Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Texting Leads To Deadly Shooting

A little over 10 years ago, before all this texting nonsense began, just before having a cell phone became the "in thing," I made a prediction.  I predicted that before 2020, cell phones would be the cause of more deaths than alcohol and drugs!

Sadly, it looks as if my prediction a decade ago is slowly but surely coming true.


It started with a father sending text messages to his daughter during the previews of a movie.

It ended with the 43-year-old man shot dead amid the theater seats, and a 71-year-old retired police officer in custody.

The shooting Monday during a 1:20 p.m. showing of "Lone Survivor" at a Wesley Chapel, Florida, movie theater escalated from an objection to cell phone use, to a series of arguments, to the sudden and deadly shooting, according to police and witnesses.

As a male moviegoer texted, the man seated behind him objected, and asked the texter to put his phone away.

Read Entire Story HERE

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