
In-flight Act of Kindness To An Autistic Child

I love sharing stories where people are kind to one another.   Please share this with all your networks!   *~*~*~* When Shanell Mouland boarded a Philadelphia-bound plane out of Orlando early this month with her family, she was bracing for the worst. Mouland was headed home to New Brunswick, Canada, Jan. 5 with her husband and daughters Grace, 5, and Kate, 3, who has autism and doesn’t like to sit for long. They were returning from a week spent at Walt Disney World. “We knew that flights were difficult for her,” Mouland said. “And we knew this was going to be a tough one.” To Read the Entire Story and Watch the Video, Please Click HERE


This is a wonderful story that should be passed around as much as possible.   SheKnows Home & Living Editor Kelli Uhrich shares her moving experience with a stranger who offered her kindness. Please share and cross post on all your Social Networks!   *~*~*~*~* Dear Stranger, Today we stood next to one another in line at the Phoenix Sky Harbor airport, waiting to move through the security checkpoint. You probably don't remember me, but I will never forget you. I was the woman with the frazzled hair, the sweat-dripping brow and the large plastic bag — the latter of which was clearly unplanned. I was the woman in the back of the line who thought she had adequately prepared for her business trip but quickly discovered she hadn't. You, on the other hand, were composed, collected and early  for your flight. You owed me nothing. You didn't have to help me, but you did — and I don't know how else to say  thank-you . You see, this all began l...

Please Sign the Petition! Drop charges against transgender teen defending herself!

My sister, Jewlyes Gutierrez, is a 16 year old teenager, who identifies as a transgender female. Her gender identity has caused her to be a victim of taunting, harassment, and bullying by her peers.  On November 13, 2013, Jewlyes defended herself against three girls who were tormenting and then physically attacked her. This was captured on video and you can see Jewlyes trying to run away. The students involved were suspended but to our disbelief, District Attorney Daniel Cabral then filed charges against Jewlyes for battery - she's the only one charged. Jewlyes should not be charged criminally. Rather, this altercation should be the responsibility of the school district, who should take proper action and implement the necessary resources to prevent incidents like these from happening again.   One of the girls who attacked Jewlyes had repeated bullied her - even spitting gum in her face. Jewlyes sought help from the assistant principal in fear of her physical safety but th...

Texting Leads To Deadly Shooting

A little over 10 years ago, before all this texting nonsense began, just before having a cell phone became the "in thing," I made a prediction.  I predicted that before 2020, cell phones would be the cause of more deaths than alcohol and drugs! Sadly, it looks as if my prediction a decade ago is slowly but surely coming true. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* It started with a father sending text messages to his daughter during the previews of a movie. It ended with the 43-year-old man shot dead amid the theater seats, and a 71-year-old retired police officer in custody. The shooting Monday during a 1:20 p.m. showing of "Lone Survivor" at a Wesley Chapel, Florida, movie theater escalated from an objection to cell phone use, to a series of arguments, to the sudden and deadly shooting, according to police and witnesses. As a male moviegoer texted, the man seated behind him objected, and asked the texter to put his phone away. Read Entire Story HERE

9 Qualities Of Truly Confident People

Here is a list of qualities of Truly confident people-- the qualities they all have in common.  This is a great read as it makes you think about the people in your life (confident vs potentially cocky) and how you can grow as a person and leader. I encourage you to check out the 9 qualities below (some aren't as obvious as others) and be sure to check out the full post  here .  1. They take a stand not because they think they are always right… but because they are not afraid to be wrong. Cocky and conceited people tend to take a position and then proclaim, bluster, and totally disregard differing opinions or points of view. Their behavior isn’t a sign of confidence, though; it’s the hallmark of an intellectual bully.  Truly confident people don’t mind being proven wrong. They feel finding out what is right is a lot more important than  being  right.  2. They listen ten times more than they speak. Bragging is a mask for insecurity....

Are You Guilty of These 7 Deadly "Thinking" Sins?

Chances are, what you've been THINKING over the past two weeks is a likely indicator of how the coming year will shape up for you. So before you get too far into this amazing year ahead, I've come up with the "7 Deadly THINKING Sins" for you today and wanted to explore them with you. Here they are and the perspective you need to take steps to eliminate them: 1. "I'll do it tomorrow." The truth is you're never going to feel like doing what needs to be done. We all fool ourselves into thinking there will be a better time in the near future. * Anything you're putting off isn't going to get any easier. * The most successful people are very good at taking care of the most important tasks at hand. Some things are uncomfortable, and it's necessary to push through that discomfort. Start with baby steps and build up your tolerance for addressing what challenges you most! 2. "I can't do this. I can't stick wi...

Cyber Hygiene and Top Security Controls

In this digital age, we rely on our computers and devices for so many aspects of our lives that the need to be  proactive and vigilant to protect against cyber threats has never been greater. However, in order to be as secure as  possible, we need to use good cyber hygiene – that is, making sure we are protecting and maintaining systems  and devices appropriately and using cyber security best practices. Many key best practices are outlined in the Top 20 Critical Security Controls, managed by the Council on  CyberSecurity. These Controls assist in mitigating the most prevalent vulnerabilities that often result in many of  today's cyber security intrusions and incidents. The Center for Internet Security (CIS) provides free, PDF-formatted  configuration guides (Benchmarks) that can be used to implement the Controls and improve cyber security. Secure Your Wireless Network  Before the days of wireless (Wi-Fi) home networks, it was rather easy to see wh...