to put into words how I am feeling.  I just feel ... different

In all honesty, I don't remember feeling this way before. And even if I did -- I don't ever recall it being this profound! 

I first  began feeling it back in August of this year. I remember because It jostled me out of a deep sleep.   As I lay there in my bed, I recall saying out loud in  that moment ... "Something has changed!"   Gross understatement!  To be sure!  The events that unfolded that day,  and the days that followed, proved just how grossly understated that one particular thought had been!

2010 has been an outstanding year for rooting up, releasing and rejecting all the old crap that no longer serves us.  And from my observations, and personal experiences ...  resistance was more of a waste than ever before in 2010!

Well ... maybe it was just my own perspective that caused me to see all that.  Maybe!  Or maybe -- just maybe -- I am one of the few who did (at long last) ... finally accept the wisdom of our collective past experiences.  And maybe --just maybe -- we have finally all collectively  connected and come together -- reuniting after all these life times -- like the proverbial "birds of a feather" who naturally flock together.  Maybe as we slowly (but surely) congregate in massive numbers-- collectively and individually -- consciously leaving the old ways behind!  And in our collective-ness -- our gathering-ness ... we are leaving behind an incredible legacy! 

hmmm.  May --- Be!

As I finish up this note -- two songs played back to back ... the first "Can't Fight This Feeling" and "Hooked on a Feeling!"

Think The Universe is trying to tell me something. 

hmmm ... maybe!

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